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gregzz4 04-11-2021 03:29 AM

Fish pricing is out of control
Maybe some fish are worth $200 or even $300, but not fish that used to be $75.00

I would not pay what others are asking for a fish that may be 'hard to find' right now.
Prices may come down. Who knows.

If you're desperate for a fish go ahead and pay a stupid price.
Otherwise, you're paying someone who is taking advantage of the market.

$300.00 for a yellow tang used to be the price for an Achilles Tang.
J&L sells Yellows for under $100.00, and even $50.00 if small.
Although not listed, why do peeps think a Yellow is worth so much now?

This is their most recent fish pricing list

F-7315A Tang - Blonde Naso Tang (2.5-3.5 Inch IO) Naso elegans 2.5-3.5 Inch IO 4 $81.45
F-7052 Tang - Chocolate Tang (2-3 Inch PI) Acanthurus pyroferus 2-3 Inch PI 3 $43.45
F-7150A Tang - Hippo (Blue) Tang (1-2 Inch PI) Paracanthurus hepatus 1-2 Inch PI 15 $75.95
F-7150B Tang - Hippo (Blue) Tang (2-4 Inch PI) Paracanthurus hepatus 2-4 Inch PI 18 $103.95
F-7300B Tang - Naso Tang (3.5-7 Inch PI) Naso lituratus 3.5-7 Inch PI 3 $91.95
F-7365A Tang - Powder Brown Tang (2-4 Inch PI) Acanthurus japonicus 2-4 Inch PI 1 $90.45
F-7380 Tang - Purple Tang (All Sizes RS) Zebrasoma xanthurum All Sizes RS 2 $190.45
F-7400A Tang - Sailfin Tang (2-3.5 Inch PI) Zebrasoma veliferum 2-3.5 Inch PI 1 $66.95
F-7450A Tang - Scopas Tang (2-3.5 Inch PI) Zebrasoma scopas 2-3.5 Inch PI 1 $59.45
F-7500A Tang - Tomini Tang (1.5-3.5 Inch PI) Ctenochaetus tominiensis 1.5-3.5 Inch PI 3 $68.95

kapow! 04-11-2021 04:17 AM

Tomini price has gone down, it was $70+ last week.

Torontotraders 04-11-2021 04:44 AM

With all due respect. Isn't that the way things are today? I don't think houses across Canada are worth a (at least) million bucks for something just 6 months to 3 years ago was worth anywhere from 20 to 50 percent less.

Supply and demand dictate the buying pressure on any specific item that you or myself might or might not agree with. Yellow (wild) tangs are (at least for now) simply at a point where the supply chain has been cut off, and therefore cause a rise in demand. You may not want one, but others might, even if, at one time, they were considered the 'rabbits' of the tang world, that is no longer the case.

If we lived in a world where we thought certain things should remain at the value of yesterday, food prices would not be going up, housing prices wouldn't be going up, and my stocks would remain stationary. No matter what I/you think about the cost of what a fish may be worth, I'm not going to think less of someone else because we chose to sell our fish for more, or chose to buy one that we can't find (any longer) for a premium. What someone considers expensive, another will purchase because they feel it is worth it to them! Hence the reason why housing prices are skyrocketing. That's not desperation, thats supply, and demand - If we don't like it, we stay out of the market and wait for a possible change.

By the way, the reason why Achilles are at a premium is the exact same relative reason. They are not an easy fish to get, although for a different reason the principles are the same:)

Alm 04-11-2021 04:53 AM

Due to recent events j&l is selling them for the same if not more than everyone else..ALL livestock is disgustingly expensive now.

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gregzz4 04-11-2021 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Torontotraders (Post 1049347)
With all due respect. Isn't that the way things are today? I don't think houses across Canada are worth a (at least) million bucks for something just 6 months to 3 years ago was worth anywhere from 20 to 50 percent less.

Supply and demand dictate the buying pressure on any specific item that you or myself might or might not agree with. Yellow (wild) tangs are (at least for now) simply at a point where the supply chain has been cut off, and therefore cause a rise in demand. You may not want one, but others might, even if, at one time, they were considered the 'rabbits' of the tang world, that is no longer the case.

