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Richard_Dicosimo 07-31-2006 09:45 PM

new saltwater store in town
saw an add in the herald today and checked it out.
the stores very clean nice people. its a little bit bigger then golds, lots of fish.

its called red coral aquarium
address #118, 3604 - 52 ave nw 338-1880

did anyone else know this store was open?
i heard there is another saltwater store opening up in the south, any one know anything else about it???


OCDP 07-31-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Richard_Dicosimo
saw an add in the herald today and checked it out.
the stores very clean nice people. its a little bit bigger then golds, lots of fish.

its called red coral aquarium
address #118, 3604 - 52 ave nw 338-1880

did anyone else know this store was open?
i heard there is another saltwater store opening up in the south, any one know anything else about it???


Good stuff.. I had no idea this store existed. Thanks man.. I'll have to check them out . What's the coral selection like??

I don't know anythign about the one in the south however.

Richard_Dicosimo 07-31-2006 09:57 PM

no corals yet he says soon tho hes worried about the heat with the metal halides or sumthing to that effect.


Delphinus 07-31-2006 10:23 PM

Thank goodness! Because what this city totally needs is yet another LFS in the north!

Where in the heck is 52Av and 36St NW anyhow? Is that somewhere near Market Mall?

Richard_Dicosimo 07-31-2006 10:41 PM

near northland mall, right off of shag by that school thats right there.


muck 07-31-2006 11:19 PM

ooohh.. Tony's bitter. :lol:

Tarolisol 08-01-2006 01:04 AM

Wow another store that i will only make it to once every couple months. Come one someone open one in the south, I would in a second if i had the funding.

Richard_Dicosimo 08-01-2006 01:29 AM

to bad we dont have Vancouvers population i would love to walk into a store thats just a big wharehouse full of tanks, then again i suppose big als was kinda similar to that and i didnt like to shop there.


adidas 08-01-2006 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Tarolisol
Come one someone open one in the south,

Golds is in the south! :P

BMW Rider 08-01-2006 02:59 PM

Hey Tony, maybe you guys down south can organize a group order and send someone up to pick it up. :lol: :lol: Or perhaps shipping wouldn't be too expensive. Could probably have it overnighted to you by UPS or FedEx. :mrgreen:

muck 08-01-2006 03:09 PM


RobbAdams 08-02-2006 12:43 AM

what did they have for marine fish?

Snappy 08-02-2006 03:08 AM

There are plans for a store in the south in the near future, or so I am told.

Richard_Dicosimo 08-02-2006 04:32 AM

mmm i cant remember that great now but i know they had a ton of triggers 3 mantis shrimp 1 peacock umm a couple angels sum live rock dont know how much he wants for the rock tho
mmmm i think a couple tangs but nothing overly exciting there
uhhmmm check it out for yourself i know im not the only compulsive reefer who frequents all the fish stores in town when im bored.


Moogled 08-02-2006 05:52 AM

Why is it such a problem for so many people to go to a LFS to pick up some fish?

I live in the NW and regularly drive down to Gold's to pick some items up. It seems to be the median for people that live in the North and South (around the Acadia area).

It's a straight shot once you get onto Deerfoot and shouldn't take that long - - - - - - unless you live wayyyyyy out there like Greg does. :P

BMW Rider 08-02-2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Moogled
It's a straight shot once you get onto Deerfoot and shouldn't take that long - - - - - - unless you live wayyyyyy out there like Greg does. :P

...or Tony, I had to pack a lunch for the trip down to his place :lol: :lol: I can totally understand his concerns and desire for a south store.

Delphinus 08-02-2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Moogled
get onto Deerfoot and shouldn't take that long

:lol: That's pretty funny :razz: Sure, on a "good" traffic day it's not so bad. But it can be a nightmare on a not-so-good day.


