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SuperFudge 09-03-2006 04:07 PM

Profilux II plus aquarium controller
Hi all,

Im excited and fortunate to show you the first one available in North America, and im pleased to give my thoughts about it.
It offers a staggering amount of options, i have yet to use even close all the features, but ill comment on the ones i can.

A few of its features that i thought unique or interesting,

Modules/expansion cards are placed in the unit, avoiding a big pile of external equipment.
No screws, just unclip the sides and your in.

Therapy, program a therapy session on your tank, for sick fish through the use of heaters and cooling from 3 to 21 days.

The lighting options are crazy to say the least.
T-5 dimming,moon phases, rainy days, storms, clouds and burn-in modes,LED dimming.

Networking, software and internet (bluetooth/LAN ready Aug. i believe) ill have to update this...i havent got to play with that part yet.

Ability to control pumps with Variable flow, like tunze.

Probe quality is excellent, titanium and platinum.

One big selling feature for me, was a remote display.
An external display with more viewable area than the main unit, so i can just check up on the system without looking in the fishroom.

Power Bars, Nice to have led`s on each outlet showing its use.

There is much more ,level sensors, heat dependant light reduction, reminders and measurement storage...but ill have to update you as i get a chance to hook them up.

So far its been very easy to use and i am very pleased all around.


safety4fire 09-03-2006 04:24 PM

What did you pay for it?
Where did you buy it from?


SuperFudge 09-03-2006 04:30 PM

I bought it through Hidden reef, via Proline aquatics.

For everything i got, it will run you about 1450.

Wich included Base unit, external display, 2-4 outlet powerbars, redox, PH, Conductivity and Temp cards and probes.
Level sensors with bracket, t-5 dimming card, tunze adapters and pc interface cables.

I believe there is one II plus unit left with lots off goodies for it, with more to arrive in the next week.


Ruth 09-03-2006 04:58 PM

Marc how hard would something like this be to use for "someone" :mrgreen: that is barely computor literate?

niloc16 09-03-2006 05:01 PM

mark that is awesome youre posting on this unit. i was reading up on it at hidden reef yesterday and was floored by what it does. do you know if it will also control a calcium reactor?

support@proline 09-03-2006 05:22 PM

Marc Thank you for your Review
This Controller was our sample ,Mark is the first hobbyist in North America to have this unit,I was amazed with all the features of this computer &also the fact that all units are built with super high aquality material & most of all it does not have the software problems & gliches of the other brands.
I saw this unit a few months ago in germany & have been working with the manufacturer to make all components UL/CSA approved.which is what you see now.
Matthias Gross the manufacturer won an award in germany for making this unit ,here is the link
I know with Marc's vast knowledge in this industry ,we will get the best review about it.
There is more info on it on their site but in german :mrgreen: isn't that always the case for new toys:mrgreen:
The extra extensions that come with this unit is simply unmatched by any other brand ,specially as Marc stated th View unit is made out of metal rather than plastic & looks a lot more sleek than Aquatronica.
Maybe we can ask Marc for the close up of the view unit:biggrin: :biggrin:
As far as pricing & availability ,price will be very close to Aquatronica ,with many more features& very easy to work with.
The units will be @ the store by the end of september or first week of october.
Once again Thank you Marc.

SuperFudge 09-03-2006 05:28 PM


I am in the same boat with computers. :(

It did take me a couple days to figure it out, but most of that was spent just figuring where i wanted the display and power bars, to make sure i could run all i wanted from where they were to be located.

Part of the confusion for me is, im not german...and the unit acsessories are.
The controller has been out some time there, but has only recently made its way to us out here, with its converted AC outlets and english manuals.
The only hard part for me was to figure out the acsessories that i would need to run what i wanted, really no problem of the controller, it is more my knowledge of how any controller runs.

Jason at Proline was invaluable and extremely helpful in this regard.

