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fishmanty 04-06-2006 10:52 PM

Login Error?
When I try to login, I get this message:

"you would need to provide your own index.php if they don't have to use the home module, because the index.php included with vbportal, just sends them here."

What the deuce? Thats what happens when i simply try to go to (but only if I was currently logged in)

If I go to canreef while not logged in, i can go to the forums, then login, and then get no errors, but I want the whole site to work. How do I fix this?


Delphinus 04-06-2006 10:55 PM

Whoa .. !!! Now there's a weird one.

Can you please check the -exact- URL of the page you're trying to access when you get that message?

Delphinus 04-06-2006 11:01 PM

Ok, I've been able to reproduce the problem, so no need to send me the exact URL. Seems I can only get it to happen on IE but not Firefox..

I'm not going to be able to fix this as I don't have low-level enough access. I'm going to forward your concerns to Titus to see if there's anything he can do. He's in the middle of a move right now though, and then going on vacation so I'm not sure when he's going to be able to get to it.

In the meantime, I suggest this workaround: Instead of manually typing in "", Use this URL (bookmark it so you can conveniently access it without having to type it in every time).

StirCrazy 04-06-2006 11:08 PM

i got the same thing.. just so you know its not an isolated thing

Quagmire 04-06-2006 11:22 PM

Its happening to me on Firefox,where I automaticly log on,but not IE where I manualy log on.

fishmanty 04-06-2006 11:29 PM

Its happening with firefox too, with the auto-login...

so strange..

I have book marked, so i'll just change the location for awhile...

So strange

marie 04-07-2006 12:11 AM

I'm getting the same message. I'm really glad i'm not the only one, I thought my computer was messing up :lol:

Chin_Lee 04-07-2006 12:23 AM

me too
i had to come in with a link of another post. couldn't log in from

Interesting note is at the very top bar of IE, I get the following title for the window:
"Canreef Aquatics - tikketyboo - Microsoft Internet Explorer"

Is anybody else seeing this "tikketyboo" message? And if so, what is it?

titus 04-07-2006 12:33 AM


I'm sorry but I can't reproduce the error. I did the following:
1) Logout, goto, login, click Forum
2) Login on the forum page, goto, click Forum

It's the 2nd route above that is giving you guys that error eh?


mr_alberta 04-07-2006 12:54 AM

I got that error as well:

I got to it from this thread by clicking on the CanReef logo on the top left corner...

fishmanty 04-07-2006 12:54 AM


What does it for me is that I have remember me selected, and I login in. Then I go to some other webpage, and when I try to come back to, it messes up... but if i delete my history and cookies (thus getting rid of remember me setting), then I can go into just fine

make sense?

Picture above is the error everyone gets.

titus 04-07-2006 01:15 AM


Yeah I clicked on the logo on the top left to goto the Home Page both logged in and not logged in. I can't reproduce that error. I've posted this question on vbPortal and hopefully someone knows what is the cause of this.

Since it affects both browser for some and not others, I'm speculating that it is a settings thing? Not sure.


marie 04-07-2006 01:20 AM

If I'm not logged in I can get to the home page but as soon as I log in I get that message

Delphinus 04-07-2006 02:40 AM

I absolutely cannot reproduce the problem using Firefox. I've tried it now on two different PC's. Can someone who's getting it on Firefox try to walk me through it to see if I can reproduce it? Oh and what version of Firefox are you using?

fishmanty 04-07-2006 02:45 AM

Btw, Im using a laptop... maybe that has something to do with it... every now and then this computer brings up errors that my PC won't

Beverly 04-07-2006 02:51 AM

Am having this same problem on my PC using IE. Hope you folks can fix it soon :smile:

G1GY 04-07-2006 03:28 AM

Same problem here.

Found my way in though. So........ No worries! :)

targa81 04-07-2006 05:09 AM

Somethings fishy with the site.

Willow 04-07-2006 02:47 PM

something must have changed.. when i click on the canreef logo it goes to im pretty sure it should go to ( instead but that page is creating an error. i am assuming that someone deleted or moved the older index.php page by mistake or we got hacked. i cleared my cache and history and in firefox and it seems to have fixed the login issue but homepage link is still incorrect.

SJSobczyk 04-07-2006 05:39 PM

I get that page as well. I think thats why its so quiet around here.


Ruth 04-07-2006 05:55 PM

I'm not having any trouble from home but at work I have to do a google search and then come in that way and then click on another button that pops up to allow me to enter the forums.

OCDP 04-07-2006 06:13 PM

I'm sure it's clear now that we're all getting this.. but just thought I'd mention I get the error too.

marie 04-07-2006 09:09 PM

I no longer have the "remember me" box ticked off, so I have no problem getting to the home page.

I just have to remember my password :lol:

KrazyKuch 04-07-2006 09:27 PM

I'm having the same problems,
I am using a MAC G5 running Safari for internet !!

