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medic_eva 04-18-2005 04:42 AM

ok, something just freaked me out. on my snail's shell, there was a purple colored slug type thing with a spikey back, about 0.5 cm long, no shell just mush. is this a baby sea hare or something? it really scared me and i took it out into a little tupperware tub for now. i really hope someone can respong quickly. please!!!!



mr_alberta 04-18-2005 04:44 AM

Hmm, gotta picture Eva?

Doesn't ring any bells thus far.

Azilla 04-18-2005 04:45 AM

Does it look like mine hehe. Cant remember whaT Its called but there good

medic_eva 04-18-2005 04:46 AM

it kind not really looks like that. i took some pics but i have no idea how to post it

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 04:47 AM

Email it to me Eva and I'll post it.

medic_eva 04-18-2005 04:51 AM

sent you the pic harvey. akk. i hate finding things i don't recognize! scares the shyte outta me!

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 04:53 AM

Its a nudibranch of some sort. Looks a lot like the zoanthid eating ones, but that is a guess.

medic_eva 04-18-2005 04:56 AM

nooooo i just bought zoos today. i bet it came with them. grrrrrr

thanks for checkin it out harvey, you're becoming my new best friend. i think you definately deserve that chili dip now. :razz:

muck 04-18-2005 04:56 AM

Whoa that is one funky looking little dude. :eek:

medic_eva 04-18-2005 04:59 AM

does anyone want him? just a baby. but i really don't want a zoo eater in my tank. and i feel really bad if i kill it.

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 04:59 AM

IF it is a zoanthid eating nudibranch, here's a good read for you:

You won't feel bad once it takes out a couple hundred $$ worth of zoanthids!

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:03 AM

No way! I actually saw what I thought was some sort of long egg sack (read that in the article) on my glass the other day and i took it out. How did these get in my tank?! This is the first I saw of it. Still searching the pictures on google to see what type it is.

muck 04-18-2005 05:07 AM

Maybe Jim wants him.
I think he has quite the food supply for the little fella. :razz:

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 05:07 AM

Look on your zoanthid colony to see if you have more. You most likely got them from there.

muck 04-18-2005 05:09 AM

Where did the zoos come from..??

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 05:10 AM

Also, be careful when handling Nudibranches. Some can be very poisonous!

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:11 AM

My lights just turned off, so they should be coming out more from my understandings of my readings just now. I think it's a horned nudibranch, but I can;t find any info on that one. Don't know if it's bad for zoos or not. Are they all bad for zoos? UHG.... I got it from AI today. I was so excited. Now I'm sad. :cry:

I think it looks pretty neat... but so do my zoos.

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by newguy
Also, be careful when handling Nudibranches. Some can be very poisonous!

thank god for turkey basters.

KrazyKuch 04-18-2005 05:37 AM

That thing is creepy looking....Jim could feed that thing for months!!! :biggrin:

Hope someone can take it off your hands!!I would but yeah I have zoos

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:38 AM

It's not creepy! it's cute!

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 05:39 AM

If it is a zoanthid eating nudibranch, you'll have to feed it zoanthids or it won't last very long....

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:40 AM

i refuse to cut up my zoo for this little bugger. i hope someone will kill it for me or take it away for their tank. i may just have to bring it with me to the meet next month. i'll trade it for some zoos :lol:

KrazyKuch 04-18-2005 05:43 AM

lol....if you end up haveing to kill it but you don't want to do it yourself I can come buy and take it away!!!

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:45 AM

kuch, take it away to a farm like they took away my dog when i was 5? or take it away to love and care... either way, it works for me!

medic_eva 04-18-2005 06:38 AM

so of course, before i go to bed i look at my tank with my flash light, and what do i find? ANOTHER ONE and it's alot smaller then the first. It was roaming around in my zoos. i'm thinking they are the zoo eating type. oh well... poor little guys. no zoodles for them!

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 02:08 PM

Do a FW/iodine dip on your zoanthids. I believe that's what they normally do.

kuatto 04-18-2005 02:59 PM

After reading this,got me thinking I should dip ALL my zoos :eek: I keep pretty close watch on my tank with the magnifying glass and haven't noticed anything that fit the description.
I have a rare "Arctic sun coral" that I can trade you for the nudibranch,It's kinda white,never see the polyps ever,no target feeding required :razz: :mrgreen:

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by kuatto
After reading this,got me thinking I should dip ALL my zoos :eek: I keep pretty close watch on my tank with the magnifying glass and haven't noticed anything that fit the description.
I have a rare "Arctic sun coral" that I can trade you for the nudibranch,It's kinda white,never see the polyps ever,no target feeding required :razz: :mrgreen:

the suckers i have really blend in with the zoos.

and i don't get it, what the heck is an artic sun coral, some kind of sick joke??? grrrrr :evil:

medic_eva 04-18-2005 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by newguy
Do a FW/iodine dip on your zoanthids. I believe that's what they normally do.

do you know the iodine/water ratio? i'm gonna have to go buy some iodine. was planning on that today anyways.

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 06:06 PM

Not sure of the ratio. I just use like 6 drops of Lugols solution in a small tupperware bowl! I'd also add in some flatworm exit just in case.

mr_alberta 04-18-2005 06:08 PM


and i don't get it, what the heck is an artic sun coral, some kind of sick joke??? grrrrr :evil:
Arctic = white = skeleton = dead

medic_eva 04-18-2005 06:08 PM

perfect! thanks harvey! hope yer having a good day!

medic_eva 04-18-2005 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by newguy

and i don't get it, what the heck is an artic sun coral, some kind of sick joke??? grrrrr :evil:
Artic = white = skeleton = dead

that's so not funny.

hehe... :redface:

KrazyKuch 04-18-2005 06:38 PM

I thought it was funny as hell and I almost fell for it....I have three suncorals and was like ohhh a rare one....

Oh and to point out when suncorals die they don't turn white they are more translucent!!

G1GY 04-18-2005 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Azilla
Does it look like mine hehe. Cant remember whaT Its called but there good

Stomatella snail (sp). Yes they are good to have in your reef.

medic_eva 04-18-2005 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by G1GY

Originally Posted by Azilla
Does it look like mine hehe. Cant remember whaT Its called but there good

Stomatella snail (sp). Yes they are good to have in your reef.

they have spikes? never noticed that before. weird...

jws444 04-18-2005 07:51 PM

[quote="Azilla"]Does it look like mine hehe. Cant remember whaT Its called but there good

Stomatella Snail.

kuatto 04-18-2005 09:58 PM

:redface:Didn't mean to upset ya,just joking.I wouldn't worry too much,just fresh water dip a couple of times over a week and should relieve the problem.If it is the Stomatella Snail,they are good to have(lets hope thats what you have)

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