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yifan917 10-17-2005 10:03 AM

going ZEOvit in 4 days
hey folks, just got back from Taiwan at the end of is my 72 half circle :mrgreen: ...... I decided to try ZEOvit on this tank and the ZEO products are arriving on Thursday. here are some pix of this tank:

first started:


green milli:

bluetang 10-17-2005 02:55 PM

Good to see your back and in the game again. :biggrin:
Looks awsome, I wouldnt expect anything less form you :biggrin:
You will have to come by and see your old tank


mr_alberta 10-17-2005 02:58 PM

Looks good! Where are you getting your Zeovit stuff from? Is running BB a requirement in running Zeovit?

Bob I 10-17-2005 03:32 PM

Please tell us what zeovit is, and its purpose. :confused:

scuglass 10-17-2005 04:56 PM

lol this might start a heated debate

Ruth 10-17-2005 11:50 PM

I am going to be running zeovit on my 190 that I am putting water in right now. Just waiting for a couple of more zeo things to arrive that should be here this week. Here is a link to a website dedicated to this.
A few threads on reef central on this have been closed because it is contreversial (sp). There is a thread on reef frontiers about it that I found quite informative. You'll have to do searches on those sites to find it.

deacon hemp 10-18-2005 01:35 AM

just go to the source! just go lurk there for a while a after you can wipe the drool off your keyboards,it will show you how it works and what it does.

its basically a nitrate reducer/sps feeder....

WWWD 10-18-2005 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by scuglass
lol this might start a heated debate

why, noone seems to know what the hell it is.

christyf5 10-18-2005 03:24 AM

Where do you get all the supplies for dosing??

Ruth 10-18-2005 03:36 AM

As far as I know there is only one place in Canada to purchase and that is from Aquarium Obsessed out of Ontario. I ordered mine from the States.

christyf5 10-18-2005 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ruth
As far as I know there is only one place in Canada to purchase and that is from Aquarium Obsessed out of Ontario. I ordered mine from the States.

If you don't mind me asking, how much did it set you back? And how long do you figure it will last you??

Ruth 10-18-2005 03:49 AM

I don't mind. Here is what I ordered. You don't really need a reactor - you can go with any canister type filter as long as you can dial it back to around 100gph. This is supposedly what I will need for about 8-12 months.
Qty Item ID Description Unit Price Amount
10 ZEOlith Rock 19.99 199.90
3 SmallBak ZEObak 19.99 59.97
1 MedFood Medium ZEOfood 39.99 39.99
1 MedStart2 Medium Start2 69.99 69.99
1 Reactor 3 liter ZEOvit Reactor w/pump 195.00 195.00
$584.85 USD
Subtotal: 564.85
Shipping: 20.00
Currency is in U.S. Dollars (USD) Total: $584.85 USD USD

yifan917 10-18-2005 07:40 AM

I got my ZEO products from the States too.

just go ont his URL then you'll have a basic idea about ZEOvit.

Newguy, I dont think running BB is a must but it's recommanded. just go check on it should tel you everything.

Ruth, I really can't wait to see the results... good luck with your 190!

WWWD 10-18-2005 07:43 AM

sorry i should have originally said..

damn that’s a good looking tank. ive never really seen a half circle tank that didn’t suck. good job.

OCDP 10-18-2005 03:25 PM

Haha... nevermind.

Nice tank.

WWWD 10-18-2005 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by OCDP
Dude... what's with the attitude?

what? i was giving the guy a compliment, it really is a good looking tank. what attitude?

christyf5 10-18-2005 04:14 PM

I agree, those half circles and corner tanks are hard to aquascape and light sometimes. That tank looks pretty cool. Where did you get the tank from yifan?

Bob I 10-18-2005 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ruth
I don't mind. Here is what I ordered. You don't really need a reactor - you can go with any canister type filter as long as you can dial it back to around 100gph. This is supposedly what I will need for about 8-12 months.
Qty Item ID Description Unit Price Amount
10 ZEOlith Rock 19.99 199.90
3 SmallBak ZEObak 19.99 59.97
1 MedFood Medium ZEOfood 39.99 39.99
1 MedStart2 Medium Start2 69.99 69.99
1 Reactor 3 liter ZEOvit Reactor w/pump 195.00 195.00
$584.85 USD
Subtotal: 564.85
Shipping: 20.00
Currency is in U.S. Dollars (USD) Total: $584.85 USD USD

Wowie, wow, wow. At that price I will stick to my tried and true (for me) Chemipure. :biggrin:

Ruth 10-19-2005 01:51 AM

Compared to some other things I have purchased for my tank I didn't think it was too bad. When I look in the box of things I have upgraded because I didn't buy what I should have in the first place this pales. Anyone wanna buy some PC lights or pumps or skimmer parts? JK I'll keep them as backup.

scuglass 10-19-2005 02:05 AM

the reason i thought it would start a debate is because on other forums people are more familiar with this product. from the little i read about it is that people dont want to add something to their system which they cannot test for.