That being said, i did pick it up fairly easily, and ive never owned a controller before.
Aswell, there a few german forums that i have been given links to, that will also help us english speaking folk. :), though ive hooked up alot of it sofar without there use.

Besides, ill be your guinea pig :D

Niloc, yes it can.
A reactor selenoid would be plugged into the power bar, and according to reactor ph it will govern the seleniod.
If multiple ph are wanted, you will need the appropriate cards and additional probe.


SuperFudge 09-03-2006 05:41 PM

Here you go :D

It of course will scroll through and show whatever you like.

support@proline 09-03-2006 05:42 PM

As Marc mentioned there are 3 suppot forums in germany for this product,however ,best of my knowledge manufacturer wil have a support forum on reef central sometimes soon.
Also if there are any questions we be more than happy to answer them here on our local forum.
Regards Proline

support@proline 09-03-2006 05:43 PM

Nice picture & I love the way you have it framed & mouted ,looks amazing.

albert_dao 09-04-2006 03:57 AM

That thing is really sweet. What made you decide to go with that over the other controllers available out there?

BMW Rider 09-04-2006 04:19 PM

Wow, nice unit. This is the first I've heard of them. I look forward to seeing more on it and how it compares to my new toy.

These electronic controller systems are certainly evolving quickly and becomming excellent tools for reef keepers. The more that are out there the better for us. Hopefully market competition will drive even better features and equipment.

SuperFudge 09-05-2006 01:14 AM


There was a few reasons, some mentioned above.

-Cost, over all i got a little more or a little better for the same price as a few of the others.
-looks, clearly an easier to read display/s than the others out there.
-Quality, i have not seen such good quality probes before, no comparison to any of the other probes ive owned.
-it had a few options that i thought interesting, but knew nothing about..such as substrate heating with regular heating, using a single sensor for both but can regulate them independantly.
nightime temp decrease option,summer switching....ect.
-DCF function, wich is a radio controlled clock, so spring and fall time changes were already done for you.(unavailable here at this time)
aswell, time switching can be preset in small increments for the duration of a week or so.
-Tunze ready.
- I liked the idea of expanding within the controller, not keep adding external modules. Its like the PC, you remove a blank on the back, and insert a card as needed.
Also, it looks like they are making individual cards do multiple conductivity and redox are both on one card, so only using one expansion slot.
Definatly something to consider when purchasing initial cards.

I have yet to hook up to the PC,or seeing/using firmware so ill keep you updated on that.

BMW rider, Yes im glad these units are doing a little more now for less cost.
Ive wanted one for a long time, but never could call them affordable until now.


albert_dao 09-05-2006 05:47 PM

That's awesome! If I'm reading this right, these things replace the Tunze multicontrollers?

blaster 09-05-2006 06:40 PM

It must nice to be rich and goodlooking.

SuperFudge 09-05-2006 11:24 PM


I have not hooked them up to the tunzes, though i did purchase the cables to do so.
But from what i understand so far, yes, instead of "off and on" on it will increase/decrease power to the desired channels, using your pre-programmed settings,aswell as using a random generator.


Originally Posted by blaster
It must nice to be rich and goodlooking.

Josh, Please tell me your a lady..and thats not you in your avatar.

SuperFudge 09-05-2006 11:36 PM

A very interesting note....

If T-5 Ballasts are chosen carefully, ones with no external cut-out (using an internal one), there is no need to use any of your power bar outlets for them. these will use another interface cable, and connected to a permanent power saving the controllable outlets for other goodies !


Redrover 09-10-2006 03:22 AM

Hey Marc this sound very interesting...this is Ron..deceided on Redrover
other then Animal....Anyway how does one add attachment ?

SuperFudge 09-10-2006 01:51 PM

Hey Ron, WELCOME !

Good to see you on the board.

Do you mean the attachment of the different units for the controller ?

If so, the cards are placed in the unit, but most of the connections are like a phone simply plugs into the back of the unit.

