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RobbAdams 08-22-2006 05:20 AM

Quietest return pump
I think I may have bought a bum pump, or their is a piece missing. I took it all apart today, and it appears thattheir is a bit of play in the shaft I think this is causing the noise.

Any way I need another return pump. I will be buying new this time, and would like at least 1200 GPH preferably a bit more.

Any reccomendations out there. I am not rich, but willing to pay for the right product. Is there such thing as an "Eheim" like quiet return pump?


Rikko 08-22-2006 06:23 AM

I've got to say I'm really happy with my Mag 7 for return. I don't even have it insulated agains the bottom of my sump and I hardly hear it when I have the stand doors open.
I played with a Mag 12 briefly and it was quite a bit noisier, but the 7 is a peach.

albert_dao 08-22-2006 06:43 AM


Willow 08-22-2006 07:00 AM

sorry to disagree, i have never found mags to be very quiet.

albert_dao 08-22-2006 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Willow

sorry to disagree, i have never found mags to be very quiet.


RobbAdams 08-22-2006 02:19 PM

Albert do you carry the poseiden?

How would you compare it to the snapper?

rudy 08-22-2006 02:52 PM

I think mags are quiet up to the 1200 model. After that they are stupid loud.

Willow 08-22-2006 02:52 PM

the only problem with the posidien is it can add heat to the water as it doesn’t have a fan. it does have a titanium core though and is dead quiet. i also have a blueline that is not entirely silent but not bad.

Psyire 08-22-2006 03:39 PM

Both my GenX (Pacific Coast Imports) PCX55HP's are deadly quiet.

RobbAdams 08-22-2006 03:44 PM

I think perhaps it is worn out, there is some lateral shaft movement when I had it apart.


albert_dao 08-22-2006 05:15 PM

The Snapper runs whisper quiet. I can show you the Dart at the store sometime. They should be identical in performance.

Reefer Rob 08-22-2006 06:07 PM

The Poseidon puts out a lot of heat, couldn't run it on my 72 gal. Albert, how are the Snappers as far as heat goes?

Ruth 08-22-2006 06:13 PM

You can also check out the Red Devil pump - I believe that Hidden Reef carries them. They are super quiet but also very $$$$$

muck 08-22-2006 06:34 PM

Devil... :lol:

You mean Dragon, right Ruth. :mrgreen:

Ruth 08-22-2006 06:49 PM

:redface: Caught - must have been on a flight of fantasy there Ryan.............. of course I mean Dragon.

albert_dao 08-22-2006 11:50 PM

Snappers also put out a lot of heat, but the volute is completely seperated from the motor assembly, so there's no heat transfer.

AndyL 08-23-2006 12:16 AM

Eheim - 1262 is super reliable and quiet. 80w power consumption - more efficient than the comparable mag9.5 - Only 900gph though

Oceanrunner 3500 - Same as above, 65w - again only 900gph range though

Tunze makes a turbelle return pump - don't know a darn thing about it either - but you know it'd have tunze pricing, and reliability.

Manny 08-23-2006 12:48 AM

I have 2 posiedons on my 65gal and I have no isues with heat. My tank runs between 79-82 deg. And they are super quit, my fans are louder and the only sound they make is the sound of moving air.

RobbAdams 08-23-2006 06:17 PM

Any Experience with Quietone pumps, I was looking at the 6000.


Reefer Rob 08-23-2006 10:50 PM

Quiet Ones are not very quiet. I have one on my skimmer and one on my return (different sizes). They've been very reliable though.

Funky_Fish14 08-23-2006 11:06 PM

I've heard the expression "Quietnone" on this board before, not sure how quiet they would be then, lol.

Veng68 08-24-2006 02:12 AM

I heard Quietone pumps add heat to the system (but that could be the older models....... when the casing was brown and not blue).

Vic [veng68]

muck 08-24-2006 05:01 AM

All submersable pumps will add heat to a system. Some more than others.

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