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Hey everyone.SOme of you know me.I have a major crisis at home.I am overseas right now with the military and my wife says the house was flooded out by a water pipe so Needless to say she has to move the tank out of the house to another house.I already left messages for Jim(kuato)and Justin(kellehar)in case she needs more help is there anyone else that can give her a hand in moving the tank fish etc.You can call my wife at 915-5752 and her name is Barb.It would be greatly appreciated.I am due home in a few months.
George |
any help would be great as this is a 80 gal tank and it'll be very hard to do this by myself. I would also be very thankful for any volenteers that would lend a hand. I can be reached at #973-4554
thanks Justin |
I'll call you later tonight,have my daughter for the night,but will gladly help. |
thanks jim but it wont be tonight georges wife is still waiting on the new house so it'll be some time next week.
If you guys need a hand next week let me know, ill try and make some time
Thanks Jim and Justin.I appreciate it very much.I talked to the wife last night on the satelite phone and she is pretty upset the whole house is toast.I am just worried about the 90gal stand cause she says the wood is starting to buldge out...But what do you do.If I was home it would be different.But I have a 40 in the basement as well.I am sure you two will figure it out.Thanks again guys I will take care of ya when I get home.And another guy called named Imron?The wife says he left a message but her phone died and lost his number.....what next?
George |
Thanks too Josh....
Hey Geroge,
Sorry to hear about the water break. If Barb, or any the guys need some help with anything, let me know. I would be more then happy to help out any way I can. Keep me posted. Lee |
Willing to lend a hand!
Hi George! Sorry to hear of the flooding!!
My mobile is 886-2890, although I think I told her my number again in the afternoon so I think she should have it. Take care, and don't worry - things will get better. :) |
hey george i was over at the house to day. she's been doing a great job on looking after the tanks. The stand is ok, a bit wet on the bottom but still sound. All your corals look good except for the candy cane. It was in a low flow area so I moved it to a spot with a bit more current to keep it alive. The new 10 gal looks great coriline growth and corals branching out.
hope things are going well for you on the prt . stay safe and have a good one Justin |
I can help with the move this week....I am available after 4 pm monday thru thursday!!!
You guys are awesome.I feel so helpless being so far away and being able to do anything.Justin I already told Barb but be carful around the tank in case the stand does give out.Unless you checked all around the bottom braces...I hope the insurance co just says get a new one.They are there today anyways to finish doing the picture taking etc etc.Yeh the tat turned into a prt and I hope they let me out of here soon.The heat the bugs....smell.. well talk soon.
george and thanks again for all the offers. |
as per my pm kellehar I am avail. to lend a hand also. :smile:
I thank you all that have have said they will help. As soon as i get the word from georges wife I'll let you all know.
I thank you all again for your support in this matter. |
Not to worry,we'll take care of things here.Are you in Kandahar at the airport or in Kabul?I pitty you if its Kandahar,just baren waste land :sad:
Jim you know I cant say where I am exactly over the net....we took over the camp from the Americans.I know its no big secret and everyone knows where we are
cheers |
:eek: oops,I guess I should know better :mrgreen: stay safe over there and the first beer is on me when you get back :drinking:
Hey there Geo pods cood luc k over there I know where you are at. Hope the tanks are doing good too .If jim is helping you out things will be ok.
Oh ya R u working with the Artillery guys over there, I have a frew buddy from Shilo who i work there with here in Shilo Sgt Pat Desbiens, MBdr Chris Harris are there now with the PRT. tell them that Bucket says hello. Mike P.s is the nickname that i got given to me. long story |
I will take you up on the first beer but I will provide the rest.....I am counting the days down but they seem to be adding not subtracting...I guess Barb got the ok to buy a new stand.As the other stand is unstable from the inside.So you guys have to be very careful she dont buckle on you.90gal is alot of weight. I hope you saved me a nice blue ric....or a nice bright one anyways.Did you want anything from here? george |
I havent met these guys yet.But I will look for to them sy hello from you.My role here is GOD.You ask for power I give it to you.But if you are bad I can always take it away....I am the Dirty Diesel guy...generators..2 of us here running the power plant to keep everyone happy so they can eat, have light you know how it is.And the officers can have their air conditioning and their computers.But alot of people have no concept of a generator...uhhh what do you mean you need more fuel?What do you need that for?And why you asking for so much oil?What do you need that for?Story never changes...There is always one in the crowd.In this case a few.I guess they drive their cars with no gas and never change the oil in it.Anyways.Take care.So you are posted to Shilo...My old Battallion is there.I ended up coming to edm instead.Way before they left WPG. george |
Jim...Barb got another visit from a guy from ST ALbert pet store.He said he has bags,buckets and will be there for the move as well.She will keep you informed as to when it will happen.Gotta go to work for a bit
george |
I talked to goepods wife today and she asked if we could help with the move tommarow after 4:00 pm. If your able to help pls send a pm with your phone # and I'll call you to give you instructions to get to the house. To all that offered to help I thank you greatly and hope to see you tommarow.
