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Beverly 04-13-2006 11:18 PM

Caught Another Crab, and Another OTHER One Too!
Caught this one out of the 67g last night. Had to buy a slim necked vase so the cleaner shrimp wouldn't get at the bait. Man, those shrimp! One of them took half a scallop right out of the first trap and swam away with it :neutral:

Anyway, here's the "Mystery Crab".....
(warning: music may be too scary for younger viewers :wink:)
(320 x 240 pixels, 9.7 MB, 2:02 minutes)

G1GY 04-13-2006 11:23 PM

I loved the music to go with the vid. :)

Can you PM me a link to the directors cut where the crab meets his maker?

Ruth 04-13-2006 11:28 PM

I have dialup access so it just takes too long to upload a video but it must be crab hunting season. I have caught about 8 of the red eyed SOB's in my 190 in the last couple of weeks. Know what you mean about the cleaner shrimp. If you have a picture of the vase you bought I would love to see it as this might be a better option for me as well. I know I still have a few of them in there.

Beverly 04-14-2006 01:32 AM

Have set the bud vase trap in with the shrimp (67g) again tonight because with the amount of crud coming out of that low bioload tank, there's got to be more crabs.

Also set a larger trap in my 37g to catch the crab that got into my other trap, stole the bait and took off with it. Luckily, I found and removed the bait the next morning.

I know of at least one crab in our 120g. Once I'm satisfied that I trapped the ones in the 37g and 67g, I'm going to work on the 120g. Hope to have more crab videos in the coming weeks :biggrin:


Sorry, no director's cut of the demise :sad:


The vase I bought was a bud vase. Probably 4" high, with the narrowest inside diameter of about .75" or so. Shrimp couldn't get in there. Not sure how the crab got in because it looked wider than the vase's inside diameter. Crab must have been hungry and a daredevil :wink:

Fish 04-14-2006 03:12 AM

Would your client (crab) be intrested in starring in a movie with my mantis shrimp? Ike is holding auditions for the part...

- Chad

Beverly 04-14-2006 05:05 PM

Ummm.... If you want to come all the way up here to get the crabs I've been catching for your snuff films, you're welcome to 'em :wink: I'll save 'em for you if you like :biggrin:

BTW, caught another crab out of my 37g last night. Same species of crab as the one from the 67g in the video on this thread, only slightly bigger and it's a lefty.

Tangman 04-14-2006 06:15 PM

BTW, I like the crab tooo...

Fish 04-17-2006 01:57 AM

Haha, dang. I just got back from Edmonton too. Oh well, maybe next time. Thanks!

- Chad

Beverly 04-17-2006 02:50 PM

Here's the video of the second crab that was caught in the 37g. Comparing crab caught in the 67g to the crab in this video, it appears both crabs look similar, but are not the same species. Watch carefully in the opening sequence for the claw coming out of the green mushrooms.....
(320 x 240 pixels, 7.8 MB, 1:38 minutes)

Also, on the weekend, we baited two crab traps in the 120g, but the bait kept disappearing! Here's a video of the strange goings-on in the 120g Saturday night and Sunday morning. Husband says the music reeks of conspiracy :razz:
(320 x 240 pixels, 7.6 MB, 3:27 minutes)

psychedelic 04-18-2006 04:48 AM

This one doesn't look as mean as the other you caught. The other one with the red eyes gave me nightmares. Hope ain't none in mine.

Snappy 04-18-2006 07:04 AM

I saw one that looks just like that in my 130 gal today and I found where it hides.:twised: I am going after it with a pair of hemostats and it's coming out---Dead or alive.

EmilyB 04-18-2006 08:22 AM

A detritus covered slime-trail, I gotta remember that one when I'm dissing someone....:lol:

michika 04-18-2006 02:31 PM

None of the videos work for some reason. The website keeps telling me that no file exists at that address and that the file name is incorrect.

Beverly 04-18-2006 06:03 PM


Didn't you have trouble viewing my videos in the past? Did it have to do with you perhaps using a Mac? You need Windows Media Player to see the videos. Anyway, why not right click on the link and save the video to your desktop and see if that works. Let me know if that works.

Anybody else having difficulty viewing the vids?

Railskinner 04-18-2006 08:51 PM

Very Interesting
Good work on the video's
Looks like everything is getting


snailbuddy 04-18-2006 09:10 PM

If I were you, I'd probably rent a hotel room . . . yikes!
Love your videos :)

Beverly 04-23-2006 06:04 PM

Finally caught a crab from the 120g :biggrin: Actually did some worm hunting yesterday in that tank and removed some rock to treat with soda water as suggested in an RC thread from last year that I started....

Anyway, I have to apologize up front about the length and size of the video for this white-back crab. No scary music this time. Just a good old Aimee Mann song that soooooo suits the action in the video....
(320 x 240 pixels, 21.8 MB, 4:30 minutes)

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