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crimper 04-11-2020 05:56 AM

Crimper's 57G Reef
Hello Canreefers,

I joined Canreef wayback June 2013 and I have attempted to have build a dream reef but keep on failing miserably. I have quit a couple of times but I kept on coming back… like a fly that’s attracted to the bright light of Metal Halides.

I have learnt a lot on my 7 years of Trial and Error approach and came into a conclusion that this hobby is like a stock market, you can’t keep them up all the time.

I actually patiently waited for Rich [Bblinks] to become an Admin of this forum before posting my tanks here, (so I’ll have some clout). :lol: Actually if not for Hung, my tank will be empty. Thanks Hung for donating your precious acros. :lol:

WTH, without further ado, here’s my tank.


Tank:  57G Starphire Rimless Tank
Lighting: LED + T5 Hybrid Combo (Radion XR15 G4 x 2 + ATI Blue+ 39W x 2)
Skimmer: Buble Magus C6 insump
Sump: 20G Breeder DIY sump
Bio Filter: 50lb Real Reef Rock
Return Pump: Jebao DCT 4000
Flow: Glamorca GP03 Gyre; 4 Jebao wavemakers
Controller: Apex Jr.
Heater: Eheim 250W x 2

Water Chemistry & Photo Period

Salt: Redsea Sea Salt (Blue Bucket)
Dosing: BRS 2 part
WC: 10% Every Week
Photo Period: 12 hrs. Coral Lab AB+

Fish & Inverts

Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang, Copperband Butterfly, Flame Hawkfish, Lemon Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse,
Spartan Masked Clownfish
Several Snails

crimper 04-11-2020 06:12 AM

Looking Back

January 2019, Tank has been cycled.

crimper 04-11-2020 07:13 AM

August 2019

crimper 04-11-2020 07:15 AM

October 2019

crimper 04-11-2020 07:17 AM

November 2019

crimper 04-11-2020 07:20 AM

January 2020

crimper 04-11-2020 07:27 AM

February 2020

crimper 04-11-2020 07:28 AM

March 2020

titus 04-11-2020 08:08 AM


Hey keep it up. Like everything in life there are bounded to be mistakes along the way. It's normal. I like your aquascaping.


LifeIsGreat 04-11-2020 03:58 PM

Nice tank, I'm jealous.

Bblinks 04-11-2020 05:48 PM

Came along way!! Really nicely done.

Hungs giving out free corals? I am in!!! :lol:

hillegom 04-11-2020 05:58 PM

Came a long way since last summer

WarDog 04-11-2020 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by hillegom (Post 1042245)
Came a long way since last summer

I was just about to say it looks great for a year and a bit. Keep up the good work.

Skimmerking 04-11-2020 07:51 PM

love the way the tank has progressed. Colors are very vibrant

crimper 04-12-2020 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by titus (Post 1042229)

Hey keep it up. Like everything in life there are bounded to be mistakes along the way. It's normal. I like your aquascaping.


Thanks Titus. I have learnt a lot from this forum and I met a lot of cool reefers here. This is where it all started. :cool:


Originally Posted by LifeIsGreat (Post 1042237)
Nice tank, I'm jealous.

Thanks LifeIsGreat. Life is really Great when reefing. :biggrin:


Originally Posted by hillegom (Post 1042245)
Came a long way since last summer

Thanks hillegom. I still remember when I was starting and you let me in to your door. When I came out, I got several corals and some free cheato that I started with. :wink:


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 1042252)
love the way the tank has progressed. Colors are very vibrant

Thanks Skimmer King. I’m still trying to figure out how to color these styyx. Bblinks got me under his wings, he promised me to teach me his secrets. :biggrin:

crimper 04-12-2020 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 1042241)
Came along way!! Really nicely done.

Hungs giving out free corals? I am in!!! :lol:

Thanks Rich.

Oh yeah, the coolest reefer here in Canreef. He even shared with me your secrets on how to grow and Color these styyx. :wink:

crimper 04-12-2020 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1042246)
I was just about to say it looks great for a year and a bit. Keep up the good work.

Thanks Waren. Hung shared me all Rich's SPS bag of tricks :wink:

The_Reef_Man 04-14-2020 07:23 PM

Tanks looking really good Edlacer!!

crimper 04-14-2020 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by The_Reef_Man (Post 1042340)
Tanks looking really good Edlacer!!

Thanks Greg.

I remember last summer when I drove up there in Anmore, I seriously haven't heard where Anmore is, (shame on me). I thought it some LalaLand place in BC. I didn't know that is just above Port Moody, and Yes White Rock is a far drive from Burnaby than Anmore. :lol:

But look at what I got from you, those are hidden gems up there in Anmore. Most of my fast growing acros are from you, and those great healthy zoas and palys are from yours too. By the way that single head Tourch that I got from you now have 8 heads going on 16 in less than a year.

Thanks for the great tips buddy.

crimper 04-16-2020 02:56 AM

The Tang Police will go after me. :lol:
New Fish On The Block, passed quarantine.

The_Reef_Man 04-17-2020 10:45 PM

Thanks Edlacer!

Sounds like it was worth the trip to lalaland for you.
Really happy your corals are doing well. Too well infact, I’m worried you’re going to take me out of business haha. Keep us all updated with the progress!


Originally Posted by crimper (Post 1042347)
Thanks Greg.

