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prosnow 02-26-2006 12:33 AM

18 gal cube....
My 10 gallon cube is now in the works, inspired by "fish's" 7.5 cube tank,
ordered my lights, and bulkheads last night, and picked up 10 pds of prem. fiji live rock down @ oceans which i'm now in the process of baking,

tanks been ordered, 14x14x14 starfire cube drilled in the bottom,...cant wait to get it all set up and running!!!!!!

i'm in the process of getting some pictures up..

Bob I 02-26-2006 01:28 AM

Fiji is an island. there is NO Figi:razz:

prosnow 02-26-2006 05:04 AM

hahah got to love the type-o's

prosnow 02-28-2006 07:21 PM

First pictures...
to bad theres not very many @ the moment but its a start...

Me gettin my starting to clean my "donated cannister filter" thanks again buddy!!!! i'll get you a bunch of wicked frags once you get your "monster tank" going ;)

My heater.

I've also now decided to go with 2 cannister filters, one will be a full refuge and one will be my LR, heater and filter media. i figure this way i'll get a bit more flow.. ;) to 300 gph cannister filters "should" be enough flow, as long as the water isnt blowing right out of the tank!!!

muck 02-28-2006 07:26 PM

How about resizing your pics please.. :wink:

prosnow 02-28-2006 07:34 PM

i'll just make them url's instead,

some updated info on my set up is:
i'm going 15x15x15 starfire now, = 15 gallons, for a total of about 19 gallons with my cannister filters included.

i'm going with the 70w MH retro fit, with a 20,000k bulb.
i've decided to give BB a try, if i cant stand the look i'll just throw a bit of Arag. in

Beermaster 02-28-2006 08:58 PM

Looking good, keep us updated

Jason McK 02-28-2006 09:55 PM

I don't understand....

You spend btween $5.00 and $7.00 on live rock and then you BAKE it. Are you really putting it in the oven and killing everything that you payed all the money for?


prosnow 02-28-2006 10:25 PM

ummm..not exactly...i got it all in a bucket, in saltwater of course...with a heater and powerhead...except the lids on so no light can get in.................

Jason McK 02-28-2006 10:34 PM

Oh ok


muck 02-28-2006 10:59 PM

so your "cooking" the rock, not baking it then..

Jason McK 02-28-2006 11:04 PM

Sorry I'd never heard that term before. I'd heard curing, cycling but never cooking. and with so many people "Baking" there rock these days I thought it was the lates thing to do ;)


prosnow 03-01-2006 04:26 AM

cooking..baking...same thing to me @ least...sorry if i confused some of you.

prosnow 03-23-2006 02:12 AM

well picked up my tank tonight, looks pretty good!!! debating about the sandbed now tho, i dont want to be fighting the coraline all over my faux bed, or permantly gluing my bulkheads in, thats just asking for trouble...and since i'm not really a big fan of the BB look. 'm thinking i might just go with a thin layer of sand and hopefully my flow doesnt blow the sand everywhere...starting the build on my stand tonight or tomorrow so hopefully I'll have it running by the end of the weekend, i'll post some pics later on tonight if i got time.

prosnow 03-25-2006 04:11 AM

just an update on the current progress....made my terrible looking stand yesterday, hahaha, oh well... plumbed it all up and filled with a bit of water to test my cannister filters... and sure enough the rena starts spewing water everywhere...looks like it might be a little while longer till i get it all set up... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh well, i need to make more ro/di water anyways to finish filling it up..and my replacement MH ballest wont be in till next week anyways...

prosnow 03-25-2006 07:29 PM

well. i got the rena to not leak...@ least for now...just filled up the tank and got both the cannister filters going...but i'm not really happy with my flow... i figured 2, 300 gph cannister filters would be enough...but i guess not...can anyone recommend a pretty decent small powerhead?

still trying to get my camera 2 upload to my computer, but it seems to be having some problems...i'll post some up as soon as i get it to work.

Pan 03-25-2006 07:57 PM

the littlest zoo media powersweep is ok, alternating flow..or oscillatting flow i should say

prosnow 03-25-2006 08:39 PM

can you aim it down @ all??

prosnow 03-25-2006 08:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
okay, well heres 2 crappy pics i just snapped with my cell phone,

Pan 03-25-2006 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by prosnow
can you aim it down @ all??

it has a little plastic diffuser thingy that allows the water to go somewhat down..more like a 45 degree angle or so

prosnow 03-25-2006 09:18 PM

hmmm...that might not be 2 bad.... i'm more worried about the flow towards the bottem of the tank, as u can see on the pictures i put of, i have 2 45's right now, i might change one of them to a 90 tho so i kinda just blasts around the bottem...

