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Alberts secedes from Canada?
Ralph Klein has big cajones he thinks.
Ah christ... Not this again... King ralph's mentioned - but he had nothing to do with the article (at least that I read).
But c'mon we're supposed to be happy again... After almost a decade without, we suddenly have full 'representation' in the senate again. :rolleyes: Even if That bustling hub known as New Brunswick has 2 more senators than we do... With a total population less than calgary or edmonton. Western alienation - yeah, that's a figment of our imagination. Andy |
Ralph has been good to me personally. (Pine Lake) :mrgreen:
Stuff llike this bothers me: Quote:
I guess I'm a non-separatist at heart. |
It is. Try living in a maritime province where all you get from the government is promises, promises. While a couple of provinces who seem to have things figured out in today's economy and politics (Alberta, Quebec) still get more attention than is deserved because they are somehow more "distinct" than other parts of the country. Bull! What irks me most is that many Albertans forget where they came from and that most of the funding for the exploration and development of the province came from eastern parts of the country. Now they want to get while the getting is good. I consider that very disrespectful. Cpt Canadian |
King Ralph! :mrgreen:
yea, we have quite the disproportionate government with odd ways of spending money.
never without BC !!!
:eek: imagine having to go thru customs every time we headed west for a visit... |
And the maritimes provinces, so that it's still easy to get lobsters and such.
And the other prairie provinces, because we still need the lakes and farms and other stuff. And Ontario, because I have some friends over there. Ditto for Quebec. And all the northern territories, just because they're -cool-. Baffin Island, come on! There -- there's my perfect secession plan. :mrgreen: |
I like that plan :)
King Tony!
:biggrin: |
The price of most things will go up once they no longer have access to a sea port and have to fly everything in. Maybe they can work something out with us. :biggrin: We have lots of access to the sea. :biggrin:
Just read an acticle in the paper about how the U.S. feels that the Alberta oil sands provide them with a stable energy supply in the future. :eek:
So, the first thing you guys are going to want to do when you seperate is get yourselves a big ass army. So much for being out of debt. :biggrin: You may want to watch for a newspaper headline in the near future that says something like,"U.S claims Alberta has WMD." :rolleyes: :biggrin: |
Andy |
Just tell Bush that it was all a typo. We meant "Soil-sands" not "Oil-sands".
Either way, "Farmers, load up your cows!" It's time to use our secret weapon, something Bush doesn't have in his arsenal, the "Bovine Repulsion/Anti-Invasion Nuke System" or BRAINS for short. :biggrin: First it smells them up, then it fries them up, then it confuses them. On the more serious side, separation will never happen, just because Canadians may b!tch about Western alienation, but we're just too laid back/lazy to actually do anything about it. (JMO) Anthony |
I dont see anything wrong with what is stated in that article ... there are 2 provinces ( Alberta & Ontario ) supporting 10 ... Quebec with all it's resources is a " have not provice " ? wtf is that all about ?
It is not a matter of anti-Canadianism but anti-Federalism where we are treated as second class citizens compared to those in the east. That bologna about Eastern provinces putting Alberta where it is today is just that ... bologna ... They invested in Alberta and got rewarded quite nicely ( and still reaping those rewards ) Quote:
Heck ... here is a novel idea ... maybe if you break the law and get sent to jail you have to contribute to the cost of your upkeep while you are imprisoned :question: ... why should society pay for you when you are the one that decided to break the law Yup ... definately the criminal justice system could use a overhaul for starters. Without large transfer payments we could invest more in our universities and educate our youth ... we could look after our senior citizens instead of the Liberal Government stealing our money and laundering it amongst their friends. Yup ... lots of reasons that have nothing to do with being anti-Canadian but everything to do with making a better place for us to live. It would be a model for other provinces to emulate and if they want in on the Alberta advantage then we support them with guidance and goodwill. |
So, before the barb wire fence goes up, do we former Albertans have a chance to move back?
If not, am I allowed to come visit my son in Red Deer? Can I visit my brother in Calgary? Can I still visit my uncle in Edson? Do we need a passport? :lol: :lol: :lol: |
Just read the article- had to get my $0.02 in! Articles like this bug me. I grew up in BC and AB and then spent the next 7 years living overseas and traveling to a lot of places with my job. I think sometimes we don't don't realize just how good we have it here.
Don't forget having to declare livestock brought to and from Alberta...
