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5 Feet, 110 Gallons of Fun
Hello everyone, I figured it would be good to start my own build thread for several reasons. I got a lot of ideas and help from various folks on Can Reef last time around and so far, so I would like to pay it back even a bit if I can. Also, it would be neat to see progress for myself and how things evolve and change.
I picked up acrylic (5 foot x 18" x 24") 110 gallon tank several months ago. This is what it looked like when I got it https://i.imgur.com/bcARESa.jpg https://i.imgur.com/eyz0O3Q.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zyHzpxG.jpg As you can see it was in a somewhat rough shape, but all seams were looking good and it held water fine. After week long water test I cleaned up algae with Mr Clean eraser. This stuff is magic. I could now see what I was actually working with. I am guessing PO tried to buff out scratches, used higher grit sand paper and then gave up. https://i.imgur.com/R4xndzt.jpg https://i.imgur.com/lJlXMbY.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wKzbfsx.jpg Lots of scratches everywhere. https://i.imgur.com/NvqWq39.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Ti1tafL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/b4Ebg1X.jpg |
I knew I would have to sand the whole tank down and then buff/polish. Kicker was, I never did anything of this sort before, so I spend several weeks of research, asking question here and various other forums. It was actually slief's video on polishing scratches out of acrylic aquarium that I found on RC that got me thinking about this to begin with. If you havent seen these videos, and plan on doing polishing, you should watch them for sure
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8eTWZSNLWM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXthrMx7sq4 Since scratches were all over, I decided to sand down whole tank inside and out. I started with 400 grit sandpaper and used palm sander for the whole job. This thing was damn loud! I had to use ear plugs or else I wouldnt be able to hear anything for weeks. Sanding outside was nice and easy and quick, however inside was a lot harder due to the brace on the top. It was hard to get in and properly sand it down, as I couldnt get good grip on the sander. It wanted to fly all over the place, so that wasnt fun. Here is what tank looked like after 400 grit https://i.imgur.com/qZGi5nL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/jIrZUKz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Zu2ICI5.jpg Needless to say I was freaked out at this point, and thought to myself more than once what the hell have I done. I went 400, 600, skipped to 1000 because I got different sand paper and their 800 felt rougher than 600 I used, 1200, 1500 and finally 2000. This took several weeks, as I was doing this after work. Since sander was really loud, I didnt want neighbors to complain, so I only did few hours every day or 2. This is what it looked like after 2000 grit https://i.imgur.com/kEWgipd.jpg I could at least somewhat see inside it, so I was happy to see it was clearing up as grit progressed. Next up was polishing and buffing... |
Another thing I never did was buff/polish. Not just acrylic, but anything at all. Again I spent about a week reading up various forums, watched videos and so on. I decided I will use Novus 3, 2 and 1 for this final step. I ended up getting a really good deal on dual action polisher, and bought Chemical Guys cutting, polishing and finishing pads.
I started off with Novus 3 and used Medium/Heavy cutting pad. I had DA at speed 2 out of 6. This is what tank looked like once it was done https://i.imgur.com/pp6OUFf.jpg https://i.imgur.com/5Pp4Dxn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/6CTNKsl.jpg I was really shocked to see this much of a difference, and definitely didnt expect it. I could still see light scratches from sander, but felt good about it, knowing I still have Novus 2 to use. I used Novus 2 with same pad as with Novus 3 (new pad, but same type). After Novus 2, all the scratches were gone, and tank was looking really good. Again I wasnt expecting this https://i.imgur.com/wQ3IJUa.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Xitwo4v.jpg Finally, I used Novus 1 twice. 1st time it was with Light/Medium polishing pad and then with finishing pad. I felt that after 1st run, there was still some novus 2 left behind, so I wanted to use softer pad. After Novus 1, it looked great to me at least (all dirt is splatter from sanding and polishing on the black stand behind the tank) https://i.imgur.com/zK0XDDs.jpg https://i.imgur.com/qVn0Y2d.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hMZpxDx.jpg https://i.imgur.com/D081Otq.jpg There is a bit of hazing when I look through some panels, but I will take it. Once it is filled with water, it wont be visible at all, and considering what it looked like when I started this journey, I am extremely happy with how it turned out. Next up, building a stand. |
I decided to use RocketEngineer's tried and true template for my stand build. There is a massive thread on RC with info on it
http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1169964 Since it was a 5 foot tank, I decided to go with 2x6s for the top frame. Height of the stand is 37.5". That should give me plenty of room underneath to fit skimmer and all other goodies that will be needed, as well as do maintenance when needed. At 1st my plan was to use 40G breeder for sump, however I got IceCap 36XL sump. Issue now was that tank width is 18" but sump is 24". I had to modify my plans, and came up with this in the end https://i.imgur.com/fxc9BgQ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/YnfDXGO.jpg https://i.imgur.com/uzj94LZ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/L8iRRvx.jpg I extended top and bottom frame to 24" so that sump can fit at the bottom, and added 2 off centered vertical supports. These are mostly for doors or however I decide to skin, and to be able to separate equipment from the sump. I still havent decided how that will all work out, so that is TBD for sure. I will leave back completely opened for air circulation, and will leave opening between 18-24 inches at the top open as well. It will give me lots of room for plumbing and other things that need to move between DT and sump. Sides will be skinned, so only opening that will be visible will be that one at the top. I caulked all the joints inside and outside with Alex Plus Acrylic Latex and primed it with 2 coats of Kilz Original. Plan is to start skinning it this weekend. Will post up as it progresses. |
The tank came out looking awesome! How long did it take to do all the sanding? I bet doing the inside and the corners were a pain.
