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reefsurfer 06-17-2006 06:02 AM

Tangs for sale
On vancouver island. a 3" yellow tang. beautiful fish, great health, great grazer!! Will thrive in a reef system. 20$

Also 5" Kole tang. Great health, awesome with turf algea. This fish is immaculate and will do realy well in a reef system. 25$

Tangs can be sold seperatly though they get along quite well.
You pay for shipping.


Bartman 06-19-2006 09:12 AM

How big is the tank these fish are coming out of?

reefsurfer 06-19-2006 07:54 PM

Theyre in a 75 gallon.

reefsurfer 06-27-2006 03:39 AM

Anybody for some tangs?

wild2cpl 06-27-2006 03:59 AM

are you comming to naniamo any time soon??

reefsurfer 06-27-2006 04:53 PM

I dont think Ill be going there, how interested are you? How big is your tank?

Chaloupa 06-28-2006 12:25 AM

I have seen these fish as I did purchase the rock and stuff...they are beautiful! And worth the price for sure!

wild2cpl 06-28-2006 02:22 AM

Is it true the yellow tang are not good with inverts? The tank is a 70 gal with cleaners, hermits, and a cpl crabs for inverts

Willow 06-28-2006 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by wild2cpl
Is it true the yellow tang are not good with inverts? The tank is a 70 gal with cleaners, hermits, and a cpl crabs for inverts

no, it's not true.

reefsurfer 06-28-2006 04:25 AM

Thanks Sarah:) Hope your still happy with everything.

The tang does eat the algea off of hermitt crabs shells now and again, knocking them off. Thats as bad as ive seen him get with inverts:)

Chaloupa 06-28-2006 04:59 AM

The Carpet Anemone is doing great, the male clown is great! Now he is thriving. I am a bit sad over the female but we are going to grab a small one and try to pair them. :biggrin:

wild2cpl 06-28-2006 04:32 PM

im very intested then. maybe in both. I just don't know what the other looks like haven't found a pic and I'm new to the salt water end of things:lol:

reefsurfer 06-28-2006 05:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Glad to hear the carpet is doing great. Im also sad about that female, she was a gorgeous one:(

Good idea with a small clown, surely the little guy will become a nice female too:)

Out of curriosity, how did the sponge on the rock handle the trip?
Thanks sarah.

wild2cpl, I have included a picture of the tangs. Its not a good one but if you type in Kole tang in google pictures youll find quite a few.

BTW, Im moving and need to have this tank empty by friday...

Chaloupa 06-29-2006 12:29 AM is a pic of a Kole Tang and a Yellow...both of reefsurfers are really nice, in good condition.

wild2cpl 06-29-2006 12:41 AM

How would i get them by fri, and how do i pay you, I can't make it out there by fri MYwork isto busy. Bus is how long??

reefsurfer 06-29-2006 03:42 AM

THe bus is prety quick to nanaimo. I have a styrofoam box and good bags to pack it in. (a shame I didnt get those bags before monday)

I can put an ice pack in the box so it doesnt get too hot.

The bus will cost you under 20 bucks.

Idealy youll want to be at the bus depot when the bus gets there, Ill look into the exact time and let you know, it would be good to bring them home right away and aclimate them.

You can email me the money, thats usualy prety ez.

PM me your phone # and we can iron out the details.


wild2cpl 06-30-2006 01:09 AM

thanxs 1 250 754 6311 Gerard

reefsurfer 06-30-2006 04:41 AM

Sorry wild2cpl, ive changed my mind. Im going to get Scott at island pet zone in duncan to keep the fish for me for a week while I set up a tank in a new location. Then Ill get him to ship them out to me when its all ready.

Im realizing how much I am attached to these fish.. Hopefully all goes well with this plan...

Sorry again for the troubles.

Willow 06-30-2006 05:00 AM

i have a yellow and a kole together, best fish ever. good on ya for keeping them, it would suck to start again with new tangs one day.

wild2cpl 06-30-2006 05:37 AM

thats all cool

reefsurfer 06-30-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Willow
i have a yellow and a kole together, best fish ever. good on ya for keeping them, it would suck to start again with new tangs one day.

Thanks, Im prety happy about my decision. Well the tangs are now off to Island pet zone for short stay with Scott:)

All there is left to do is empty/clean out the tank and wrap everything up!

wild2cpl, I hope you find a nice tang for yourself:)

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