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snailbuddy 01-08-2006 03:29 AM

Next Meet
So, I hear the next meet is at Dad's place. Anyone know when? I hear it's in January sometime, probably the 21st. Can someone let me know??? Thanks!

saltynuts 01-08-2006 03:33 AM

next meet
ya i herd that from mark too. i think dad is gone that day but we can still have the meet their. mark can get use in! lmao

saltynuts 01-08-2006 03:35 AM

next meet
dam can,t even get him to bite!

Beermaster 01-08-2006 05:49 AM

Hey Hey now

Jezz Ed are you trying to get me Grounded with Dad lol

but now that you said it, i think i could convince hime to hold the next one hehe *evilgrin*

tbone 01-08-2006 01:01 PM

what do u do in group meets?

Beermaster 01-08-2006 02:22 PM

Take a look at the hosts tank, shoot the shit, trade frags if anyone is trading ect. ect... ask questons learn new ideas

and meet new and interesting people, (like Ed, but dont worry he doesnt bite)

demon666 01-08-2006 02:26 PM

well i wouldnt quite go that far mark he will try to bite if you let him get close

rusty 01-08-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Beermaster
Take a look at the hosts tank, shoot the shit, trade frags if anyone is trading ect. ect... ask questons learn new ideas

and meet new and interesting people, (like Ed, but dont worry he doesnt bite)

Eds not interesting ... entertaining yes..:razz: Just jokeing buddy:mrgreen:

saltynuts 01-08-2006 04:36 PM

reef meet
what did i do to get all this. anyway some one should hold one!

geopod 01-08-2006 05:42 PM

Hey and while dad is gone we can all help ourselves to some frags hey Mark???



So when is the meet give us details

snailbuddy 01-08-2006 06:19 PM

Good idea, George! I'm sure Dad won't mind hahaha! Anyone want some little yellow slugs? How about some aipistasia? Free!

Dad 01-08-2006 06:46 PM

Next Meet
Hey can anyone tell me were the next meet is??????????

Dad 01-08-2006 07:02 PM

Next Meet
Ok everyone it will be at my place this month on either Saturday the 28 or Sunday 29. I will not be available until the 21 and I can't have Mark and Ed alone with my tank because everytime they get together my tank population goes down. What date works the best for everyone, think about it and let me know and i will post the date on Jan 22.

Murminator 01-08-2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dad
Hey can anyone tell me were the next meet is??????????

Ummmm Mark is hosting and its at your house and he giving away frags from "his" I mean your tank and your not going to be there but Mark will be there showing off his tank ...err your tank .....I DUNNO !!! I got a headache I outta here....

saltynuts 01-08-2006 08:01 PM

reef meet
both days work for me i am good
what type of goodies do you need!

Myanth 01-08-2006 08:10 PM

Could someone let me know how to join the Edmonton club? I've been doing it for about a year and a half and have just got my big tank up and running and the questions are mounting. Thanks.


saltynuts 01-08-2006 08:29 PM

reef meet
no real club to join. just ask away!

snaggle 01-08-2006 08:56 PM

I vote the 29th I work most Saturdays.


Matt 01-09-2006 12:30 AM

I'll second the motion for the Sunday. I've missed most of the meets because they all seem to land on Saturday afternoon -- and I'm always tied up with family obligations on Saturdays.

Thanks for the offer to host, Dad!


snailbuddy 01-09-2006 03:06 PM

Yay Dad! 29th is good for me too - my sister & I will bring munchies!! Can't wait to see THE tank. pm me with your address - don't try to fool us with a phony one hee hee!

Murminator 01-09-2006 04:06 PM

Either day works for me :mrgreen:

demon666 01-09-2006 08:35 PM

me too either day works.....yay ill be intown for this one.

michika 01-09-2006 08:35 PM

I vote Saturday! If not tell me a week in advance and I'll book it off as a holiday!

Dad 01-15-2006 09:33 PM

Hi all, the date will be Jan29 @ 2:00pm @ 30 Mill Grove Drive, Spruce Grove. Here is a map;
Hope to see you all here.

tbone 01-16-2006 03:08 AM

do you guys mind if i come as well. i'd like to see this group meet. sounds great.
just started my reef again. but never been to a group meet before.

Beermaster 01-16-2006 11:24 AM

Anyone is more then welcome to come!

well that is except for Ed, unless he brings Clams :D :D :D J/K

michika 01-16-2006 04:55 PM

I'm in! See you then.

I'll try to bring that wrasse too if I can catch the sucker!

snailbuddy 01-17-2006 10:01 PM

Try a little, tiny, barbless fish hook - really! Works great and you can brag to everyone about your deep-sea fishing adventure!

rusty 01-17-2006 11:28 PM

can't make it :sad: oh well maybe next time

fishguyxd 01-18-2006 12:15 AM

I have never went yet to a meet would not mind checking one out ,I am looking for some frags also.

what do you need for eats,etc?

muck 01-18-2006 08:23 PM

No good for me..
Have fun peeps!! :mrgreen:

Dad 01-22-2006 06:22 PM

Hi all, could everyone coming to the meet next Sunday give me a quick pm so I can get an idea on how many. As far as bringing anything maybe just some pop. Hope to see you all here.

geopod 01-22-2006 06:37 PM

Cant make it Dad...I have to go to Saskatoon for my nieces baptism....Sorry guys


michika 01-22-2006 11:15 PM

Me plus 1, and a wrasse!

Salinity Now 01-23-2006 01:57 AM

I'd love to attend a meet. Is it open to anyone? Do you need to know a secret password? Do I need to catch a blue devil damsel with my barehands to get in? :biggrin:

asherah 01-23-2006 04:00 AM


I don't have anything to offer =p ooo how about some algae ? lol


pre-2k 01-23-2006 08:30 AM

Hi, very interested in this meet, but sorry can't make it to this one; busy on sunday. When is the next meet?? I wouldn't mind hosting a meet in the future.

howdy20012002 01-23-2006 01:19 PM

re meeting
Hello there
just wanted to say that i would like to come as long as something doesn't come up I will be there.

Beermaster 01-23-2006 01:55 PM

Meet is open to anyone and everyone, just PM Dad to let him know your comming, and bringing frags is not fully required, just if you want to trade, but cash always works to lol

tcollin 01-26-2006 05:14 PM

The Meet
I'll be there. probably with 2 others, and some munchies. I'll be bring a couple of things to trade - a larger peppermint shrimp (approx 2 1/2" + antenna) and some Xenia. oh yeah, and some cash, cause I'm looking for some frags. And Dad's brain. but not Mark's 'cause it's damaged. ;)

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