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Nate 07-17-2006 09:43 PM

FS: Lots of used equipment
Hey guys,

Just wanna get rid of some of the stuff I got in the closing down of Big Als. Trying to help get some of the money that was owed to me and pay someone for the storage that they have provided

I have....
4 - 5 foot 100 gallon tanks 60X18X24 2 holes at top ALL SOLD 2 pending pickup

5 - 33 gallon breeders - 29 X 18 X 15 with back and sides 18 inches high 20 bucks each...must pick up asap

7 - 50 gallon breeder style tanks - 43.5 X 18 X 15 30 bucks each...must pick up right away

tanks have 3 sides painted blue, and one to two holes, c/w bulkheads

4 or 5 - Little Giant TE 5.5 MD SC pumps1/3 HP, 1900 GPH (114LPM) @ 5', 115/230V - Magnetic Drive Pump 100 bucks each

1 Tank - 56 X 30 X 14 two holes on either ends...used for Liverock at Big Als. The mother of all frags tanks 60 bucks...pickup asap

4 - 40 watt lifeguard UV sterilizers bulbs under six months 100 bucks each

Biolballs....many, many used bioballs. make an offer...

Biotowers - make an offer...come and see....

Coloured gravels yuck!

Worksink...3 baffles, metal, large... sold

Pls pm me offers on this stuff, and ask any questions necessary on the forum thankyou...


Nate 07-18-2006 05:44 AM

edited with more info, lots of inquiries....taking offers...


TheReefGeek 07-18-2006 03:39 PM

You have PM

DwX 07-18-2006 10:20 PM

Are you willing to ship?

whiteice669 07-19-2006 04:20 AM

pm sent

Nate 07-19-2006 07:31 AM

shipping is ok
Sure I'll ship...just cleaning out the garage as a friend has been storing it for me...

andestang 07-19-2006 08:32 PM


Nate 07-21-2006 05:33 AM

all pms replied
Hey guys,

All pm's replied. Taking offers on all of this stuff. Just shoot me an offer, and I will either accept or tell you that you are out to lunch...(in a nice way)

Quantity discounts yourself a system today...

Also have racking that is negotiable if you want to set up a system.

howdy20012002 07-21-2006 11:36 AM

re pms
I haven't received a reply ????

Nate 07-24-2006 10:32 PM

Howdy....sorry, I must have missed ya, I replied a while ago and have not heard back.

Let me know,


mr_alberta 07-24-2006 11:37 PM


What is the condition of the 54"x30"x14" tank? Where are the holes and how big are they?

Nate 07-25-2006 12:29 AM

2 inch bulkheads, I believe so 2.5 inch holes....

on either end at the top in the middle..

Let me know if you are interested.


mr_alberta 07-25-2006 01:38 AM


Can you post some pictures of the tank? I just want to see what shape it is in. Any scratches? Any of the sides painted?


Nate 07-25-2006 04:00 AM

I will give it a go...I am just currently housesitting, then camping and moving into a new place, so there is a lot going on.

No sides are painted, and it was a live rock bin from Big Als, so there is more than likely some scratches out of it.

I will try to get your Email


Nate 08-15-2006 05:30 AM

ok guys...
ok guys....

Just moved into my new tank on the way, new job...gotta get rid of all this old Big als stuff.

Taking offers on it, as many, many, many people have wanted to see it, but then cancelled or dont show up...

buyers so far have been quite pleased in my opinion...

taking offers...dont have access to pictures....all this stuff is in a friends garage in the sw woodbine area...meetings can be arranged...

let me know...


Slick Fork 08-15-2006 03:15 PM

I took a 100 and a 50 gallon tank,

Both in really decent shape all things considered, not badly scratched up at all and I was real pleased with how Nate handled everything. Don't be afraid to give him a call!


OCDP 08-15-2006 08:03 PM

Nate, I know someone who may be interested in grabbing a tank off you for QT purposes. I'll send her the link and let her PM you and what not...

Nate 08-17-2006 05:31 AM

Hey Guys!
Hey guys, I want this stuff gone...

PM me any offers on this stuff!



Nate 09-05-2006 05:23 AM

much still avail....needs to be gone asap...

posted low prices, want something....I can save it...but not one more person who doesnt show up...been a long and frustrating process...sorry for venting the frustration...

make offers on multiples....

Nate 09-12-2006 05:39 AM

still have tanks
HEy guys,

tanks are now subject to coral a colt? a hammer, some sps...hook me up and I will hook you up with a tank...or several tanks...

Dont have the cash? Let meknow...a coral frag trade can be set for the future. Man, even go to golds or anothe rshop, and pick me up one...and I will give you atank...haha

Getting rid of these tanks...they will eventualy hit the garbage...just wanna help out local area reefers before they do.


Nate 09-13-2006 04:49 AM

lots of interest...
lots of interest lets see who pulls through.


Nate 10-02-2006 04:59 AM

All tanks gone
All tanks, sumps, biotowers, and UVs and pumps are now gone...

Donated to a 1000 gallon setup I will be working on...

Thread can be closed...thanks to those who actually showed up...

MMa 10-17-2006 03:49 AM

Cost and location
where is this stuff al located and how much ar the 100G tanks

Nate 10-17-2006 04:19 AM

Please refere to last post
Please refer to last post...moderator may want to close the thread!

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