I remember last summer when I drove up there in Anmore, I seriously haven't heard where Anmore is, (shame on me). I thought it some LalaLand place in BC. I didn't know that is just above Port Moody, and Yes White Rock is a far drive from Burnaby than Anmore. :lol:

But look at what I got from you, those are hidden gems up there in Anmore. Most of my fast growing acros are from you, and those great healthy zoas and palys are from yours too. By the way that single head Tourch that I got from you now have 8 heads going on 16 in less than a year.

Thanks for the great tips buddy.

crimper 05-07-2020 10:22 PM

Quick update:

The Bad: I lost my Lemon Meringue Wrasse as he jumped off the tank and got badly scratched when he hit the netting cover.

The Good: I got new frags, a few from my quarantine/grow out tank. And the most exciting frag is the one I got from Jess (Whelman76), a show piece Marvin The Martian.
Photos credit to Jess (Whelman76)

smokinreefer 05-16-2020 07:25 PM

whoa tank is gonna look great once those frags start taking off!

heh, nice set of big fish too! i see an upgrade in your future! :lol:

Dash 05-16-2020 07:54 PM

Ah you're the one who snagged that beautiful "Marvin" while I was busy biting my nails in indecision. Lucky you! (No hard feelings, ok maybe just slightly).

Sorry about your wrasse; tank's looking nice though!

crimper 05-19-2020 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by smokinreefer (Post 1043132)
whoa tank is gonna look great once those frags start taking off!

heh, nice set of big fish too! i see an upgrade in your future! :lol:

Thanks Shao. These fishes have grown so quick, I got that sailfin and blue tangs about the size of a toonie, in about a year they are screaming big tank. :lol:


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1043134)
Ah you're the one who snagged that beautiful "Marvin" while I was busy biting my nails in indecision. Lucky you! (No hard feelings, ok maybe just slightly).

Sorry about your wrasse; tank's looking nice though!

Yeah Dash, I saw you are flippin a coin there to snag it or not. Then I just took it as I was waiting for that frag for quite a while now. But don't worry I'll try to pump all the sunshine in my tank so you can have a piece of it. :smile:

I miss my Lemon Meringue Wrasse, I will be back fishing again at J&L :lol:

DKoKoMan 05-19-2020 03:47 PM

Tanks looking great! Those fish sure grow fast when fed and watered lol. That’s how I ended up with a 300g... progression of fish growth with the “tang gang”.

crimper 05-20-2020 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1043178)
Tanks looking great! Those fish sure grow fast when fed and watered lol. That’s how I ended up with a 300g... progression of fish growth with the “tang gang”.

Thanks DKoKoMan.

Big tank is in the works. When your Finance Manager a.k.a. wife is the one who requested to have big fishes like Emperor Angel, Blue Faced Angel and Lipstick Tang you need to act as fast as you can. :lol:

Dash 05-20-2020 04:28 PM

Sometimes God works in mysterious ways:lol: I remember mentioning offhand this bigger tank for sale with dimensions I really liked, and my husband (with zero interest in the hobby and fairly cheap) said why don’t you get it. I had to stop myself from falling over with shock and joy.

crimper 05-20-2020 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1043192)
Sometimes God works in mysterious ways:lol: I remember mentioning offhand this bigger tank for sale with dimensions I really liked, and my husband (with zero interest in the hobby and fairly cheap) said why don’t you get it. I had to stop myself from falling over with shock and joy.

Maggie, IKR :lol:

When your better-half supports you on your hobby, isn't that's the greatest thing ever? :multi:

crimper 05-21-2020 07:06 AM

The most popular fish in my tank... The Darling of the crowd...


crimper 05-21-2020 07:23 AM

juanlien 05-21-2020 07:11 PM

Nice tank, great job

crimper 05-23-2020 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by juanlien (Post 1043232)

Thanks juanlien.

crimper 05-23-2020 10:41 PM

This Reef is now 17 months Old.

The month of May is quite challenging. A bit of a set back with a spike in Salinity 3 weeks ago and hit almost 40ppt that turned my Sunburst Monti pale. All polyps retracted as a result. My Gold Hammer also retracted for 2 weeks and most of my Millis polyp retracted.

After gradually adjusting the salinity back to 35ppt, I noticed right away that corals started to extend their polyps again.

Coral growth is noticeable since the last FTS. The Green Toadstool exploded, it's getting too big for my liking. I need to frag this before it touches the neighboring coral colony.

Another first world problem, Euphillias are getting aggressive and started outcompeting each other. The torch coral stung the Nuclear Green Frogspawn and lost a head. On the other hand the Nuclear Green Frogspawn turned its own aggression and burned the Green Slimer and the Blueberry Wine Acro :cry:

FTS May2020

crimper 05-30-2020 06:10 AM

Euphillias becomming war freaks, caught on camera.

crimper 05-30-2020 06:11 AM

Here's the video:

Here's the first victim:

crimper 06-06-2020 07:10 AM

Some Acros that are showing nice colours.

crimper 06-06-2020 07:55 AM

Some more pics:

DKoKoMan 06-06-2020 09:10 AM

Looking awesome! Great accomplishment with a true mixed reef :smile:

crimper 06-06-2020 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1043605)
Looking awesome! Great accomplishment with a true mixed reef :smile:

Thanks DKoKoMan. Now I understand whey Euphilias and Acros don't mix well. But it can be done with the right approach.

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