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TDP 11-26-2005 12:55 AM

New member... new tank

Hello, I have been lurking for a while and thought I should finally introduce myself. I hope I got my photo to work. It is a picture of my new tank. I customized an old armoire and had a 135 gal. tank built for it (49l x 24d x 28h). I combined 2 smaller tanks livestock. I had a 50 gal running and I bought back a 70 gal. that I had sold 6 years ago to a friend. The end result is that all the livestock was mine originally. In fact, some of the corals are 18 years old, which is how long I have had a reef tank of 1 form or another (actually 11 forms if a person were counting).

Anyhow, thought I would initiate my first post with a picture and some background. I live in Calgary, by the way.

reeferaddict 11-26-2005 01:02 AM

Dude! My hat's off to you! That is one SWEET looking rig! Those colonies are monsters! DO post more pics.... and oh ya.... details! What are your secrets? C'mon man! Share! :mrgreen:

deacon hemp 11-26-2005 01:43 AM

:eek: Holy mother of pearl!!! I love the (aged) look of big colonies. Specs would be cool and welcome to canreef.

robzilla 11-26-2005 01:43 AM

welcome, your tank is looking great. some close up would be great

Murminator 11-26-2005 02:04 AM

Welcome :mrgreen:

.......where did I put my fragging tools :razz:

Skimmerking 11-26-2005 02:04 AM

love the look of the leathers too.


Johnny Reefer 11-26-2005 02:05 AM

Beautiful tank!
Yes, close ups please.
I'm curious to see whatch got underneath too.
Welcome to CanReef!


TDP 11-26-2005 02:30 AM

Thanks for the compliments. Specs, lets see...
2 x 250 watt 10K MH, 2 110 watt VHO atinic
aquac 150 skimmer
oceanrunner 6500 return
3 maxijet 1200's on a wave timer
around 200 pounds of live rock
11 fish (3 tangs, coral beauty, comet, 2 clowns, 2 damsels, royal gramma, flame hawk)
various corals, mostly soft and lps (would like to start getting sps)
4 crocea clams

I will try to post a close up. I have to downsize my pictures and figure this whole posting thing out. If not tonight will try tomorrow. Thanks, again.

Chaloupa 11-26-2005 04:04 AM

VERY nice tank! Welcome to Canreef

andestang 11-26-2005 04:32 AM

Welcome aboard :cool: ..... Very impressive, your experience shows :mrgreen: Yes, more pic's would be nice !

TNTCanada 11-26-2005 05:21 AM

Welcome and great tank, can't wait to see more pics


Delphinus 11-26-2005 05:58 AM

WOW, very nice! And welcome to Canreef :cool:

Manny 11-26-2005 07:01 AM

WOW :exclaim: Great tank :eek: Making me drool. What part of the country are you from :question: Lets see some close up shots :mrgreen:

TDP 11-26-2005 03:41 PM
Here is a closer picture. The quality is not that good mind you but you get the idea. I had to downsize the image from 1.4 mb to 200k to submit it in the photo gallery which, I think, blurrs it. I'll blame that rather than my amateurish photograpy capabilities.

monza 11-26-2005 03:56 PM

Nice, what corals have you had for 11 years? Thats impressive!

danny zubot 11-26-2005 04:10 PM

Welcome to Canreef and beatiful tank! Will you be interested in going to the frag meeting coming up in January at Greg's?

TDP 11-26-2005 05:56 PM

Monza, actually, a couple of the corals are almost 18 years old. The brown leather in the top right and some of the mushrooms. The hammer, frogspawn, and candy cane are all around 10 years. The oldest fish is the green chromis (8 years) followed by the purple tang (7 years).

Danny Zubot, I am interested in coming to the frag meet. I think I am free. I would probably have some frags too. As I mentioned, I would like to get into sps more, especially colorful ones (a tank full of shades of brown is a common problem I would like to avoid).

mark 11-26-2005 07:22 PM

Wow. Will be setting up a reef and I'll take pointers from you.

Any pictures of the mechanical? Other than the 3 MJ, what else for circulation?

Ruth 11-27-2005 11:39 AM

WOW very nice tank and I love how you have it set up in the armiour - very cool. Welcome to Canreef and look forward to that advise that you can lend to us noobs.

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