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DEAD_BY_DAWN 06-16-2006 03:56 AM

Instant Ocean mixing
I was wondering if anyone has had this issue with instant ocean,there seems to be hundreds if not more of small white speheres floating around in the mixing bucket the temps correct,any ideas what they are ? this btw is after three hours of mixing .

prosnow 06-16-2006 05:08 AM

no clue, but i would like to know myself, i seem to have the same problem

DEAD_BY_DAWN 06-16-2006 05:22 AM

This is the second time this has happend for me,i used the other one without any problems but this ones going in with baby seahorses.

DanG 06-16-2006 03:33 PM

I usually drop one of my seio 620's in a 5g bucket that I'm mixing with IO. Sometimes I've seen the small particles, but they usually go away.

Flusher 06-16-2006 04:48 PM

I've had small white sediment at the bottom of my mixing tank ever since I started a new bag of IO salt. The bag had hardened clumps of salt, as though moisture had got into the bag. The particles never dissolve. Every few weeks I scoop them out with a small net.
Volcano vaporizers

GMGQ 06-16-2006 07:08 PM

One time I saw this film of flaky stuff floating on the water surface from mixing it... I just got a net and scooped as much out as I could.

If you grab the round white things and rub it between your fingers, does it break down?

Chad 06-16-2006 07:59 PM

This might sound like a dumb question but it is valid :)

How do you mix your salt, ie: Salt into empty bucket, then dump water in or Water in a bucket then dump salt in.

Also, how was the water brought up to temp, ie: heater in a bucket for a day or hot boiling water (rushed to temp on stove) and poured into a bucket.

I have noticed through experience, that adding too much salt first into either an empty bucket or smaller amount of water tends to cause calcium to precipitate out. Also, when rushing to heat the water to temp, and adding boiling water to salted cold water, there tends to be precipitate as well.

Just FYI... hope this helps.

Have you tested Alk, Cal, Mag on this batch to see the levels?

WaterLogged 06-16-2006 08:13 PM

I use an old air pump and throw the air line to the bottom of the bucket held down by whatever to airate and mix. I use I/O salt too and have never had problems with white specks or percipitating. Since I only change 10% of the 90 gal of water I dont use a heater to heat it either. I just put the water in the sump and let the temp equal itself out there.

Beverly 06-16-2006 08:37 PM

Have used IO in the past with no mixing problems.

I think Chad has asked some very good questions about how a person actually makes up their new saltwater for water changes.

Here's our method:

- right after weekly water changes in our 37g, 67g and 120g we begin adding RO/DI water to two 30g mixing vats (Rubbermaid garbage cans) that are stored in a room with an open window (summer and winter)
- tops of vats are left partly uncovered to allow for maximum aeration
- once the water level in each vat is acheived, an 802 powerhead is plugged in and the water gets a heck of a good aeration until the next water change
- two days before water changes, heaters are plugged in in both vats, powerheads still running like crazy and tops still partly uncovered
- the day before water changes, salt is added to a salinity of 1.025, powerheads running even crazier and tops still partly uncovered

NOTE: there is usually a bit of salted water left in the mixing vat from water change day. It is left in the vat and RO/DI water is added to dilute it.

I have just made up the water for water changes tomorrow. At first, the water is cloudy, but it clears within a half hour at most, mainly due, IMO, to the water being heated to tank temps and the vigorous aeration.


Bartman 06-16-2006 09:39 PM

I have the same problem but I'm pretty sure I know what started it. I did not have the problem until I didn't seal the lid after a water change one week. The lid was loose for 2-3 weeks and when I went to use it the salt had hardened into clumps I had to break up to use. I have had white precipitate ever since then. The bucket is almost empty now and no ill effects on either of my tanks using the salt.

The precipitate either slowly disappears or mixes with my sand. I'm not sure.

Swags 06-16-2006 10:58 PM

salt prep
Chad - I was given some great advice a while back about mixing salt... add it to the water, don't add the water to the salt. I guess it is all about having a dilute solution of salt, compared to a concentrate. Now I do not claim to be anywhere close to a chemist, but I do know there are a hell of a lot of different chemicals that make up our salt mixes. Who knows what happens, chemically speaking, when we add the water slowly, like from a ro/di, or something like an aquarium pharmaceuticals tap water filter.
My prep is this:
1. Drip water into rubbermaid containg air stone, strong pump for circ, and heater (unplugged till good level)
2.Once full, turn it all on, then add the salt.
3. Wait 24 hours (at least) and transfer into tank.
Hope this helps!

i have crabs 06-17-2006 03:46 AM

ive had that problem with the new reefsalt as well as the io,thier always seems to be a tiny bit that settels on the bottom and wont disolve.

DEAD_BY_DAWN 06-17-2006 04:38 AM

Well after 24 hours most has disolved there seems to be a little floating but nothing like it was before,as for how i make the salt,basically fill 5g bucket with DI water heat to the correct temp add power head then add salt let mix for a few hours atleast.

Chad 06-17-2006 04:52 AM

Yeah, well so long as you are adding the salt to the heated water (tank temp) and you are adding salt by say a cup or two at a time you should not have a problem *for the 5gal bucket* - even though I know exactly how many cups per container I need to make my salinity perfect for the tank, I do not add all at once. So much salt in one spot can cause the precipitate as well.

I use a paint mixer to mix my salt. It is crystal clear in about 30 secs.. Totaly mixed as well. I have been doing this way for over a year.. works 100% of the time. I use KENT salt however.

littlesilvermax 06-19-2006 12:46 AM

I use about 1 cup of magnesium in my newly made up RO water before adding IO (3 years now) and no longer have any problems. I mix up 40 gallons at a time. This raises my magnesium from 1200ish to 1380-1400 ppm.

I also have way less precip problems in my tank (heaters, pumps, etc....) now.

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