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The reason I am no longer posting
After a number of years I have decided to no longer take an active role on this board. This is mainly due to a number of recent joinees who refuse (or don't know) to use the language of the country, which is English in their posts. I am tired of unintelligible gobble d gook in posts. The continued misspelling of common words is also a problem. I will be available by PM, but will no longer monitor this board.:mrgreen:
I cant really see that fixing anything, can you?
ps. Just playing with you Bob. :) |
There is also the fact that English is not the language of the country.....it is one of the two official languages of Canada. :) |
Pour que signifie si je poste en français, cela a tort aussi ? ou vous êtes juste à ingronat pour comprendre que quelques gens ont le problème avec l'orthographe ou grammer correct ?
You know, the top five urban dictionary definitions for "grammar" back up Bob's point.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=grammar Ironic? Discuss. |
Bien dit! :lol:
This is not a reason to not post, but rather a reason to ignore users that you can't understand.
Well i have agree, that the spelling and grammer have gone downhill, but you know what?
Suck it up Princess |
I don't see how refusing to post is going to improve grammar. Now, if we had a problem with Bob's grammar..... :lol:
Belated April Fools ? DOH !
That has to be a Joke. Otherwise you might want to toss in the towel, these tragic events just might happen for the rest of your life. Or try to read the meaning behind the blasphemy. Cheers, Tell yourself its only a Bulletin board and a fish tank, it always makes me feel better. |
Great link, Invigor :cool:
I, too, have trouble understanding some posts. Some posts are by younger members who write in Internet-ese, or whatever it's called, and other posts are by members who should really know how to spell better. Of course, this board and others like it are not English class. There will be a certain portion of posters who are excellent spellers and others who are not. Bottom line for me is that if I don't understand what a poster is talking about with relative ease, I ignore them, no matter how much I might want to help with their reef related problems. Gads, look at all those run-on sentences :razz: Did anyone understand what I was saying??? |
Really, is it all that bad, sure some use comp short lingo, but we also have some great people that may have trouble either using a keyboard or the language itself. Why not just let those that use the board keep up the good, or great info and questions and those that are concerned with poor language not respond, sure wont take any effort to help or ignore? Just a newbie wondering why this even came up.
Uh, dude?? Only a fish tank?? But I luuuuuuv my "fish tank"!!!!!!! :) |
I had a big reply typed up but hit some stupid macro and lost it all, anyways this topic is not worth typing it all up again, but I will say if you are going to stop monitoring the board just stop.. or are you trying to get everyone to beg you to stay? if thats what you want.. Please stay Bob, spelling can't be that bad, I hope you keep up with the hobby at least if you aren't going to be here.
I know we have had our differences in the past Bob, but all that aside you do bring up some good points once and a while so you probably will be missed to some degree. anyways happy surfing Steve PS: I used spell check just for you and only had 1 mistake:mrgreen: |
Ok it must be the Viagra Bob is taking, honestly i dont think its the bad spelling if that was the case then no one would be here due to my bad spelling .. RIGHT Steve, and Bev....:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgree n:
this is just a hobby.
I have been a member of this forum for some times,personaly i like to read & learn more rather than post.
I have read your posts in the past & i would say you have a habit of insulting people with your comments,however this last one should get you banned in my opinion. Canada is a multicultural country,with many languages,yes many of our citizens might not be perfect in english however that does not make them any less of a canadian than you sir. HOWEVER ,THE FACT THAT YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO USE THE WORD GOOK IN A PUBLIC CANADIAN FORUM,IS VERY MUCH UNCANADIAN. I am not asian,but as a canadian i feel that you have insulted me & every one else here with your language & i do not think you should have the previlige of using this great forum. Moderators & people on this site work too hard to offer us a great community,which should not be tainted by your racial comments. |
Well Said man
well said Quote:
don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I dont think he used the word in the sense you thought,"gobbly-gook",just a slang or phrase to mean mixed up. |
I personally do not think it was intended as some people think. Here is the webster definition I found. I'm not tring to take sides but there is more than one meaning.
