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littleboyblue16 02-02-2005 07:46 PM

how easy is easy? (frag question)
how easy is it to frag, from what i get from is, take a sharp object and cut a peice, or is it more to that, i have some mushrooms and a yellow finger coral i want to frag, so yeah any help would be nice thx


Murminator 02-02-2005 08:02 PM

QUestion or QEstion?


littleboyblue16 02-02-2005 09:02 PM

there better for ya?

Murminator 02-02-2005 09:28 PM

Much better.... I thought I would get to you before Bob did
kekekekekeke :crazyeye:

littleboyblue16 02-03-2005 05:24 AM

yeah, i knew after you said that, that he would come after me....

*hides behind sofa* is it safe from bob yet? lol j/k

but really, does anyone know! lol

mr_alberta 02-03-2005 01:29 PM

Mushrooms are very easy to frag, just make sure you get a piece of the mouth with every frag. Leathers are also pretty easy to frag (just clip a piece off) but I would do this out of the main tank as they can release all kinds of nasties into the water when being fragged. Also, don't frag too large of a piece off at one time as you don't want to shock the coral too badly.

muck 02-03-2005 02:01 PM

I think for mushrooms the easiest way to frag them is to cut them up like a pizza. And as Harvey said make sure you get a peice of the mouth with each peice..

Ive never tried fragging leathers. When you say clip a peice off. You just chop a peice off and glue it to rubble or...? A little more detail please...? :mrgreen:

littleboyblue16 02-03-2005 03:12 PM

sounds fun and exciting, haha! that just means i have to start my 20gal again for frags, or 10 lol

mr_alberta 02-03-2005 04:09 PM

There is no way glue will hold down any softie frag. The best way to get them to attatch is the old needle with fishing line trick. Pierce the frag with the needle and fishing line and wrap the fishing line around the rock/plug.

Another method to try is the put in container with low flow and rubble technique. Another one is the rubber band them down technique which almost never worked for me. Last but not least is the skewer frag with toothpic and wedge toothpic in rock technique.

Bob I 02-03-2005 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by muck
I think for mushrooms the easiest way to frag them is to cut them up like a pizza. And as Harvey said make sure you get a peice of the mouth with each peice..

Ive never tried fragging leathers. When you say clip a peice off. You just chop a peice off and glue it to rubble or...? A little more detail please...? :mrgreen:

hahahaha I before E except after C :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

muck 02-03-2005 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_I
hahahaha I before E except after C :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

I don't agree with that rule... thats just weird. :mrgreen:

littleboyblue16 02-03-2005 05:46 PM

OH NO ITS BOB -runs around in a cycle, then hides behind the sofa- lol

j/k but its fun you tease us we can to you :P

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