If we lived in a world where we thought certain things should remain at the value of yesterday, food prices would not be going up, housing prices wouldn't be going up, and my stocks would remain stationary. No matter what I/you think about the cost of what a fish may be worth, I'm not going to think less of someone else because we chose to sell our fish for more, or chose to buy one that we can't find (any longer) for a premium. What someone considers expensive, another will purchase because they feel it is worth it to them! Hence the reason why housing prices are skyrocketing. That's not desperation, thats supply, and demand - If we don't like it, we stay out of the market and wait for a possible change.

By the way, the reason why Achilles are at a premium is the exact same relative reason. They are not an easy fish to get, although for a different reason the principles are the same:)

So with all due respect back to you ...

If an Achilles Tang used to be $400, or $500, but is now only $100 because of lack of demand, would you sell it for $100.00, or for $450.00 - $500.00 ????

Because a Yellow Tang is now in demand, are you going to try to make money selling the one you have in your tank?

I Gave Away my Yellow Tang last year as I wasn't sure what issue it had. It had a bacterial infection. I had the fish for over 5 years.
Should I have attempted to sell it for stupid money, or lie to buyers ... ?
Could I have tried to get Hundreds of dollars for it? Sure.
Would I have felt right doing so? No.

I gave it away for FREE because I wasn't sure what issue the new owner would have.

Animal-Chin 04-11-2021 05:37 AM

I used to buy air jordans for $50 and now they’re $400 for the same ones. So I don’t buy them, that’s my choice. I used to buy yellow tangs for $50 and now they’re $400 so I don’t buy them, that’s y choice too. I wear adidas and have wrasses. I’m fine with that. Just the way things work.

Hadiosbourne 04-11-2021 06:02 AM

It’s not about the demand, it’s about the supply, the JL will not bring yellows anytime soon because Hawaii banned their export.
Do essentially they are impossible to find and they also said it’s gonna be around $400 if anyone can find them, so it’s essentially like buying a Gem tang, cause they are hard to find/catch.

kapow! 04-11-2021 06:12 AM

I Wish we have more lfs in the Vancouver,New West and Burnaby area. I remember when I started this hobby, I would drive to Ocean Aquatics, Big als, petcetera,king eds, j&l and theres also a pet store in new west on Columbia, just to look at what’s on sale.

Torontotraders 04-11-2021 06:39 AM

Maybe I didn't explain properly.

If an Achilles tang used to be 400 to 500 or even 100,000.00. it still doesn't change the logic. If they all of a sudden flooded the market, I'm quite sure they would be worth $25. That's what supply is about! So no matter what I thought it was worth before, the market dictated that is now worth $25, I would either be forced to keep it, or if I had to sell it, it would now be at market value; $25...

Whether or not you sold your tang is irrelevant. YOU chose to do what you felt was best for you! I've given away meds, fish, and supplies in the past, all that too is irrelevant! It was your choice to do with your property that you felt you needed at that time, as it was my choice to do with my supplies that I felt I was needed at the time - I purchased my med from the states, so they were NOT easy to come by, but I wanted to help fellow reefers.

So in conclusion - I am going to sell what I feel is fair market value, and if the receiver feels it is fair, they are going to pay for it.

The issue I have right now is this??? Why is it bothering you what others are doing? if you are not interested in the market value - Yellow tangs are not available, so, therefore, it shouldn't affect you, because you can't get one anyway unless you were willing the pay fair market value? What it seems to me is you want a tang, but are not willing to pay the price..I could be wrong, but if I'm not willing to pay for something, I simply walk away, and/or wait until I get something I am willing to pay for! Trying to condemn others for what they feel their property, items, etc are worth, isn't going to change things! In the states, Yellow tangs are going for about $400 USD...You either shake your head or buy them..That's about it in my opinion...

I for one don't mind paying extra because lower prices contribute to the raping of our oceans - That is just my opinion. It's not as nice as we think it is out there. This is our entertainment, and it comes at a cost. Watch (Netflix) Seaspiracy.

