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Ruth 07-08-2005 04:10 AM

Top up question
I run my tank and refugium with open tops so I get a fair amount of evaporation - like 5 gallons every 2 days. I do not have a basement so my fuge/sump is set up right under my display tank and there is not a lot of clearance.
Does anyone have any ideas on setting up a top up system that could be used with this set up? I travel quite a bit with my job and frequently have to be gone for a couple of days. I usually get the neighbor to come in and dump a 5 gallon jug into my sump every other day but I am going to get stung one of these time and burn up my return pump and skimmer pump.

Johnny Reefer 07-08-2005 04:31 AM

Just set this system up in early June. The display tank is on the right, out of view. It's at a 90 degree to this set up. Anyway, maybe it'll give you some ideas. That's a 45g on top and it's drilled on the bottom back right corner. A hose (can't really see it) runs from there to the float valve on the sump. I understand your sump is underneath your display. Maybe you could have a top-off tank beside your display and run a hose from that, through your stand, and then to your sump.
That float valve is a "Laguna". (Hagen brand, I think).
Hope this helps.

Sorry about that. Fuax pas fixed.

Ruth 07-08-2005 04:46 AM

Having a hard time seeing what you are referring to from those pictures but it sounds interesting. I am a bit space challenged on the sides of my tank but might be able to get something rigged up.
The good part is that I have not had my cabinet built yet for this system so just have a plain old metal stand that it sits on.

mr_alberta 07-08-2005 04:53 AM

Are you looking for a float valve type system like Johnny has shown or a float switch setup where a switch actually turns a pump on and off? Do you have room under/near the tank to put a resevoir of freshwater?

Ruth 07-08-2005 04:57 AM

I guess I could just have a rubbermaid container beside my tank with a pump and check valve? I have never set up anything like that before. How would the pump be able to come on and off? Or would you have it on a timer? So many questions but I really do have to set up some kind of top up system.

Richer 07-08-2005 05:03 AM

I made an auto topoff using a relay switch, float switch, some solder and an extension cord. I have my water bucket sitting beside by tank with a pump in it. I have a check valve on my pump to prevent water from my kalk reactor from draining into my bucket. The topoff line is clamped onto my fuge (which is physically higher than the bucket). The line isn't under water, so I don't have to worry about siphoning out my tank.

Someone on the board can make and sell you a nice looking auto topoff for pretty cheap (compared to retail). I don't know who he is, but hopefully he'll PM you when he sees this post. All you need to do afterwards is buy a topoff pump and plug it in.


mr_alberta 07-08-2005 05:04 AM

Basically you have a switch has a "bobber" that floats up and down in your tank. When the water level in your tank drops below a certain level, the switch "closes" and turns on your powerhead. The powerhead, which is located in the rubbermaid full of fresh water then pumps water back into the tank. As the water level in your tank rises, the "bobber" on the float switch rises and "opens" and cuts off the power going to the powerhead.

Johnny Reefer 07-08-2005 05:05 AM

Maybe this shot will illustrate it better.
The smoked hose is from the top-off tank. It starts from the top right of the image. (In behind the PVC inlet supply from the display tank). That's the float valve at the bottom left of the image. That annoying hose right in the way of seeing the hose/float valve connection is the return to the display tank.
The float valve is non electric. Basically, when the float is up it seals the opening.


mr_alberta 07-08-2005 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Richer
I made an auto topoff using a relay switch, float switch, some solder and an extension cord. I have my water bucket sitting beside by tank with a pump in it. I have a check valve on my pump to prevent water from my kalk reactor from draining into my bucket. The topoff line is clamped onto my fuge (which is physically higher than the bucket). The line isn't under water, so I don't have to worry about siphoning out my tank.

Someone on the board can make and sell you a nice looking auto topoff for pretty cheap (compared to retail). I don't know who he is, but hopefully he'll PM you when he sees this post. All you need to do afterwards is buy a topoff pump and plug it in.


Uh, Rich, that "someone" is me :mrgreen: Thanks for the plug though!

Johnny Reefer 07-08-2005 05:11 AM

It's basically a simple gravity feed.
The picture of the sump I took on the balcony shows the float valve in the open position. The hose connects on the right, cone shaped end.

medican 07-08-2005 05:11 AM

Hey Ruth.....

Welcome to the board.... :mrgreen:

If you have a float switch in your sump or in your tank this can be wired to a relay box with a 3 prong plug you can use for a pump or a sevo valve that will open and close a ro line (if you have a preasure tank on it)

talk to NEWGUY he made and shipped a great set up to me at a very good price.

good luck

monza 07-08-2005 06:27 AM

Float type valves work well and are real easy. If you want the bling bling get one of these. Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 (click on other components)
It keeps water levels pretty much exact. A bit spendy but a slick piece of hardware.

I use a float valve in my RO/DI water top up storage (salt bucket) the Tunze pumps water from there to my reef.

Also water can flow from my small salt bucket storage to a large rubbermaid for salt water make up controlled by another float switch.


Ruth 07-08-2005 01:07 PM

PM'd Newguy

leslr 07-08-2005 03:17 PM

Have a Look here.
Hi Ruth
Have a look at this.

He does have setups for both sumps and tanks mounts. At least it will give you an idea on what you want or need.

monza 07-08-2005 03:23 PM

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