Gold's [...] (around the Acadia area).
Um .. If by "Acadia" you mean "Forest Lawn" then, sure. :razz:

I'm not saying it's impossible to get to the north stores if you live in the south. But it's definitely a time commitment. A store in the south end would be welcome by many I think. It's an unserved market niche, I really think do think a store that's say about as south as Chinook Centre or maybe even down to 90th Av or so would *totally* have a captured market. There have been rumours of a new south store, like Greg hinted at, but those rumours have been around for months now (since at least January).. If and when it happens that someone opens the store, there will probably be a lot of interested customers. Time will tell I guess.

Delphinus 08-02-2006 04:00 PM

Forgot to mention, I did pop by briefly to Ocean City last night since I found myself in the north anyhow.

They are in that little shopping mall just west of Centre street (next to that cultural-centre/mall/restaurant-centre thing) on the south side of 16th. About as far west of Centre St as Wai's is east of Centre St (if that makes any sense). A little bit smaller than the older location. Everything had that "brand new tank" almost-sterile look to it, but there are fish and corals for sale now.

Their sign says their website is: although when I go there it's just a "coming soon" type page.

danny zubot 08-02-2006 04:50 PM

The problem with going to the "north stores" is that I was completley spoiled having Ba's down the hill from me, so driving more than 2 blocks sucks.:wink:

Not to mention that in a city of a million people who's infrastructure was outdated in the 80's, driving anywhere sucks. Especially the NW end? Its not like the south. North and south aren't north and south, the sun doesn't rise in the east or settle in the west. It's like Wonderland or Oz or something.

What the hell am I going to do when I move to High River?

Finaddict 08-02-2006 05:00 PM


I was in tanks alot- under paws petfood( corner of heritage ans elbow drive)
yesterday and was talking to jefff the new fish manager down there and he is just starting to carry salt water . he is planning on getting more dry goods, salt mixes and live rock and some inverts.
He just has a few fish right now( clowns, damsels) forsale.

He is still looking for a few suppliers so it just a start but aleast there is something closer to me and tony!!!! hahaa

danny zubot 08-02-2006 05:06 PM

Where's he going to put it all?

Moogled 08-02-2006 08:45 PM

Haha, I understand the frustration. It never hurts to have a good LFS open close to home.

Whenever I plan to pop by Gold's, I make sure it's between 11 - 3pm on a weekday, just to avoid the rush. But since I don't have a career job where I have to be at work from 9-5, it is obviously much harder for other people to do what I do.

Is the traffic bad on the weekends? The flow seems normal enough to ensure a timely trip, which leaves excuses for familial obligations.

SJSobczyk 08-02-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Moogled
Is the traffic bad on the weekends? The flow seems normal enough to ensure a timely trip, which leaves excuses for familial obligations.

Its not the traffic thats bad its all the porn stores that you have to stop by to get to golds. Really adds up to be a tough day!


Snappy 08-02-2006 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Moogled
Why is it such a problem for so many people to go to a LFS to pick up some fish?

I live in the NW and regularly drive down to Gold's to pick some items up. It seems to be the median for people that live in the North and South (around the Acadia area).

It's a straight shot once you get onto Deerfoot and shouldn't take that long - - - - - - unless you live wayyyyyy out there like Greg does. :P

With the way the city is spreading Deer Run is almost central:razz:

midgetwaiter 08-02-2006 11:28 PM

The main problem in the south is the price of commerical real estate. I did some poking around a while ago and it is really getting out of hand. Somebody could open a store down there but by the time they covered thier costs everybody would be complaining about the prices being too high.

albert_dao 08-03-2006 04:35 PM

I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but here's my opinion nonetheless:

If I didn't work in this hobby, I probably wouldn't even be keeping saltwater. I've been ripped off, lied to, and manipulated more times than not. Hell, when I just started in this (around 13), the owner of the only SW store in town sold me a rock of bubble algae for $30. $30!!!! You know how long it takes a 13 year old kid to save up $30? Thanks Jacka$$, I didn't forget.

RobbAdams 08-03-2006 04:47 PM

Almost every day I wish that the old " Hole in the Wall" store was still around. It was my first LFS when I was about 10 or 12. They had a
SW section , and the whole till area was basically constructed out of an elabotate Trickle Filter system. And they had 3 foot sharks!! Ok they probably were not that big but hey I was only 10 or 12.