Here is some food for thought from a friend of mine ... try not to dismiss it out of hand but to take a few minutes to let it sink in :razz: Quote:
More food for thought :smile: ... a communist state is what you are insinuating will happen in Alberta right Doug ? ( cant visit relatives ... barbed wire fences at the border etc :eek: :lol: )
Far from the truth ... we are in fact losing our democratic rights little by little and those that either dont care or to scared to look might ridicule the alternative. The west has no voice because the power of government lies in the east ... we do get the privilege to pay however and the Robin Hood mentality of take from the rich and give ( pay off the poor for votes ) to the poor needs to stop. What would work better is encourage investment in industry in the " have not " provinces so that they may become self sufficient ... not gonna happen with a Liberal government ... staying in power is all that matters ... sad really :sad: Quote:
Uh, that was a joke Steve. :lol: Its from the way you guys ae putting it. Lets take our ball and run and to hell with the rest of them :smile:
I lived in Calgary when you could not give your house away, so its not always been as now. |
I would support the idea of Alberta becoming a country of it's own.
I for one am sick of seeing my tax dollars being loaded on an eastbound brinks truck. |
The only reason Alberta is wealthy as it is now is Oil, and the worlds hunger for it. As soon as its gone, say good bye to the money.
I think we need to work towards fixing Canada, not finding ways to destroy it. |
Since Canada became a country, including BC, BC has been paying the lions share to support most of the country. The maritimes did thier share untill all thier natural fishing stocks were exploited.
AB has had nothing untill recently, after FEDERAL $$ was poured into the backyard of the smug King Klein & his folowers, untill thankfully something worth value, oil was found. Agriculture? Farmers have been subsidised for YEARS. Wood, electricity, minerals? Nope, we have it all over here in BC. Cattle? HO HO HO. Oil? If the Liberals in BC get thier way and we go into the Queen Charlottes, BC will have 60% - 80% more then AB. WE have a bit of our own already! Parks? Not when you need your own wood supply! See how getting goods into AB is without a single ocean port. (See central african countries). Watch all your new found $$ slip away into the monopolies formed by your new land locked state. Oh and good luck getting clean drinking water when everyone pours thier waste into what used to be thier neibours back yard, but now is a hostile neibour. Now some of these Albertans, all up high on thier horses want to run take thier ball and run away on thier own, as thier superiority permits them to do? That is probably the single most ignorant, disgusting thing I have heard, and if most Albertans sincerely feel this way, them becoming a country on thier own would be a good thing. Even if 90% of my family is Albertan. I mean really what do you expect from a province headed for years by a guy with a grade 6 education. I would rather BC be annexed by the US, bow and kiss Bush's ass, join the army and get killed in Iraq then be grouped with above said Albertans. Have a nice day and don't fall face first into and cow pies :lol: |
@ Justin ... calm down man :eek: ... dont get your pan*i*s in a knot :razz:
falling face first in cow pies :rolleyes: nobody said a ill word about BC but now that you bring it up it seems that you cannot help but admit that you guys have made horrible choices in government and that is why you are in the economic situation you are in :sad: First the NDP and now the libs are going to take their pound of flesh Say what you want about Ralph but he has used our economic windfall and prudently invested it to take us out of debt when Trudeau's policies of the late 70's early 80's sunk us in a economic void that has taken us 25 years to climb out of ... if you dont start now how long do you think it is going to take BC to get out of debt ? And just so you know that what is rumoured to be true just because it was first repeated in the east ... aint always so Quote:
As far as being isolated because we dont have a port ... Lots of Europen countries dont have a port and get by just fine so no port is not a threat worth considering ... and whatever we cant get due to possible economic embargo/retaliation by the rest of Canada we can get from the US who is our largest trading partner anyway. The reality is that seperation would not be a issue if we had a voice in where our dollars are spent but politics in Canada is such that the Liberal Government openly steals our money and get reelected anyway. Enough is enough |
Relax Justin. The only thing a rant is going to achieve, is the closing of the thread. I would imagine those in favour of Alberta seceding from Canada, are far and few in between.
It can be discussed without throwing political garbage and insults. {both sides}. :smile: and taken for what its worth. You dont need a seaport Alberta. We can let you use Churchill in the summer, for a fee of course. Then on the other hand, we will likely be anexed by Ontario. :lol: Or the US or someone. |
Wouldn't it be great if as much effort was put into making things right on a national basis as picking apart what is wrong provincially?
