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Chaloupa 07-26-2006 06:45 AM

Newest additions to 120g
My new Orange Spot Rabbitfish and Copperband Butterfly...thanks J&L's for excellent service, excellent packaging and excellent fish! Both are picking about although the rabbit is a bit more shy than the CB!

muck 07-26-2006 02:38 PM

Great looking fishies Sarah!
Both fish I'd love to get once I setup a large system.

kuatto 07-26-2006 02:52 PM

Love how the rabbit blends into the rock.

Chaloupa 07-26-2006 02:57 PM

you should see him (or should I say not see him) when he is can't see him at all...pretty cool camouflage blends right into the rock...but when he is content he is BEAUTIFUL!

muck 07-26-2006 02:57 PM

lol... I thought you had 6 clowns in that pic for a sec.. :lol:

Chaloupa 07-26-2006 03:00 PM

Ha ha ha...only 3 ...2 black (bought as percs but both the retailer and I didn't quite think that was right as look like Saddlebacks and have ID'd on and RC and both concur) and one large brown/red saddleback...all get along well and share pretty well when it comes to the anemone

Delphinus 07-26-2006 04:27 PM

WOW Awesome!!

Joe Reefer 07-26-2006 05:02 PM

Sweet fish, I want one!

christyf5 07-26-2006 05:25 PM

Damn! Thats one cool looking fish. I love my rabbitfishy when I had him, he just grew too quick and it was scaring me.

After seeing your CBB, once again I am yearning for a copperband. Yeeearrrrrnnning!!! *



Skimmer Juice 07-26-2006 06:03 PM

That rabit is so cool.Ithought i SEEN EVERY FISH.gUESS NOT.

Psyire 07-26-2006 11:19 PM

Nice lookin' Rabbit, mine is just acclimating. What's funny is I also just bought a CBB, heh.

Chaloupa 07-27-2006 12:51 AM

Psyire....WEIRD! What else is in your tank with these 2? Mine is only a 120 but hoping that growth will be slow enough that he will be ok in a 120 for a year or so.....he is mowing the algae down really really well! In Camo colors most of the time too...but colors up really well if we just sit and watch the tank.

Psyire 07-27-2006 09:17 PM

Three Tangs, a Foxface, Bluethroat trigger, Clownfish, Mandarin, Lawnmower, and 2 Bartlett's Anthias. So basically my 180g is full now. My Sailfin tang really dosen't like the CBB though, so he's being confined to the upper most right of the tank, and won't leave. Hopefully he'll become more receptive... When I added my purple tang, he was stuck in that corner for 3-4 days. So I guess we'll see...

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