Salty Dog 04-08-2006 03:32 AM

Salty Dog?
No. It's me. Johnny Reefer.
I got this tikkety-boo BS too.
Couldn't get in at all in either Firefox [i]or[i] IE.
Also was told I had to change passwords a couple of times but I still couldn't get in.
Finally resorted to having to create a new account just get this message across.
Why does this kinda stuff always happen when I'm workin' 12 hour days and I have only a few hours free time?:mad:
Don't mean to be pushy but it would be nice if this could be fixed asap.
I'm not even sure what my password is now.

Cheers:smile: ,

Salty Dog 04-08-2006 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Salty Dog
Salty Dog?
..... and I have only a few hours free time?:mad: ....

Actually, more like a few minutes free time.

Good night.:wink:

Salty Dog 04-08-2006 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Salty Dog
..... and I have only a few hours free time?:mad: ....

Actually, more like only a few minutes free time.

Good night.:wink:

saltynuts 04-08-2006 04:13 AM

log in
it still does it to me. just have to wait and see what happens i guess!

Johnny Reefer 04-08-2006 04:20 AM

Brought it up again just before snooze time and I noticed I was included in the users online list even though I wasn't logged on. Clicked reply to this thread and it told me I wasn't logged on, so I logged on with no probs this time.
I agree with what some have said. Something is wrong with the site, IMHO. Seems like a hack job or something, IMHO.

Anyhoo, hopefully no more probs from here on.


digital-audiophile 04-08-2006 03:11 PM

I was not bale to get since yesterday because of this.

I only found my way in through googling canreef and it gave me the old message board before the last big update and I was able to click on the "go to new forums here" link.

vanreefer 04-08-2006 11:18 PM

i'm still having this problem... I get in by selecting the contact us link then sneak in the back door...

Willow 04-09-2006 12:24 AM

hello anyone? buller buller...

StirCrazy 04-09-2006 02:55 AM

One thing to add, although I can force the right page after getting the error, there are no sponsor adds showing whats so ever.


Johnny Reefer 04-09-2006 03:34 AM

Somewhat the same as last night.
Went to log in.
Got the tikkety-boo blow off.
Shut the page off and walked away from it for over an hour.
(Tank maintenance and fish to feed, you see. :wink: ).
Came back and just like last night the users online list showed me as logged in, but actually wasn't. (It was well over an hour).
Clicked on reply to this thread and was prompted to log in.
Oh...BTW, clearin' cookies, etc. seems to help.
I think I know what to do straight away next time to avoid the wait (attempt login/shut page down/bring back up/clear cookies/click on a reply to thread, any thread/in like Flint) (or something like that). But still, this is a major pain in da behind.

Cheers:smile: ,

hockey nut 04-09-2006 07:51 AM

My guess is they don't want to fix it or don't know how to fix it. Take your pick........

Johnny Reefer 04-09-2006 12:17 PM

Well I've noticed now that every time I bring up CanReef, the home page says I am "Currently Active" even though I have not logged on. Whether or not my user name is still included in the list after I close off CanReef, I don't know. I suppose I can check for this at work today. the event that my name is showing on the "Currently Active" list all day long.....just want to say that it is not like I am sitting here for 16 hours a day on CanReef. I do have a life, I think:redface:, and I am doing other things.
Having said that, the sooner this can be cleared up the better. (I suppose that is obvious). I'm sure you guys are trying to figure it out, but some sort of update would be nice, if nothing else but to ease our minds into knowing that you are on it and not ignoring it.

Thanx much and cheers:smile:,

afreshoutlook 04-09-2006 10:18 PM

where is the page
I am also at a loss, have to goggle to get on??


titus 04-10-2006 01:57 AM


Sorry guys but I have absolutely no problem with the site. So I'm not sure what it is that is causing the problem. If you need to goto the forums, just use

However, I have upgraded vBulletin to the latest version. Hopefully it should fix the problem.


Willow 04-10-2006 04:17 AM

still fubar. in fact titus when i got to all i get is this message.


you would need to provide your own index.php if they don't have to use the home module, because the index.php included with vbportal, just sends them here.

Funky_Fish14 04-10-2006 06:03 AM

I get the same screen as Harvey originally posted in the thread when I try to go to "" from my IE browser page. I have a cookie saved so I dont have to log in each time.

From that page(which has the tikketyboo thing), I am not able to acess the site by clicking the logo, it gives me "not found", and this adress at the top: ""

I can however access the board by outside links to pages other than the home page, or by clicking the 'Archive' or 'Contact Us' button on the broken page.

It almost seems as though hacking, because of the tikketyboo thing, but its probably quite unlikely.

I guess we are all able to actually acess the site, but it is a pain. Im sure Titus is trying to find out what this is. Titus, the common problem seems to be that those who have their login saved through a cookie are unable to access the home page properly, and even when actually browsing or on the site, are unable to acess the homepage, even using the link button 'Canreef Aquatics' at the bottom right hand side of any page.

Well that was all just observation, but I guess this seems to be the common problem?



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