It all depends what your wanting to control with the unit, say if its your tunze (powerhead) you would get the appropriate cable and just plug that into it.

Your welcome to have a look at mine anytime, if you want to see first hand.


BMW Rider 09-10-2006 07:23 PM

Is there an english web site or information. I really like to read more on it, but my German is, well... pretty weak.

support@proline 09-10-2006 08:30 PM

Hi Ed
The english website is under construction ,we will also have a support forum on Reef Central
I think it should be done in the next 2 or 3 weeks maybe a bit longer , but it's being worked on as we speak.
Thank you for your patience & meanwhile you can ask any questions you have here .
Also just to update you guys ,the SMS/BLUETOOTH , LAN will be released by the end of september or mid october.
GHL is also working on complete lighting system & other probes to test different parameters.
The lighting system will be very different than what we have seen so far in the hobby ,it will be probably released by the end of the year ,we will keep you posted as we know more

fredl 09-10-2006 09:02 PM

sounds like a very nice unit.
Is it similar to an IKS -Aquastar controller ?

support@proline 09-10-2006 09:53 PM

Similar in many features also Many new features & will be alot better in price compared to IKS
I like the display on Profilux better compared to IKS

i2ik 10-06-2006 03:10 AM

Any updates? :)

SuperFudge 10-08-2006 06:03 PM

I am just awaiting wireless for use of the software, unless i buy another pc i cannot run the line to my existing one....a week or two at most im hoping.

I was playing with the top off and level sensors and found some other features that are interesting.
You can have multiple back up options for water level control.

Multiple water level sensors can be used, also in combination with optical and/or float valve sensors.

These sensors can be used as minimum and max on a single water level, or to maintain multiple levels for top up.

They can also be set to preform your water change automaticaly, by using min and max sensors.

Failsafes are numerous, cord removal/wear or breakage results as a "max reading" and turns off supply, aswell as using a switched outlet on the powerbar max on times can be set, if exceeded will alarm and turn off supply.

Waves or chaotic water influence are minimal, sensors wait for a stable reading before switching.

Pretty soon ill have this puppy doin my all chores :D.


i2ik 10-09-2006 05:11 AM

Simply CRAZY!!! Performing water change!! Is there a way to do it? I would like to know more about the water change mecanism. How does it work? I have been trying to get more information about this controller up to now and its hard to find except from you. I will for sure be considering one of these or the Elos controller as soon as my tank arrived!

SuperFudge 10-11-2006 03:37 AM


Water Changes are performed at preset times.
Water will be drained off using the switchable socket.
At this time a sensor detecting a minimum water level will be shutting it off .
Then another switchable socket is automatically kicked on until a second water sensor is reading a maximum water level.

There is also a maximum on time for these outlets preset for "water" on 1 and 2, therefore if a sensor fails this outlet will automatically turn off according to what you have preset.


i2ik 10-11-2006 07:43 PM

Simply amazing! Thanks Fudge! Looking foward to get one. Do you know the price range of it?

Dave C 10-28-2006 04:18 PM

I can't find that controller on Proline's site but I did find ELOS. How does this product compare with the ELOS?

i2ik 12-11-2006 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Fudge (Post 208852)
Networking, software and internet (bluetooth/LAN ready Aug. i believe) ill have to update this...i havent got to play with that part yet.

DO you have news of this part here? "networking, software and internet" is it just like Ethernet?


PS: have you try anything new with it? How is it working now after a few months that you have it? Also, i can't wait to be able to read the website of it:, any update on this Jason?

support@proline 12-11-2006 07:26 PM

Sorry for late reply
Our shipment will be here end of this week ,so expect them to hit the store ,early next week.
First shipment is reslly limited ,all the people that have prebooked them please contact the store that you purchased them from ,to make sure you are going to receive your controller.
The W-LAN & LAN ,interfaces will be in this shipment as well ,I will update this thread as soon as we have them in our hand

i2ik 12-12-2006 12:07 AM

Thanks Jason! :)

Mr. Scratch 12-12-2006 01:31 AM

What is the price on these particular units if i may ask, a pm is welcomed if warranted.

