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Nemo 04-25-2005 04:50 AM

FIELD TRIP TO Aquarium! *****THANKS IVY*********
Just like to say thanks to Ivy for hosting and doing all the work to set this up. I for one was glad to see some of the stuff in the back rooms and meet so many other reefers.

Can't wait for the next get together


Rikko 04-25-2005 04:53 AM

For sure, that took a lot of organizational work (apparently more on your part than the Aquarium volun-STAFF!!! had put in) and it went off pretty well.
I just wish we'd seen more of the marine support systems.. Seems we got gypped. :(

Thanks again Ivy - I doubt we would have gotten there without you.

Tigger 04-25-2005 05:02 AM

Thanks Ivy for all your hard work :)

Zerandise 04-25-2005 05:09 AM

thanks Ivy! had a great time. will post picks when i can!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-25-2005 06:02 AM


Thanks for organizing such a fun evening. You ROCK!!! Remember, when you are going to redo/restock your 65g, I'll have some stuff for your tanks, as I'm sure many others will also.

Thanks from Irene & I and Tristan & CindyT,


Jack 04-25-2005 06:04 AM

Thanks Ivy! :mrgreen:

Chin_Lee 04-25-2005 06:07 AM

merci beaucoup
thanks again Ivy. Kohen and I had a great time. :smile:

whatever 04-25-2005 06:28 AM

I'd also like to thank you, Ivy for all the work you put into organizing the event. It was nice to get a glimpes, and some information, on want goes on behind the scenes (ie., the other 60% of the Vancouver Aquarium). Can't wait till next time. Hopefully, we'll be able to spend more time on the marine, particularly the reef exhibit and, to talk to the experts who maintain it. Thanks goes to the aquarium staff as well for their time and efforts. It was worth the trip but, like others, I still want more. :biggrin: It was also nice to meet other enthusiasts and to put faces to names we see.

1628 04-25-2005 07:23 AM

Thanks Ivy, it was greeeeeeeeeeat!

It was nice meeting you all as well, now i know what you guys actually look like, instead of those misleading pics.

Veng68 04-25-2005 08:15 AM

Thanks a bunch :smile:

Vic [veng68]

Tom R 04-25-2005 04:03 PM

My thank to Ivy.

You went well beyond the call to organize the Aquarium Tour. You know if you want to get something done Ivy is the person for the job. First the Tank Tour nad now the Aquarium. What's next. As always meeting and talking shop becomes the main event.

Thanks again.

Tom R

Willow 04-25-2005 04:55 PM

yeah ivy we love you! we love you so much that we made up this huge banner to present to you but you took off early. good thing Anthony had his camera to capture the moment.

i swear that isn’t budapest that’s the parking lot behind the aquarium.

DEAD_BY_DAWN 04-25-2005 05:22 PM

Thanks ivy and to everyone who came to the shop.

Griffin 04-25-2005 05:47 PM

Thanks so much to all who took your own personal time to set the evening up. My daughter and friends that i brought along all had a great time. It was also great to put some faces to the names here. Thanks also to Rikko and John for opening up the store for some late night shopping.

hockey nut 04-25-2005 08:04 PM

Now that was fun.!!!!!! :biggrin:

Thanks for all your hard work Rear end Charlie :mrgreen: You did an awesome job.

Hope you had as much fun as the rest of us did.

Thanks Stephan and John for letting us loiter around your shop.

When is the next one IVY. ..... :rolleyes: :mrgreen:

shadowboy 04-25-2005 10:08 PM

Thanks a bunch Ivy, nice to meet you and yes the spandex suit is being made. next time I'll play you my theme song

Never fear shadowboys here...ok so im crazy

Xtasia 04-26-2005 07:07 AM

Awww.. is this the sweetest thread EVER?!

I actually don't mind planning little events like this. I traditionally plan weeklong festivals for thousands of people, so 1 night for 26 (which grew incrementally to 42) wasn't too bad... Who knows what we'll do next.. might be fun to have a potluck at someone's house... (not mine... no space...)

Thanks for being so patient regarding the entire Tour... Things just kept on popping up left and right but it turned out ok. I cannot apologise enough to the parents who brought their children and were unable to see all the areas of the aquarium.

Thank you to Denman Pet Gallery for allowing us to park in your lot, giving us special deals, and staying open late so that we could fondle your doggies and raid your store.

Thanks to SHK for helping me coordinate by doing what he could to make my life a little bit easier.

Willow, that picture almost made me spit my juice.. LOL I love it!!

Griffin, I'm glad your girls enjoyed themselves. :)

Nice to finally meet you Jack.

DBD, give me that pug, he's my sweetie, my preciousssssss :(

Tom R, What's next?? Today my tank.... Tomorrow the WORLD!! muahahaha (no... really...)

1628! You speak.. no more hiding in the shadows with shadow boy.. actually you should be his friendly sidekick... fish boy. Actually my true form is a mermaid... ;)

Chin, a pleasure to finally meet you, everyone talks about you and your tanks... (all good of course.)

I really want to give mad props to the fish community for all their support during this time (of my tank's demise). I've had quite a few offers for donations to my tank, and I really do appreciate it! You really do look after your own...

And Morgan, I know you aren't posting, but you are probably reading this... your welcome.. ;)

hockey nut 04-26-2005 07:51 AM


Willow, that picture almost made me spit my juice.. LOL I love it!!

Bah ha ha ha ha ha ....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Xtasia 04-26-2005 03:51 PM

yeah and you.. That's Caboose Katy to you... :P

raquel 05-03-2005 03:57 PM

Willow, that picture rocks. Very cool. Ivy, I just wanted to add my thanks to the long list. You deserve a great big hug!

See you all at the next one.

cindyt 05-03-2005 04:47 PM

Thanks so much for your time to put this together Ivy,it was a blast!Met lots of cool people,and just all in all,had a great time :)

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