thanks again |
count me in,send me the address,i forgot the house number :redface:
Do we need to bring anything? |
Yeah thanks Justin for making the post for more people to help tomorrow. You beat me to it. I think we may need it if its only you and me tearing down and setting back up for this 75gal or 90gal I can't remember the size again.
Jim please come if you can make it! *HUGS* Need guys to lift please! Justin, I called Barb, Thanks for the message that she wanted me to call her. I will see you tomorrow after 4:30p.m for tear down and setup. Justin please tell me the tank hasn't been sitting without power. :neutral: Have you checked lately? I imagine since your down the street you stopped by to see. Please tell. Pm Me. Thanks |
hey guys this is justin kellehars wife writing back, if you needed directions here they are
take 97th up passed namao centre, take the next right turn off, the signs will say welcome miliary familys and edmonton garrison. go to the second set of lights, there is a gas station and canex there, turn left on arras, go passed the stop sign, and her house number is 305 arras. justin thinks that people might need to bring what they can for bags and buckets. that would help alot. thanks guys april kellehar |
Count me in...All I have to do is run accross China,Swim accrooss and around the ocean to get to Vancouver, then I have to catch a ride on the boxcar in the train from vAN TO EDM.dO YOU THINK i WILL BE THERE IN TIME?Well It is a thought.I was trying to get outa here....Like I said before folks....I really appreciate all your help I wish I was there.I owe you all bigtime.
George |
I will be up on base tomorrow all day so you count me in. I might be able to lift much I am doing an express test and getting all my Afghanistan needles :eek: . I can bring some pails (I think I have 4 or 5). My cell number is 9912096 just give me a call and let me know the time.
Brad |
Thanks Brad.
I think they are doing stuff friday after 4 pm.So if you can make it it would be great.I think justin will give you a call.As my wife doesnt have email right now as the computer got toast in the flood as well.So he is my main contact right now.As well as Jim and Lee.Thanks again guys......Brad who you with?I take it you are getting ready to do the 2 month pre dployment excercise?Bummer.I hear that the feb roto is a 9 monther.....thats the rumor over here right now. |
I am with 745 Comm Sqn a reserve unit on the south side. I have heard the same thing over here to, oh well I think it will be a good go it will be my first tour I have been waiting for 4 years.
Brad |
I can bring lots of ziplock bags and a couple of buckets and am only 5 minutes from George's place.Maybe if we can get ahold of some more buckets and or large rubbermaid containers.Also is there power heads and or air pumps or do we need to bring some?
I think Barb said the guy from the pet store in St Albert is bringing a truck and buckets etc....It wouldnt hurt to have a few extras.I should have rubbermaids in my basement if the insurance guys didnt use them for other needs at the time.I have a few extra power heads under the stand.And some heaters there as well.On the side of the inside of the stand I have 1-2 heaters tucked away between the 2x4's.So you should be good to that respect. geogre |
I have to go out for a bit,but will be there around 4:30.I only have one pail(the others are being used right now)and lots of ziplock bags.
well the tank is moved and been re-setup thanks to kautto,snaggle,and the guy from pets paradise. thanks guys for all your help, would of taken alot longer without you.
If you guys ever need any help let me know and I'll make sure im there to lend a hand. thanks again Justin |
I would like to Thank the guys again who were there in the tank move and once I get home if there is anything you all need I will help in any way possible.I appreciate it very much
george |
Glad I could help.Its good to help out once in awhile,you never know when you'll be the one needing the help :biggrin:
ONE More favour guys......I need an electronics guru.....After the move to another house.....The wife cant hook up the computer or the stereo to the tv...Has anyone have the expertese to give her a hand in this?Phone numbers are still the same from the first post.Let me know.Thanks in advance.
sorry george i would love to help out since i know a little bit about it but the main person to ask is justin and hes in the feild for 2 months. sorry
april kellehar |
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