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Chaloupa 03-16-2006 05:21 AM

Looking to contact GIO (George)
I can think of no other way to do here goes.

Gio was building a sump for me....made the deal on Feb 7/06, we agreed on price and he advised he would do it up that week. Since this he has promised me many pictures but with no result. Supposedly, he has filled it with water to test it and it to make a really long story short, the last contact I had with him was on March 2/06. I have sent PM's and emailed him with no contact back. I don't where else to go to find out what is going on...I have had some help from a couple of people but still he doesn't email me or contact me. If anyone knows how to get ahold of him please PM me. If not, my concern is that I will have someone else build me the sump and then he will come along and try to blacklist me on the board for not buying his sump after he made is specifically for me.

I think I have been more than patient...I NEED this sump, whenever the power goes out (gotta love those Island wind storms!) my sump overflows as the original sump is pathetic! Anyone that can help I appreciate it, I am not trying to blacklist George and I understand that he is busy (but if he is that busy he should have declined making mine), just trying to get my sump. And no, I have not sent any money at this time (thank God!) I thank you in advance for any help!

fishmanty 03-16-2006 05:30 AM

I saw him on Msn... must be 3 days ago? (so the 12th)

if you don't have his msn email, PM me, and I'll email it to you.

dreef 03-16-2006 12:47 PM

Yeah i lost contact with him a few weeks ago to.Usually on the forums daily,thought maybe he's been sick.Wish he'd follow through on sending an item that was shipped weeks ago ?

TheReefGeek 03-16-2006 03:05 PM

Sarah, you might be able to stop your current sump from overflowing until you get a new one.

1. Do you have a check valve (or two) at the bottom of your return line(s) to stop water from flowing back into your sump?

2. If you have submerged return lines, is the PVC drilled with holes just under the water surface to cut the siphon for you and not drain too much of your tank into your sump?

3. Can you modify your sump to hold less water volume? For example, drill holes into the top of your baffles if they are acrylic, that will drop the water volume.

4. As a last resort, you can put your sump into a rubbermaid container that will hold the sump so it catches some of the water overflowing from the sump for you.

5. Switch out your current sump for a larger rubbermaid until you get your replacement sump made.

Hope this helps, floods suck, I know!

Chin_Lee 03-16-2006 03:32 PM

his number
i'll pm you his number. hope that helps

Chaloupa 03-17-2006 02:54 AM

UPDATE!! thanks to a couple of guys that provided Georges #, I was able to reach him....says sump is still in the works and will be finished by this weekend and will send lets hope that this is it. Kind of nervous to send $$ but.....will keep this updated!

Willow 03-17-2006 02:58 AM

i wouldnt send any money untill you pic it up and see it water tested.

Chaloupa 03-17-2006 04:01 AM

I can't actually come over to check it out....I bought the last one via email off Canreef from Callum and it worked out great!...I guess I am too trusting...does anyone feel comfortable checking it out for me (does anyone know him that well?) if so let me know! I would really appreciate it! I know it's a lot to ask but if anyone lives around him ..... Sarah

Willow 03-17-2006 04:14 AM

pm callum

hockey nut 03-17-2006 07:41 AM

I'd be happy to take a look at it for you.

PM me with some details and GIO's #

Chaloupa 03-17-2006 03:50 PM

Hey Callum-PM sent your way. I will be forever thankful! Ok a bit over the top but this is a huge favor and I really appreciate the offer!!! We will have to take you to dinner when we come to town next! :biggrin:

Chaloupa 03-20-2006 07:04 AM

To give a bit of an update...sump is supposed to be done this weekend...sounds like George is one busy guy! Hopefully will have it in my hands in a few days. Will keep this up to date! :biggrin: thanks to everyone who sent his number and helped me out...

Chaloupa 03-30-2006 12:58 AM

Sump has been received THANKS in a huge part to Callum!!!! I owe ya pal! At least I have it and I won't have water on the bottom of the stand again when the power goes out!!!!:biggrin:

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