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SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-03-2006 04:30 AM

re: VAHC group showing of IMAX Deep Sea-3D
So fellow fish nuts. The Vancouver Aquatic Hobbyist Club is organizing a group showing of the IMAX movie, Deep Sea-3D on Sunday, March 19th. It will probably be a 3pm showing (that has yet to be finalized). Just wanted to see if anyone is interested. Here are the details:

Adults – $7.50 Kids - $6.50

Normal rate: Adults - $11.50; Seniors - $10.50; Kids - $9.50

Must have 15 members minimum to get group rate.
We pay one lump sum based on final tally of attendees at the box office (door)

Movie: Deep Sea 3-D
Starts March 3
45 min. in length
Narrated by Johnny Depp & Kate Winslet
Occupies 50% of schedule
Regular Schedule:
Showtimes @ 12, 1, 3, 7, 9
Spring Break – 12, 1, 3, 7, 9 & 10

Movie is Sponsored by Aquarium’s West – they will be setting up a display tank.

There is also a special draw – Starter Aquarium Kit (AW)
Imax Tickets
Dinner for 4 at Olde Spaghetti Factory

If you are interested, please contact Mykiss or myself.



Griffin 03-03-2006 10:05 PM

I should be good for 2 to 3 :D

Tom R 03-04-2006 03:21 PM

Hi Anthony

I am interested keep me posted with any changes. Do we buy our tickets in advance or at the door.

Tom R

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-04-2006 03:48 PM

Tickets bought at the door.

I'm probably gonna bring Irene's nephews so kids are more than welcome to join us.

If there's enough interest, probably go out afterwards to eat since it'll still be early.

Griffin 03-04-2006 09:07 PM

bump me up and add another 3 that are interested. 6 total :D

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-04-2006 11:55 PM

Wooo whoooo. You's the man, Rich.

Griffin 03-05-2006 12:57 AM

Naaaa - i'm actually telling people your going to strip after the show :D

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-05-2006 01:55 AM

Shhhhh. That'll just scare them off. But ok, if that's what it takes to sell tickets.....

deep6er 03-05-2006 02:58 AM

Count me in and my Girlfriend too

Dave T

jws444 03-06-2006 05:22 AM

This IMAX feature was just 'ok'. It was a Cliff notes version of the Underwaterworld series, which are available on DVD and has been on TV numerous times as well. There wasn't anything new here at all.

**spoiler here - don't read if you don't want to know!**

It was the same Sun Star chasing the Feather Stars scene, nudibranch eating the Tube Worm, tortoise at the cleaning station, coral spawning, octopus eating a crab, mantis shrimp defending it's lair, humboldt squids eating frantically etc. I just wished they could have been more original. There's also not many coral shots unfortunately so don't expect to be naming corals throughout the movie because they just aren't there. When they filmed the cold water octopus 'hunting', it was obvious that the crew tossed 2 dungeness crabs on the ground and then started filming. lol. I understand that they can't follow an octopus all day long to get the money shot, but I still chuckled to myself. :)

It's very cool in 3-D, but I always walk out with a headache from these. Knowing what I know now, I should have paid 16.00 for both movies rather than 11.50 just for this one. But with the group rate offered here, I guess it's a good deal. Just don't expect anything new, which is a shame. All that work put into a project and somebody else has already done it years ago.

Griffin 03-06-2006 06:18 AM

Gee George - you could have waited until after the 19th to give us your "personal opinion" on the movie -

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-09-2006 05:40 PM

Well, we have enough for the group rate so if anyone else wants to go, it'll be a good chance to get together with other fish nuts. Hopefully, we'll go out for dinner afterwards to make it even more fun. Kids are welcome to join us.


afreshoutlook 03-13-2006 03:16 AM

show time
Count the "Blindman" in 4 1.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-13-2006 03:54 AM

I will post updated details here later this week so everyone knows where to meet.

Thanks for the interest. I'll see you there.


SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-16-2006 06:42 PM

Here's the email I got from the VAHC:

The VAHC is proud to present a VAHC group night at Canada Place IMAX for a
3D show called IMAX 3D Deepsea. More information can be found here:

Adults - $7.50 Kids - $6.50

"Normal rate: Adults - $11.50; Seniors - $10.50; Kids - $9.50"

People who are interested in going MUST email Patrick at

and please leave a contact number/name so that Patrick can confirm and call
if there are any changes.

The plan is for those who have emailed Patrick to meet as a group at 2:30pm
at Canada Place at the entrance where the movie is being held. This way
Patrick can purchase all the tickets at once based on head
count/reservations so that we can ALL get the VAHC discount. Anyone going
there and telling the teller that you are there as part of the VAHC group
rate may not get the discount, so please email me if you are intersted.

This event will be held on Sunday March 19th. The group must be assembled by
2:30pm sharp for the ticket buy and the movie starts at 3pm. For more
information, please click on the link above or email Patrick at

This event is another example of the benefits of joining the VAHC.

Thanks - Patrick

(BTW, you can also just contact me (Anthony) for info about the event)

And DON"T worry if you're not a VAHC member because this event has been opened to all local fishnuts.

Hope to see you there.


GobiGurl 03-20-2006 03:12 AM

Imax Movie
That was fantastic!

Thanks Anthony for organizing and getting us the group discountand to everyone who came who made it possible. It would have been worth the full price of admission. They really have come leaps and bounds ahead with the 3D stuff from what I remember it to be like.

The kids were touching the jellyfish in front of their faces. Little Tanner almost grabbed the kids hair in front of him. (He was wondering where his girlfriend Ivy was though...)

Lynn, Rich, Mike, Joanne, Madison and Tanner :)

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-20-2006 05:21 AM

Yeah, I was quite impressed & it was really funny watching a theater full of kids grabbing at the jellyfish. Thanks for all those who came out & glad you enjoyed the movie.


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