Pan 03-25-2006 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by prosnow
hmmm...that might not be 2 bad.... i'm more worried about the flow towards the bottem of the tank, as u can see on the pictures i put of, i have 2 45's right now, i might change one of them to a 90 tho so i kinda just blasts around the bottem...

why don't you buy those + know look like a plus sign...then you could have the return going in four directions...

prosnow 03-26-2006 12:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
that will damper my flow BIG time, anyways. heres another pic.

and ya...i need more liverock

prosnow 03-30-2006 04:03 AM are some new snaps I just took, been super sick so I havnt had much time to mess with my tank. Got my new ballast in tonight, so i quickly wired that up, slapped on a big aquaclear i had sitting around for some surface movement, and a 100 watt heater while I try to figure out the leaking xp3 problem..but are the pics, this 20,000k builb is awesome.. so nice and blue..

prosnow 03-31-2006 01:23 PM

maybe i should make a career out of glass cleaning, hahah...even tho i have nothing in my tank i cant let any waterspots or salt creep stay on my new tank, its just to nice, i'm not going to be very happy when and if i get that first scratch :(,

anyways, i couldnt deal with the barebottem look so i pulled my rock quickly last night and threw in a very thin layer of sand, maybe a 1/2 inch at the deepest spots, loooks pretty good now

muck 03-31-2006 02:41 PM

Is that AC500 staying? or is it temporary?
I think it looks out of place.. :confused:

OCDP 03-31-2006 03:20 PM

Out of place? I never knew there was a right and wrong spot to put it.

Anyways, I really like the look.. I am using the exact same flood lamp as you. They work pretty good eh? What brand bulb do you have in there? It's super blue.. I used a 20k (DE) Ushio and it was blue, but not THAT blue... then again it could be your camera.

What are your plans for the cube? What type of coral, fish, etc ?

I ordered my cube from Gold's last Saturday (24x24x20) And I am pretty stoked to get it, I love cubes. How are you liking the cube look?

Looking good so far :wink:

prosnow 04-02-2006 04:39 PM

i was just @ gold yesterday, i think i saw yours sitting in the back were all the frags are, :D pretty sick if it is yours.

the ac i'm going to take out once i get my cannister filter problem resolved, and i'm thinking about gettin maybe a sieo 620 for some more flow,

so far my plans for the tank are...
1-bicolor blennie or midas blennie

maybe an acro
frogspawn or hammer coral
and thats about all i have planned so far.
i would love a clam but the tanks pretty small, and i'm not to sure on a clam in a nano.

about my bulb. not sure what type it is, it came with the ballast, i'll check into it and get back to you, and ya its SUPER BLUE, its pretty crazy,

dufferdan 04-02-2006 09:00 PM

Good job!

prosnow 04-02-2006 11:45 PM

anyone have any ideas for a small powerhead i got put low down in my tank for some more flow "you can never have to much flow..." i want something super small, was thinking i might just got with a seio 620..but i'm not 100% on that yet..

OCDP 04-02-2006 11:53 PM

Heh, more than likely it's my cube, I still haven't got a chance to pick it up yet :redface:

Livestock plans sound good :wink:

I'd go with a Seio for flow. You can take off all the housing and make them Tunze style, they work great like that. I'd definitely use that...

As for clams, you could easily do it. I had a Crocea in a 20g with no problems. But, wait a few months before adding one.. let everything stabalize and mature. (yeah, it sucks.. but its better than wasting the cash)

prosnow 04-03-2006 12:15 AM

thanks for the advice, i'll have to swing down to golds and pick one up one of these days, i had a 820 on my last cube tank that i took all the covers off and what not...great little powerhead.

i'm in no rush for a clam, just want to get something in here...starting @ rock trying to look for life is only fun for so long..

OCDP 04-03-2006 12:22 AM

You could start putting some zoos and ricordia in. I know Gold's has tons of ricordia. Last time I was there they had some zoos with lots of potential, especially under a 20k HQI.

dufferdan 04-03-2006 02:01 AM

baking live rock, lol:biggrin:
Could you imagine the smell.

prosnow 04-10-2006 12:32 PM

When should i start running my fuge?

OCDP 04-10-2006 04:46 PM

Couldn't you start runnign a fuge right now? I don't see any reason why not??

prosnow 04-11-2006 01:46 PM

thought i'd post a few pics i took the other day, still working on gettin a good picture of my hammer coral

Fish 04-11-2006 03:22 PM

I didn't even realize that you were this far along with your project. I just read it all and have to say that your cube is looking great! I love the clowns... too bad my cube is such a dangerous place...
Keep up the great work!

- Chad

prosnow 04-11-2006 05:17 PM


ya i can see that with a mantis. i was going to do the mantis but i'm not sure i would want to be fishing my hand around in the tank all the time.

Fish 04-12-2006 12:01 AM

Yup, all my in-tank work is done with chopsticks nowadays...

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