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BC army reserves
is there anything i should know before i consider joining? i thought i'd ask here since some of you are in the reserves
yeah dont! Go reg force if your planning on doing so in the near future.
from my time in the reserves and from others I work with that were reserves also before going reg its nothing but a waste of time and energy. I spent 5 years in the reserves and was only credited almost a year of reg force time for it. I could go on for hours with reasons not to but If you want my advice they'll do nothing but hold you back. Justin kellehar ,Cpl 1 service battalion 1 CMBG |
A lot of Americans joined the U.S. reserves and were very surprised to find they were called to active duty in Iraq, risking being blown up to fight a war started based on lies by a cowardly president who himself had evaded military service.
Well, I guess that sums up your feelings on the matter :biggrin: |
very well put trilinearmipmap.
Infomed statements like that keep free speak alive and well. Please dont bash him/her for it. On topic I spent 4 years in the US army. ALot of the reservers had wished they went fulltime. it disrupted thier lives when "desert sotrm" started. If you have that life style then it would be great! Thanks John! by the way wanna help me pack my tank on saterday? wink wink :) |
I have no reserve or military experience.
I wanted to point out that a lot of people joined the reserves in the U.S. and figured they would never be called up to active duty. Anyone joining the reserves should expect they may be called up, with all the financial and family disruption this involves. I have the greatest respect for those who have served. I have no respect for those who send them there without good reason. Unfortunately in the U.S. the system works like this: Poor people and average working-class people (who are disproportionately minorities) send their sons to fight for the interests of rich white people and various powerful corporations. Upper-middle class and rich people would never send their kids off to be killed. Meanwhile the rich take all the benefits of the society that the poor people are getting killed fighting to protect. If we are going to send our young people to die, perhaps a draft based on a random lottery would be the fairest way to do it, rather than enlisting people based on the fact that they are poor and black and have no other economic options. Senators, congressmen and other corrupt big-shots would be less likely to support a war if it meant their own sons and daughters would be sent into combat. |
I also saw ferinheit 911 but his topic is the canadain reserves/if he should join, and the canadain military is nothing like the U.S military. There is no draft in canada its on a volunteer basis, it is not filled with minorities because of poverty, also in the reserves if you dont want to go on tour you dont go. Family first as they say
I have been in the comm reserve since 2002 I still like it I may or may not go reg forces. I have been told that I will get 1.5 years for my time so far. In Canada you will not have to worry about being called up unexpectedly, unless you name was put forth by you, it is an act of parliament to call up the reserve force from what I understand.
Brad |
Thank GOD i have not seen that movie. Movies like that make posts like this.
Uninfomed judgements based on media glitz and spread by those who have a thirst for the truth but find only whats shocking. I guess its all in how you look at it. Good on you Jezx for standing up for your home! I have tons of respect for those that even think of doing it. Its shows you love your country and your fellow man. Good on you!!! |
Can I suggest a good history book for you: "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn It might open your eyes and mind a little. Can I also suggest that we can discuss issues like this without personal attacks. If you don't agree with my opinion that an elite is taking advantage of gullible young soldiers being sent into a senseless conflict, then say so if you wish. There are a range of opinions on matters like this. To say that everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant, only promotes further ignorance by shutting out alternate points of view. |
P.S. I never said you are wrong. I said you are giving a view without doing it and that movies like 911 add fuel to the fire of those who think its the word of god. this limits your view to those that tell you how it is instead of finding out yourself. ie. I can tell you what its like in space as i have ready ALOT about space but in reality I am just going on others words as i have never been to space. |
haha, you guys are fighting.
isn't irony terrific? |
yes it is :)
I would like to say sorry to the users and the staff for my part in this thread. It was pointless and unneeded. Jezx I am sorry for crapping on your thread.
Mods please feel free to edit/remove my posts. Sorry for playing a part in a bad thread. trilinearmipmap we each have our views. Sorry for preaching mine instead of sharing it. |
Relax about it. First of all in the past I have had exactly the same point of view as you do.
I took the thread away from it's original topic which happens I guess. Anyway my hat is off to anyone who volunteers to serve in the forces or reserves. |
Thanks guys. Please keep the political views out and stick to the question asked. :smile:
Perhaps Mike, {regular army}, will offer his thoughts on the reserves when he,s off this weekend and has a look at this thread. |
Well How about everyone dawn a uniform at take a try at it. It takes alot of will and smarts to do what some of these guys do. where they are ask to sign up or even volunteer to do some different things during the summer. Lots of them take time off of work and a wage cut and go to study to become a good or awesome soldier.
But then you have some real winners out there, THE KMART COMMANDO's that buy anything that is Cad pat. That is the uniform that we have with the camoflage in it. hahahaha Well serious the reserves are not that bad for a younger person to have some fun and experience. I have been on 5 tours over seas in my 16 yr term. from Cyprus to Bosnia and AFGHANASTAN COMING up. HAITI Training you name it i have done it. Not glowing my own horn. Working on tour number 6 coming up next year to AFGHANASTAN and i have had many young Reserves working for me. Some would get cocky and some wouldnt. The ones that would get cocky i would just sort out with my kind words of Wisdom. :lol: Lots of them that i have trained on their Army SQ (soldier Qualification that helps them understand the basic's of army life. And trust me when you get some of the Weekend Warriors that come on the course transfering over from the Resrves to the Reg force well they think they know everything. Now that is where the fun startes as a instructor. :biggrin: :biggrin: But on a lesser note there are some very awesome Reserves that play a major role in the army commander's and some of them have quite a a strong role play some are lawyers , and even doctor's and even believe it or not Archelogist you know the bone digger's. Actually i was going to join but i didnt wasnt to get my hair that short when i was a kid. My Dad told me to join to sort me out. but i bombed the test, just so that I wouldnt get in and now look at me. So for any one that wanna take the challange go for it. people who wanna dig at them. :sad: Please think before posting and lettign a small thread get out of hand so that the Moderators are not getting involved. P.S just remember if ya join, there is a Recruiting school here and you may get me as an Instructor... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: |
Brad |
Um.. interesting topic. There are quite a few branches of the reserve in BC. You have medic, artillery, comms, infantry, service, etc. I guess you have to also decide which branch to join. I spent 3 - 4 years in the comms and I had a good time out of it. Met lots of people from across the country and still think it was a great time to spend my weekend. Yes, it will not be much time credited towards reg force and there are lots of experience not learned by not being in the reg force. However, when you come to actually doing it, it is much the same on the job skills (comms in my case) whether it is reg or reserve. If you at least have the interest of considering it, I'd say go for it and live the experience, which is something that you won't ever get to do in civi life. If you are considering reg force and don't want to jump the gun, spend a year in the reserve to get an idea of what it is like then decide. Titus |
Yes Brad I 'm in Shilo been there since 88 from my QL3 course from RCA battle school.
:drinking: and that is what i did for my first 3 yrs at shilo. mike |
Very well Said there Titus , i knew you would be answering this post.
:mrgreen: mike |
thanks for all the replies, im considering to join. oh when i join is there a certain period of years you have to stay? oh yea is there any brigades that you guys recomend over others??
too bad im not in manitoba mike:) |
yes there is are very many trades to go. Best thing to do is go to recruiting and find out what trade is great for you. |
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