Chuckvandam 04-11-2021 07:02 AM

Mods plz delete...this is in violation and a waist of time, plz respect the forum and keep to the rules

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dino 04-11-2021 01:09 PM

this is called a discussion. we barely get enough posts on this site . I say lets talk. whats it to you? anyway I agree supply and demand to be honest corals are no different. if people are willing to pay an amount then no harm in trying to sell for that if its "market value". im not saying we should be dishonest or rip people off though.

blaster 04-11-2021 02:39 PM

Being out of the hobby for 6 years i was thinking fish prices now are crazy.Is this a result of covid?People could sell there stuff for whatever price they want.Is someone wants it bad enough they will buy it overpriced or not

Torontotraders 04-11-2021 03:33 PM

I agree with ‘dino.’ As long as the costs are relevant to the market, there’s no need in going overboard with what people charge for their yellows, or any other fish. I just got back into the hobby less than a year ago, after being away for over twenty years. So I too was quite surprised at the costs associated with the marine world. But none the less, I’m of the mindset that we are paying for a life, not some hood ornament. Without getting all existential, I think it is well worth what we are paying for our animals these days-that’s just me though:) And again, like Dino said, as long as we ask fair market price, and it falls in line with value it would be considered fair; right now value is set by the stores as a result of demand. And unfair would be cost above the asking price of the stores.

By the way, this discussion is-not and was-not in anyway meant to be disrespectful in anyway shape or form! It’s open, transparent, and simply based on my, and others opinions and views. We are adults and hopefully we can learn from one another or at the very least, have a better understanding of how we each feel and/or view our current hobby/passion.

Perhaps it’s incentive for us to figure out a way to tank raise fish that are more hardy and healthy than what is currently being offered in the tang world. Science is never exact, there’s always room for improvement.

WarDog 04-11-2021 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by dino (Post 1049359)
this is called a discussion. we barely get enough posts on this site . I say lets talk. whats it to you?

Agreed, no rules are being broken here.

This thread actually gives me a giggle, considering the OP recently shut down his tank and left the hobby.

Yellow Tang prices are ridiculous. I have snorkeled in Hawaii and they are everywhere in huge numbers, definately a rat of the seas. Perhaps when captive bred numbers increase, the price will hopefully drop.

But selling a fish you paid $50 for a few years ago for current market price is disgusting, and shows your true colours.

Hadiosbourne 04-11-2021 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1049364)
Agreed, no rules are being broken here.

This thread actually gives me a giggle, considering the OP recently shut down his tank and left the hobby.

Yellow Tang prices are ridiculous. I have snorkeled in Hawaii and they are everywhere in huge numbers, definately a rat of the seas. Perhaps when captive bred numbers increase, the price will hopefully drop.

But selling a fish you paid $50 for a few years ago for current market price is disgusting, and shows your true colours.

I do not agree on this, if you bought Bitcoin a few years ago for $1000 and now it’s $70000, you not gonna sell it for $1000 now, right? You’ll sell it for the current market price and use the money to buy other stuff which their price also gone up or you couldn’t afford before

WarDog 04-11-2021 08:01 PM

Except that you know going in that you are buying a Bitcoin as an investment.

I'm talking about an animal we keep as a pet. I wouldn't sell my dogs for profit just because dog prices have skyrocketed in the last year also.

cyber_ecco 04-11-2021 09:57 PM

To be fair if he sells it for what he paid ($50 or whatever) you know someone will buy it and just try to re sell it for $300. For me personally Im more concerned that it goes to a good home than the $$, but everyone is different and free to do what they want.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Ryan 04-12-2021 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1049344)
Maybe some fish are worth $200 or even $300, but not fish that used to be $75.00

I would not pay what others are asking for a fish that may be 'hard to find' right now.
Prices may come down. Who knows.

If you're desperate for a fish go ahead and pay a stupid price.
Otherwise, you're paying someone who is taking advantage of the market.

$300.00 for a yellow tang used to be the price for an Achilles Tang.
J&L sells Yellows for under $100.00, and even $50.00 if small.
Although not listed, why do peeps think a Yellow is worth so much now?