None of the provinces or territories would be what they are today without the other 12. |
Thats the whole problen Cap'n ... we know whats wrong with the system but as long as the power remains in the East we will never see it fixed
They openly steal our taxpayer dollars ... and then get reelected :eek: |
The problem is in how we elect our MP's. Its all on "population" pools. Which is ridiculous because we just do not have the density. We need electoral reform. Pure and simple.
But we are such a status quo society, we cannot even do it in BC when we had a clear oppertunity to make some serious electoral changes. We will not see any electoral reform at the federal level for some time. They have no reason to do so since they know they get the votes in the east. What has to happen is all the western provinces need to get together and put big time pressure on the federal gov to bring forth some changes, but I do not think we do that by saying we are going to leave this country. A more firm but respectable protest is needed. |
but I do not think we do that by saying we are going to leave this country
Has worked pretty good for Quebec for a long time now :rolleyes: They even have their own provincial seperatist party ( The Bloc ) Out West we even whisper about seperation and we are deemed traitors ... anti-Canada etc etc and the whole time we are getting hosed :eek: The thing is that we coddle Quebec and the Feds transfer more money in than Quebec sends back ... they have more rights than we do ... and on and on Does this not bother any of you ? ... all the Prime Ministers come from Quebec so is it no surprise that the source of corruption starts there Also the CBC has got to go ... there is no other way around it ... we have private broadcasters competeing with a government funded broadcaster ... not only is that inherintly wrong but the CBC openly reports only what the Liberal government wants them to say. If anyone disputes that I will give examples of Liberal biased CBC reporting till you say " uncle " :razz: So if you are a Liberal and you see the CBC as a government funded ad campaign for your party what would you say to those that say the CBC is biased ? ... nothing ... nada ... money well spent right ? :smile: after all other than Ontario it is the perfect scenario because the Feds fund the CBC and the West fund the Feds and their propoganda spin machine So they use our tax money to fund the CBC ... but that was not enough and they had to line more pockets ... Adscam ! Where does it end ? ... it is not even like they get caught at little stuff ... we are talking billions of dollars ! The way I see it is that unless the west wakes up and realizes that those out East really dont give a crap about us out west or canada for that matter but are only interested in staying in power ... why ? ... because thats where the money is. What can we do in the next 10 years to change this pattern of government abuse of power ? ... what has already been tried and failed to make reform ? maybe if one province says they have had enough or maybe if 2 provinces or 3 even dare we say 4 stand up and say that we will no longer put up with the corruption then maybe we will see change. Know what I think ? ... talk to any Albertan that is fed up with the status quo and ask them if they would support a independent west and they will say yes 9 out of 10 times and we would foot the bill ... it would cost less than what we are paying now and ensure the rights and freedoms of our children for generations to come. PS ... if you think to yourself < self > would the RCMP not be on top of all this corruption ? ... check this link to see why ... http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/Column...5/1072040.html |
OK West (of which I include myself), let's say you get all this power you are hoping for, what is it exactly that that you would like to do differently then the rest of the country? Put governmental corruption aside because it affects the rest of the nation, and we're all ready for a change. Aside from a more conservative and American lean I don't really see what seperatist Albertans are yearning for?
I sometimes disagree about the views on CBC. Although it seems Liberal, {would you not support those keeping you in your job, :smile: }, it had its place in our country and has been a part of us for many a long years. WHEN NOBODY ELSE WOULD. And just so you know, I,m a Conservative also, although I like our premier but not necc. his party. :smile: And its getting hard to argue this thread without getting into to much politics, which is a nay-nay. :lol: But we are still hanging in so far. |
Why dont we start with the basics ? ... healthcare for ALL ... education for ALL ... lower taxes ( personal and corporate ) ... wipe out homelessness ... more paid vacation time like most european countries ( so you can spend more time with your family ) ... reform the justice system so that the victims regain their rights and the criminals actually get punished ( in fact rapists and child molesters get life ... why should they get away with this behaviour ) ... better standard of living for ALL citizens
We would have a opportunity to reform all the things that have gone so far left that we cant even see them on the radar anymore and bring a more central view ( not extreme right but moderate view ) |
Uh, we are getting heavy into political views here Steve. Perhaps we should bring this thing to a close and get back to reef talking. :smile:
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