Bob I 10-19-2005 03:01 AM

I really think reefers are the most gullible of consumers. We will buy any crap they put on the market. I am thinking of putting dirt in your filter. :eek:
Moonlights, skimmers etc. Those very few of us who resist are branded as renegades. :biggrin:

yifan917 10-19-2005 03:41 AM


I got my tank from King Ed Pet Centre.

yifan917 10-19-2005 03:47 AM

Yeah.... I had a hard time to aquascape the tank.... and plus it's a small half circle with centered overflow..... I've seen a 100ish half cricle tank, that one looks alot better and easier to aquascape. but of course more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Ruth 10-19-2005 03:56 AM

Bob if you comment is directed at me I really hope you don't put dirt in my filter :question: Perhaps, as a hobbiest, I am gullible. Have I bought some crap over the last 3 years - YUP! Have I also learned from my mistakes YUP YUP! If I choose to buy or use something I think the one thing I have learned is to research. I am not sure this system will work and if it doesn't for me I will discontinue use and chalk it up to another learning experience. My research tells me that using this system will not be harmful to my fish and if my corals do not thrive then it is just some more of my $ that I choose to spend and I will have learned something. I did not mean to start anything. Christy asked for what it cost me to get set up and I simply replied. My apology please if I offended you.

Chad 10-19-2005 01:49 PM

I think Bob is just making a general statement. As reefers, we seem to always jump on the next bandwagon.

Its not a jab at anyone, most of us will do it at some point in our reefer life :)

reeferaddict 10-19-2005 04:33 PM

I agree with Chad Ruth... I'm sure Bob was just making an observation in general... the renegade that he is... :razz:

Don't stop what you are doing NOR your approach. Remember, there is no "right" way.... just what works for each individual's tank. I've been doing a little reading regarding Zeovit as well, and while I'm certainly not ready to try it yet, I will be monitoring people's results, including yours, so keep us up to date! :mrgreen:

Bob I 10-19-2005 06:14 PM

Yes, please don't misunderstand what I posted. It was most certainly not addressed to anyone in particular. Don't think I don't include myself in the gullible category. The "dirt" I referred to was Miracle Mud, at the time I could not think of the name. As with most products people swear by, there never seems to be any real verified data as to the efficacy of a given product. The scientific method of testing is almost never used.
As far as visible reults are concerned, I think most of are reluctant to admit something we bought is crap after spending big bucks on it. :sad:

deacon hemp 10-20-2005 07:53 AM

I dont think zeo is for everybody,if your sps have killer color already and really low to no detectable nutrients,its kinda useless IMO! Most people that use it now are going barebottom and overskimming aswell ect.

Some of the before and after pics are quite impressive! I will be following your progress ruth and yifan.

Doug 10-20-2005 01:55 PM

Hi Ruth,
I, for one, eagerly await the new tank. I have, {as others I assume}, have bought many different things over the years for our aquariums. Is that not part of the fun. :smile:

I cant wait to see the Bubble King in action and how your tank does on Zeo. Nothing wrong with experimenting. :smile:

I sometimes wonder, from some of the many Zeo threads I have read, is how the tanks and corals would be looking, if Zeo had not been run in them. Yours for instance, will be a top notch set up, including one of the best skimmers on the market. Would that not be enough to maintain nice looking stonies or does the use of a product like Zeo, improve their growth, health and colour. Who knows.

Anywho, I look forward to following your tanks progress. Carry on. :biggrin:

Ruth 10-20-2005 02:47 PM

Well it will be interesting to see how this goes and I will keep everyone updated as I make progress as I am sure that Yifan917 will.
So far I am please with how my tank is taking shape and it is kinda neat as I designed the whole thing myself instead of buying a "system" like I did with my 230.. I got help with the closed loop layout from Mojoreef on Reef Frontiers but I had already purchased all the equipment however needed help on how it would come together as far as plumbing. The only thing I have not tested yet is my return from my sump to see if the overflow will handle the return (and if there are any leeks) but if my calculation are right it should.
I will be moving some of my SPS from my 230 to my new tank once it has cycled and stabilized so although the two don't really compare as far as flow and skimming it will be neat to see if I get added color on my stoneys.
Still waiting to hear if my live rock will be here next week but my fingers are crossed.

yifan917 10-21-2005 11:39 AM

hey folks, just a very quick update. I've started doesing ZEOvit this afternoon. Everything looks fine so far. I also took all the pix of my SPS corals. I will post the before - after pix approx 1.5 months later. wish me luck!

christyf5 10-21-2005 03:40 PM

Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes. :biggrin:

trilinearmipmap 10-21-2005 04:15 PM

I don't want to be rude, can you tell me about the tank, is it acrylic or glass, what did it cost with stand. I am wondering if a tank like that could be lit well with a single pendant MH bulb, so sps could grow in the middle and softies etc could grow around the periphery.

yifan917 10-21-2005 07:35 PM


The tank is Oceanic Glass tank. I really do not remember the exact amount, but you can always just phone king Ed and ask for Oceanic half circle tank with/without overflow.
It also comes with a canopy. However I didnt think I need one so I didnt take it.
If you just want to put a pendant in the middle I think it's possible. I got 2X 400W HQI pendants, but most of the time I just turn one on as you can see in the pix.
Just to remind you that they have a bigger size Oceanic half circle tank too. That one will be a lot easier to work on......

trilinearmipmap 10-21-2005 07:40 PM


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