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Saltysteve 02-16-2005 02:17 PM

Grrrrr, what gives
Hi everyone!
I'm getting frustrated, again LOL
I see everyones tank is clear, sandbeds are white etc. Mine, I always have lime green algae thick on my glass, I have to scrape it off all the time. My sandbed is not the most attrictive and ever since I bought a frag from a friend I have Cyano :evil: I have a 4x65 watt PC light running 2 10ks and 2 actincs, my tank is drilled with sump, I use Instant ocean salt , I do run a protein skimmer and I only use 3 gallon jugs of RO/DI bottled water. I do however have coraline growing on my glass :lol: :lol: a few good spots, just started recently.
Any tips?

AJ_77 02-16-2005 03:17 PM

How new is this system?

Beverly 02-16-2005 03:17 PM

Re: Grrrrr, what gives
Need more information such as tank size, number and kind of fish and mobile inverts, feeding schedule, maintenance schedule, which water quality and chemistry tests you use and how frequently, if you have macroalgae in the tank to ulitize nutrients in the tank. Whew! I think that's all.

IslandReefer 02-16-2005 03:24 PM

just a little algea....
Sounds like a normal day at the reef.
You may have some dead spots in your flow....=cyano.... combined with a touch of excess organics = green glass film.
Sooo maybe clean up best you can, ie tune skimmer, scrap and suck, change phosban,carbon etc, watch out for excess food......and /or buy some more snails eg Astras or Banded Turban snails (exact name escapes me).
My Tangs do a good job for me, with a few snails.
I think the important thing is in = organic out or a close as possible.
Also I find that if my Alk gets low green algea is supported better....quick test and a Alk boost might be in order.
Just my for me :smile:

Good Luck

RobbAdams 02-16-2005 03:29 PM

How deep is your tank? I believe PC's are really only effective to about 14-16", also how old are the lights? from what I have heard PC Bulbs last about a year at most. I am not bashing PC, I am currently running PC on my tank as well, just making some guesses.

I also noticed you did not post any information as to the frequency and size of Water Changes you are performing. :rolleyes: I really do believe that water changes are the most important part of your maintenance. Not only do the corals look better when I keep up with them, but the water does stay much more pristine.

Another thing to consider is Carbon. I did notice a big difference when I started running carbon in my all softy set up. I thought my water looked good before using carbon, but there is a really noticeable difference even after just a day or two.

Saltysteve 02-16-2005 05:25 PM

Thanks for all the replies :
OK, 45 Gallon tank that's 48inches long 16 inches high. With a Coralife 4x65 watt light, new in October! Almost 70Lbs of LR. The tank is drilled with sump running a quiet one 4000 (1017 gallons) 3 feet of head and one 90 degree elbow. 2 power heads for flow and a Seaclone 150 (that is working very well) 2 inches of heavy black skimate every 3 or 4 days (it is currently setup as HOB, it will not work at all in sump. I am running carbon (threw a little baggy in the sump) and I have about 1 inch on average fine to medium CC substrate. This is my upgraded tank from my 20 :neutral:
I have 1 small yellow tang (will be leaving soon) he's a bugger!
1 yellow tail Damsel
1 baby false percula (waiting for another one, maybe here tomorrow)
1 lawnmower blenny (cool addition)
pulsing xenias, mushrooms, green fuzzy mushrooms,a few heads of neon green trumpets, 3 inch (or so) Colt Coral, 1 inch(frag) devil's hand, 2 inch (frag) bird's nest, baby pineapple moon (frag), a few star polyps, 3 small feather dusters, a few nice stems of macroalgae, a healthy clump of green grapes (Caleurpa sp?) I want another leather :)
I own a refractometer, I use salifert test kits and the odd Hagen, Dkh has been high at around 12 slowly coming down to about 9 over 2 months. Calcium is never below 460 never above 500. trite,trate,Ammonia etc rarely tested anymore. My sump is enclosed (under stand with doors) and the tank is open top. I have been experiencing rapid evaporation to the tune of 1 to 2 liters a day. Trying to stay on top of it so the salinity levels don't fluctuate too much. Due to the evap and new RO water added all the time, water changes are not to frequent, Once a month I'll vaccum substrate with a small dia. hose and add 3 gallons of new salt water. My fish are spoiled, flake food, brine, planktyn etc.
additives used are all Seachem products, reef plus , reef complete, reef builder. No dowsing etc yet, reef plus once a week and mixed in with the food (spot feeding etc) and that's about it in a nutshell!
Everyday I run the magnet algae cleaner around the glass. I'm forever staring in it, LOTS of little animals cruising around, copepods etc, some real ugly ones LOL plentiful on the bristle worms etc (working on it).
I have noticed over the last two days; I bought the new hinged assembly for the light, love it, there is 80% less salt from evap on the acrylic cover. Light is higher than the old legs. Good sign, may help.
The tank has been setup since October and ya I'm a newbie, outgrew the 20 in a few short months!

Saltysteve 02-16-2005 05:29 PM

14 margarita snails sp? 8 nassiurus snails sp? and 4 red leg hermits!
4 other tiny snails ? (can't remember the name)
and I'm sick of snail flipping

Ryan 02-16-2005 08:14 PM

I am pretty sure that alot if not all of the people who you see with crystal clear tanks clean them then take pictures the next day once everything settles. or clean then take pictures.

Beverly 02-16-2005 08:42 PM

Sounds like the number of fish is small, which is working in your favour. When feeding, make sure there is very little leftover food in the tank.

One major problem I see is that you do water changes only monthly. If you are having cyano or serious on-the-glass algae problems, I would advise increasing water changes to 5-7 gal weekly in a 45g. Clean your filter media in outgoing changewater weekly as well. Great that you are siphoning out the cyano. Do this weekly until it goes away. Keeping to a weekly schedule will do your tank a world of good.

Saltysteve 02-17-2005 05:54 AM

I think I agree with you Ryan :biggrin:
Thanks Beverly, appreciate your input. When I was writing the above I said to myself water change more! :lol: I also think, like you, I over feed. Lots of food floating, I see critters dragging it around and bristle worms flourishing!
Will go on your advice!
Thanks again!

Doug 02-17-2005 02:21 PM

Sounds like a bit of excessive nutrients to me also. Regardless of how the small skimmer is skimming, its still small, IMO, so more water changes as suggested would help.

Your tank is still young and the problems you mention are common with them.

A fighting conch may help with the sandbed cyno, although it always seems like some type of cyno is part of sandbeds.

Saltysteve 02-17-2005 04:43 PM

Thanks Doug!
Appreciate all the help I can get.

IrishReefer 02-21-2005 05:24 AM

Hi ,

I symphatize .... have a look


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