This is their most recent fish pricing list

F-7315A Tang - Blonde Naso Tang (2.5-3.5 Inch IO) Naso elegans 2.5-3.5 Inch IO 4 $81.45
F-7052 Tang - Chocolate Tang (2-3 Inch PI) Acanthurus pyroferus 2-3 Inch PI 3 $43.45
F-7150A Tang - Hippo (Blue) Tang (1-2 Inch PI) Paracanthurus hepatus 1-2 Inch PI 15 $75.95
F-7150B Tang - Hippo (Blue) Tang (2-4 Inch PI) Paracanthurus hepatus 2-4 Inch PI 18 $103.95
F-7300B Tang - Naso Tang (3.5-7 Inch PI) Naso lituratus 3.5-7 Inch PI 3 $91.95
F-7365A Tang - Powder Brown Tang (2-4 Inch PI) Acanthurus japonicus 2-4 Inch PI 1 $90.45
F-7380 Tang - Purple Tang (All Sizes RS) Zebrasoma xanthurum All Sizes RS 2 $190.45
F-7400A Tang - Sailfin Tang (2-3.5 Inch PI) Zebrasoma veliferum 2-3.5 Inch PI 1 $66.95
F-7450A Tang - Scopas Tang (2-3.5 Inch PI) Zebrasoma scopas 2-3.5 Inch PI 1 $59.45
F-7500A Tang - Tomini Tang (1.5-3.5 Inch PI) Ctenochaetus tominiensis 1.5-3.5 Inch PI 3 $68.95

You should be happy. I was in Calgary last week.
Flame Angels $200
Yellow Tangs $500
Purple Tang $350

Heck even wild type true percula clowns were $60

I am looking for some high end fish that aren't common to come by. Part of me is glad they are rare because I don't think I could afford them right now.

Ryan 04-12-2021 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by blaster (Post 1049360)
Being out of the hobby for 6 years i was thinking fish prices now are crazy.Is this a result of covid?People could sell there stuff for whatever price they want.Is someone wants it bad enough they will buy it overpriced or not

It started with the indo ban, prices went up. Then covid made the animals hard to go out and collect, now its hard to get air space for fish and when they do get the space the airlines are charging a premium. I don't mind paying higher prices for quality livestock, my issue is an increase in prices and a lack of quality in the stores. J&L is probably the one I trust the most when it comes to buying high end fish. I don't trust any brick and mortar retail store in Southern Alberta at this point except maybe Ocean Creation. The rest don't seem to give a darn about the fish or the quality going out.

Ontop of that, there is western influence. The collectors in these areas have realized what they were collecting for pennies was selling for hundred of dollars. Now they have caught onto the rare fish and bright coral game. We are also seeing alot less wild coral being collected and more mariculture, and aquaculture corals. Even then I remember when red coral would sell colonies for $50 on the boxing day pre order then were $60 or $70 each when in the store.

Ryan 04-12-2021 01:45 AM

I have been thinking of something else that could be why prices are so high. Liquid income. Anyone who has been in this hobby for more than 6 months knows how easy it is to make money off your tank and how quickly you can make it.

With my old tank it was nothing to sell $1000 worth of frags a month in 1 maybe 2 trips to Calgary. Thats $12,000 a year to spend on my tank and I would guess $1000 of that is supplies and $2400 in New inventory. That leaves $6600 a year to spend on new fish, new gear, or in my case I would spend it on my family.

My point is when you have thousands of dollars in liquid cash burning a hole in your pocket, who cares if the tank is $400; if you want it, buy it.

GreenSpottedPuffer 04-12-2021 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1049373)
Except that you know going in that you are buying a Bitcoin as an investment.

I'm talking about an animal we keep as a pet. I wouldn't sell my dogs for profit just because dog prices have skyrocketed in the last year also.

I think domesticated animals are different. It would be really frowned upon to buy and sell dogs or cats in the way people buy, sell and trade fish. Not to mention fish mortality rates are quite high but people tend to consider them replaceable. I don’t think you’d keep buying Golden Retrievers if they kept dying in your back yard.

My point is, this makes them much less like pets and more like commodities.

I consider my porcupine puffer a pet but I’m not sure I can say the same about some of my other fish. I care a great deal about them because they’re a life which I chose to be responsible for but I’m not sure I feel the same way about them as I do about my dog.

Animal-Chin 04-12-2021 04:03 PM

The interesting part is even with prices so high, J&L is the busiest its ever been. I talked to one of the employees last week and they said they've never been busier. So even with insane prices, we're all still buying more than ever before. Personally i think covid has a lot to do with this, i'm working from home so see the tank way more and really have no vacations to look forward to, no concerts to go to, nothing to do so when i see a torch coral for $160, even though it kills me to do it, i buy it cause i have the disposible income right now.

dino 04-13-2021 12:42 PM

DISPOSABLE INCOME??? what the heck is that lol. geeze I make great money and im still broke this day and age

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