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mecka 09-22-2005 02:29 AM

free pulsing xenia
anyone want some ?

DanG 09-27-2005 09:28 PM

I'd love to get some.

NanoReef 11-02-2005 12:53 AM

i would love some too!!!

Skimmerking 11-04-2005 12:42 AM

Nano reef where in Brandon are you from

im at 338 dennis street


NanoReef 11-04-2005 03:47 AM

3rd street. by harrison school

i think i might know who you are. my name is erik if that rings a bell!.................(i will let you figure it out)!

Doug 11-04-2005 02:09 PM

Hey you guys, no meetings without me. :lol:

I gather you're home now Mike.

Skimmerking 11-04-2005 03:50 PM

how about calling or come over for a coffee and chat what size of tank do you have is it a 33 gal.

NanoReef 11-04-2005 04:18 PM

ok, i hate coffee though!!! lol, do you know who i am yet?? i have a 20 gallon. i work at the only pet store in Brandon that sells SW

Skimmerking 11-04-2005 07:43 PM

ok Curtis now i know

NanoReef 11-04-2005 07:45 PM

nope, erik, the young guy that works there!!!

Skimmerking 11-04-2005 07:48 PM

ok now i know who you are , Hows the tank coming.

NanoReef 11-04-2005 08:08 PM

its coming along great!! i love it!! lots of zoos, ricordia, leathers, sun coral, that kind of thing. It is great! i havent seen you around much lately, how is your tank??

Skimmerking 11-04-2005 08:28 PM

tank is doing really good been gone for 6 weeks and the wife was taking care of it with the help of Doug form Clear Lake. Anyhow the water is alittle cloudy ,may be from the Alk is down a bit or somthing I havent put a finger on it yet.

Did your dad get his tank up and running yet it was a 120 right.

Did Jamie get any more stuff in yet havent been down there yet since getting home.

NanoReef 11-04-2005 09:17 PM

there isnt much down there right now but there will be soon! 1 big order comin! my dad is thinking of setting up the 120, i think it will be done shortly after xmas. well i got to go to work!

Mykle6o6 11-05-2005 08:19 PM

Hey mike, Remember me? Mike smith... Terrys son. Yeah my dads slowley getting back into salt water, But there going in to my tanks, I've got a 43 set up and a 20 that I just set up about 2-3 days ago its looking devent right now but time well tell how its gona look! Im taking a trip to either winnipeg tomorow, Or eitehr calgary or winnipeg next weekend. I could care less as long as I get all my salt stuff haha. But i gota go see yeah later Mike

NanoReef 11-10-2005 04:38 PM

mecka, are those xenia still up to give away??? i would like some, im coming to winnipeg on the 8th and 9th of december.

Skimmerking 11-10-2005 07:13 PM

Im going into winnipeg on Sat there nanoreef if you tee up with mecka before i go in maybe i can pick it up for you. You can get him to meet me somewhere by POLO park

Quinster 11-10-2005 08:16 PM

aren't you coming for a visit Mike?

Skimmerking 11-10-2005 09:27 PM

if you are close to polo park i will need addy

Quinster 11-10-2005 11:35 PM

close to a "park"....Windsor Park

NanoReef 11-17-2005 06:42 PM

i assume that is a "no" on the xenia?! If there is anyone else in Manitoba that has xenia or other things like that, PM me

mecka 11-25-2005 04:07 AM

nope i grow this stuff like weeds,i have lots give me a call 667-7330

NanoReef 11-25-2005 01:15 PM

will do later tonight.... what is your name so i dont look like an idiot asking of mecka!!! lol

mecka 11-25-2005 04:58 PM


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