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Chaloupa 11-27-2005 06:02 AM

November 26 meet in Duncan
THANKS Christy for all the things that you did to make this happen! I think there are more to thank but she really stepped up to the plate....I had a great time as did my husband Larry and daughter Edele, FINALLY we can put some faces to names and such!
Thanks to Manny for the zoos...all mounted and should be showing their colors soon.
Can't wait for the next that we all know each other or at least have "broken the ice" it will be a lot more comfortable, and hopefully then I will be able to share some frags! :biggrin:

Nice to meet everyone and see you soon!

OOPS...thanks to Scott for providing/paying for the meeting place!

strat 11-27-2005 06:54 AM

Yes, thanks to christy and all involved. It was cool to meet everyone. Thanks too (christy and manny) for the frags I got. Hopefully they will take. Nice to make some contacts for frag exchange and advice etc. Its great for a newb.

thanks all


StirCrazy 11-27-2005 05:39 PM

Strat, what kinds of Electrical work do you do?


StirCrazy 11-27-2005 05:51 PM

Just want to add, it was a good chance to put names to faces, even if I only remember two or 3 today :rolleyes: but I am bad for that.

A couple comments, I agree with Christy that Trading, and group buys shouldn't be a main purpose of the club but rather a benefit that can be done behind the scene. I think one of the main benefits of having a club is just meeting the people, once you do this then trading/buying/what ever equipment and frags can happen at anytime and not just once ever 3 months or whenever there is a meeting. As for group buys it is great IPZ has stepped up to the plate and is offering volume discounts, it is good to see local business that will do that for groups/clubs. I used to deal with IPZ when he was in Victoria and it is good to see he is still going and still fairly close.

Also I want to thank , I believe it was Strat and his wife, for the rock, it is already in the temp tank, oh and PM me your address/phone number so I can arrange to drop off that towel, I am in that area of Vic almost every night (not sure about tonight though yet).


IslandReefer 11-27-2005 06:45 PM

Yes Thanks Christy and Scott,
Great turnout, nice to put some faces to the names

BCWolfen 11-27-2005 07:11 PM

It was great fun meeting everyone (some again). I'm looking forward to having more of these on a regular basis.

Thanks Christy for spearheading the meeting, (we'll get you a gavel *wink* )

And thanks Scott for arranging the room and your offers of support to the group. Shame your shipment wasn't in for everyone to pick over lol but we'll see what you get in Monday.

Manny 11-28-2005 03:07 AM

yes it was agreat turn out. hopefully the next meet will get even more people out. i hope that those zoos make it, Chaloupa, they were in transit for quite a while. Thank you for the great meet Christy and thank you for the frags. The birds nest had polyp extrnsion 10min after I put it into the tank and the porities has come out now too. :mrgreen:

Chaloupa 11-28-2005 05:05 AM

Hey Manny-good news...they got cold, sat in a bag for how long? and today they are all out in their they look great! :biggrin:

christyf5 11-28-2005 05:09 AM

Hey guys and gals,

Glad to hear you all had a good time. :cool: Thanks to Scott who booked and paid for the meeting room :biggrin:

And thanks to those that took a little piece of my tank home with them. Now I have more real estate!!! Woot!! :razz:

Christy :)

muck 11-28-2005 05:17 AM

uh oh... Christy's gearing up for a spending spree again. :razz:

Johnny Reefer 11-28-2005 05:22 AM

Great turn out!
20 people.
Certainly enough to say "Ya. This could work..."
Thanks to Jim for suggesting it in the first place and to Christy for seeing it through.
Thanks to Scott for the hospitality.
Thanks to Tyler for the carpool transportation.
Thanks to Jim, again, for the vinyl backing.
I'd also like to thank my parents, ....and the Academy, ....and the guy who bagged my groceries the other day. :cry:
HaHa. Just kidding, of course.

Seriously, though, one thing I learned from the meet is that no way am I a "Stage 6".
Maybe on the fun poll from a few days ago, but in reality a Stage 6 seems like a pretty high number to me.
I humbly admit that I am still a stage 2 or 3 newbie, on a scale of ???
It's somewhat intimidating, being around such knowledgeable people, but I get that you're all more than happy to share that knowledge.
Having said that, looking forward to the next one.


Jaws 11-28-2005 06:03 AM

I had an a great time as well. It was a pleasure meeting all of you. I think that if planned right, these meets can only get bigger and better. I look forward to the next one.

reeferaddict 11-29-2005 09:45 AM

That was cool to meet everyone even if I showed up late... :redface:

Thanks to Scott & Christy for organizing and providing a nice neutral place to meet.

I too look forward to the next one and I hope we can extend this a little further than an informal meet & greet/frag swap. I'm going to put forth some suggestions and I ask that anyone with any further ones please contribute... :mrgreen:

At future meetings we could possibly do:

Seminars - fragging & mounting, cookie & rock making.

A mentorship program - an open armed greeting for newbies to help them along the way.

Films - Reef dives and anything else we can dig up to further inform ourselves... (I dunno about you guys... but I'm partial to fishie porn... :razz: )

And I dunno what else...? :question:

Johnny Reefer 11-29-2005 06:10 PM

Some good ideas, Jim.
Why, just the other day I was talkin' to some people about fraggin'.
Never done it. Not sure how.
A "Fragging 101" demo by someone would be great.

As well, maybe we all could do the "Guest Speaker" thing ourselves, so to speak. Haha, pardon the pun. You know. Doin' small presentations on different topics.

How about book/magazine/article reviews? Everybody reads the same article and then all review it at the next meet.

Also, I heard that libraries are a possibility for a meeting place. Just have to book in advance. Maybe there would be access to audio-visual equipment at such a place as well.

TNTCanada 11-30-2005 04:23 AM

Great fun great turn out nice to meet some new ones and see others again. Thanks to Christy and Scott. Look forword to the next one.


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