SuperFudge 12-15-2006 04:23 AM

Sorry so late....i2ik,

Unfortunatley i havent much to update, i am awaiting several pieces that would allow me to do just that, this will allow me to automate several other things i would like to see done with the controller, such as water changes, top up, heating and cooling, possibly some dimming with t-5`s in the near future.

I am upgrading to a third power bar, but await the card to insert to make it work.
Aswell my unit didnt come with wireless capability and also awaiting this part/s for this feature...i can then update that in regards to software user-freindlyness and capabilities.

I have been also enthusiastically awaiting the blutooth/lan pieces to set up alarm calling.
That was one thing at the top of the list in the purchase of the i cant wait for that.

So, needless to say as soon as i get my paws on this stuff, i will gladly update you all with pics and in good detail.

Thanks, Marc.

support@proline 12-19-2006 04:26 AM

So they are finaly here.we just received the shipment today.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
for anyone that has a preorder ,please contact your LFS.
very limited quantities ,unfortunately for this shipment we will not have any more units to offer beside the preorders ,the next shipment is confirmed for mid Jan .
Due to alot of interest from our US customers ,that shipment is almost sold out as well ,if you are interested to get your computer from next shipment please contact your LFS ,to reserve one from next shipment ,before the end of the month.
Also if you are interested in the LAN module ,please let your LFS know if you would like the Wireless LAN or the Hard wire LAN module.

niloc16 12-19-2006 05:08 AM

the wireless lan module, does it allow the controller to wirelessly connect to my computer for updates and what not?

support@proline 12-19-2006 06:25 AM

Yes colin, it will however you will need a wireless router present ,for it to connect to.
If you have a computer close to the tank I will go for the hard wire one ,It simply costs less (alomost half as much ) & does the same thing.

niloc16 12-19-2006 07:06 AM

cool, i dont have one that close so wireless is the way i'm going to go i think.

Dave C 12-19-2006 11:38 AM

I've got a few questions about this unit. Can it operate devices on the basis of multiple criteria? For instance, water level is down & pH is lower then preset amount... use kalk for topoff... water level is down & pH is higher then preset amount... use straight RO for topoff. For Lan connectivity, how does it appear on the net? Does it use its own IP address or piggyback off of the LAN IP? Does it connect to a router or a computer to get on the net? Are there plans for a calcium probe in the near future? Or a nitrate probe? Is it Tunze approved? In other words, are you affecting your Tunze warranty by using this unit to control your Tunze products? Does Tunze specifically state anywhere that it approves of this controller controlling their powerheads?

support@proline 12-19-2006 08:23 PM

Good stuff colin ,it is great that we have the wireless option.
Hi Dave
Yes to the first question it is capable of doing that ,on the side not we also have optical level sensors for Profilux aswell
Second question ,we just got the LAN modules in yesterday ,I will give you more info on that soon.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
As far as calcium probe ,GHL has been playing with the Idea ,the peoblem is only one thing ,unlike other manufactureres their number 1 concern is the quality of each piece of equipment,the price of CA probes that they were comfortable to use & passed the test of time ,quality & did not have to be refiled & recalibrated & was good for continious use was too high for the hobby ,so they are looking for other sources & they will not lower their standards to rebrand a cheap quality probe line like many other companies have done,the programing is already done & rather the easy part.
There are other features & modules in the work I will let you know as soon as we have more info.
As far as if it is approved by Tunze to use them with the pump ,I have to ask the manufacturer & I am not sure .
I know one thing for a fact most german users use Tunze with profilux & I frequent many german forums myself & not one person has reported any problems with this feature .
Keep in mind we are not dimmimg the pump from the 110v powersource ,there is a 12v connection from profilux that connects to the pump driver ,not the power plug ,so this feature does not even take a socket away from you.

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