Delphinus 08-03-2006 04:51 PM

Albert, wouldn't that have only been about a year ago? Of course you still remember! :p

But in that same vein .... wow Robb, you're old! (Sigh.. I remember Hole in the Wall too, and I remember those sharks. And I was about 10 or 12 too.) All dese yung'uns these days, I tells ya.

albert_dao 08-03-2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
Albert, wouldn't that have only been about a year ago? Of course you still remember! :p

But in that same vein .... wow Robb, you're old! (Sigh.. I remember Hole in the Wall too, and I remember those sharks. And I was about 10 or 12 too.) All dese yung'uns these days, I tells ya.

What the hell? How come I remember Hole in the Wall...?

RobbAdams 08-03-2006 05:56 PM

Damn I thought 31 was still young:redface:

I was saving my allowance for red tailed sharks, neon tetras and blue gorami's in those days:mrgreen:


Tarolisol 08-03-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
Albert, wouldn't that have only been about a year ago? Of course you still remember! :p

But in that same vein .... wow Robb, you're old! (Sigh.. I remember Hole in the Wall too, and I remember those sharks. And I was about 10 or 12 too.) All dese yung'uns these days, I tells ya.

I remember hole in the wall as well and im only 21, its was somewhere north of south centre cant remember exactly. Was it around cash converters? Or the old jumbo video?

G1GY 08-03-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
(Sigh.. I remember Hole in the Wall too, and I remember those sharks. And I was about 10 or 12 too.)


Admit it Tony! You where driving to that shop just like I was!

10 or 12 :lol:

The crappy thing about that shop was that it was in the wrong part of town.

*Insert your flame here.*

Delphinus 08-03-2006 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tarolisol
I remember hole in the wall as well and im only 21, its was somewhere north of south centre cant remember exactly. Was it around cash converters? Or the old jumbo video?

Oh geez, I had completely forgot, that's right, there was a period there in the 90's where it was in that same stripmall that Santa Fe Grill is in.

I was thinking of when it was on 11th Av over by the "Super-S" (early 80's). Can't remember when they closed that one.

PS. Yeah, 10 or 12, give or take .. :redface: Memory not quite was it used to be .. um .. what were we talking about again? Where are my glasses!

michika 08-04-2006 04:31 PM

Wow do I ever feel old. Hole in the Wall was the place way back when I lived in good old Cowtown!

Delphinus 08-04-2006 04:47 PM

Yeah, well... if you really want to feel old, here's a thought for you:

For the people graduating from high school right now, Wayne Gretzky "never" played for the Oilers. :eek:

BMW Rider 08-04-2006 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
Yeah, well... if you really want to feel old, here's a thought for you:

For the people graduating from high school right now, Wayne Gretzky "never" played for the Oilers. :eek:

Some people (Edmontonians ???) still refuse to accept that he doesn't. :lol: :lol:

AndyL 08-18-2006 10:47 PM

Stuck my head into Red Coral this afternoon (It's tucked away in the mall farthest from northland drive, behind mack's & petro canada) Basically turn at 52nd, and turn into the farthest parking lot... You'll see it in the corner of the building.

They've got some really nice hawaiian fish in. Some really nice wrasses, angels, and dottybacks - the steini's were awesome.

AJ_77 08-19-2006 02:26 AM

It is a cool little shop, isn't it?

Everybody go say Hi to Freeman! :biggrin:

EmilyB 08-19-2006 06:59 AM

I stopped by there and got some astreas finally....:biggrin:

He was a bit surprised that news travels about prices....:lol:

Seemed pretty eager to me. I will be checking it out.

AJ_77 08-20-2006 10:37 PM

took my son on a Sunday LFS tour... sort of...

Ocean City - sign on door reads "back in 1 hour" - to me that translates to "see you next year"

Fishes' Graveyard - reminds me how I never want to go back in there

Red Coral - our NW version of Gold is closed Sundays- can't wait to support that little shop tho

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