2 entries found for gook. To select an entry, click on it Pronunciation: 'guk, 'gük variant of GUCK My 2 cents. Try it out on webster.com :) |
Bob would not mean anything other than that. Of this I am 100% positive! |
I'm not sure, but judging by some of Bob's previous posts, he has baited the hook and gotten quite a few bites.
The humanity...
Imagine a world without spelling or grammatical errors. I'll tell you this much. This is NOT the internet... ha! IMO, it seems really intolerant and elitest to leave because the calibre of sentence structure is not up to your autocratically predetermined standard. No one ever sets out to spell as words incorrectly, nor do they intend to sound incoherant. Some people just have different ways of forming thoughts in their heads. To each their own strengths. I won't miss you. I think you are argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. :mrgreen: |
Well, there just wasnt any meaning to read there, plain and simple... I think you should ban your own a$$ Brad, shame on you. You almost made me wanna leave the board forever. ;) . |
Spelling mistakes and grammer issues are quite common everywhere.
I honestly hope you change your mind, seeing your number of posts, I assume you have a lot to offer this board by staying. And I hope you are not a racist, just a person with no patience (though having kids will earn that attribute). |
Good bye, Bob I.
Bob's (correct punctuation for Bob is) not a racist. He's a ___ist. :lol: He should have been a teacher. :smile:
Kwonledge is helping people
I new here , And i read all the post from begging to end , and i do not judge anyone for there spelling because i am the worse speller and i don't know where to put the comma's and ...... if we had to write letter to get knowledge maybe we would all be great at it . but i cut hair for a living ,i don;t sit at a desk job writeing allday .I speak to people and knowone tells me i speak badly . but before I emmbrass myself the most i write is someone name in the appointment book , but i do read a book aweek ,and thats about 500/ 1000 pages long . i dont sit around and watch tv at night .
who really cares....as i recall i did not have to sign anything stating that i would use proper grammar, nor correct spelling. It's a shame that poorly worded messages and use of another language would make you want to leave. I'm quite new here, but leaving for the reasons given seems like a shame to me.
black people did the right thing by reappropriating the "N" word, it made it quite powerless. It may just be me, but I find it quite funny when one has that much power of someone with one word. This is not to offend anyone so please READ before you yell at me, use your mind and take in what I said...don't just "go off" Step back from people and define things for yourselves...it is quite empowering |
You have nothing to be embarased about at all. :) |
I would be quite insulted by Bob's comments if I am a landed immigrant who is unable to write very well in English. A person's ability to use proper grammar and sentence structure is very dependant on that person's background which includes, but not limited to, their educational, cultural, social, economical, and even their demographical background. To make such a comment violates that person's constitutional right to express themselves freely REGARDLESS of their ability to do so in the English language.
An individual's tolerance of those who are not fluent writing in the English language should be kept to themselves - to publicly express your intolerance is otherwise known as racism. |
Sad to see this thread take a racial turn. :(
I don't think Bob is anything other than a man who likes exellent grammar. |
We're here to learn about reefs! i kept reading to find his post saying he was just kidding. Come here to learn how to best care for your reef, bad english or not. There may even be young reefers just getting wet (as I am) who simply haven't mastered grammar etc. It matters not. Reef on!
Brett |
Gee Bob... you're sounding a little racist and elitist. People here are not writing a legal contact but are here to chat and learn insight to great hobby. Sometimes our thoughts come out faster than we type. If you have ever worked in the airline industry it is filled with abbreviations for common words. I use them frequently on MSN. I will help other members as best I can and if I need clarification on their thoughts I will ask for it. Anyway you have a great time and pse (please) close the door when you leave.
Doug |
I guess if the author is not reading the board anymore, then thee is not much sense in leaving this thread open. :mrgreen:
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