I like your stand design. Having the extra space at the front of the stand will be nice. I had a old freshwater tank with a similar stand and I found it helpful to be able to just put something down on the stand when working on it. Let me know how you like the ice cap sump. I have a 20 gallon tank as a sump for my 75 gallon and it's a real pain to work with. I have been thinking of going with a pre made one when I set it up again. Where did you get it from? |
I spread it out around 1 month or so, but I only did few hours a day, and not every day. I would say each grit took 2-3 hours to do, so about 10-12 for sanding. For buffing, 3-4 hours per Novus, so around 8 hours. Total I guess around 20 hours +- few
I got that sump from Coralvue Outlet eBay store. I was going to build my own out of 40g breeder, and figured tank + baffle kit would be around $200. I saw 36xl sump for $275, as manufacturer mucked up and used some sort of yellow glue in few seams. Because of that they couldnt sell it through regular store at regular price. I figured for $75 extra I may as well get much nicer and bigger sump, and not mess around with building my own. |
Wow, great work! I did a bit of car buffing when I was in high school so I know how hard it is to get a nice polish. Waxing the outside of the tank might get the clarity up a bit too, and hide the buffing swirls, just don't do the inside due to the chemicals.
Man this tank is going to be stellar! I'm looking forward to the next few months of this!
Hope you are right haha. It will be slow and steady sort of a build I hope. I am doing this in my townhouse garage, so it is cold in there now. I cant spend as much time as I would have during the summer. May have to fire up a heater to extend some work hours. With garage getting cold, I may only have 6 months timeframe to run QT tanks as well, as I am not sure if heaters will be able to keep water at correct temp when garage will be at like 0C during winter. |
In all honesty I think it may be a blessing in disguise, as it will force me to take things slow, and not add a lot all at once. It would give me 6 months or so after putting things in to leave it be, monitor and see how things go before I can add more.Of course that is just in my head, and when push comes to shove it may all go down the drain and I run QT tanks 365 days a year
If you can be that patient then you have one up from me. I'm not as patient haha. Where there is a will there is a way I say. |
Wow truly amazing on the sanding and polishing bit. Good work. Titus |
I started working on light mount for the Noopsyche K7 Pro IIs that I will be using. I bought aluminum square tubing for this build. I cut tubing at 45 degree angles and used flat corner braces to connect it all together.
https://i.imgur.com/pl9WiVp.jpg https://i.imgur.com/FATOtwZ.jpg https://images.homedepot-static.com/...09-64_1000.jpg Unfortunately few cuts werent perfect, so there is a gap between the 2 pieces when I connected them. I wanted to make sure that my angles were a perfect 90 degrees. https://i.imgur.com/aXy8Svi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/L1BE2fz.jpg Not a huge deal as I will use aluminum rods and braze it to fill in the gaps. Once it is primed and painted it shouldnt be visible. I also put 5 pieces of flat aluminum across. This will be used as light mounts. https://i.imgur.com/lbDkwxV.jpg Finished mount, for now https://i.imgur.com/5VDsPXA.jpg https://i.imgur.com/1ZfUpSE.jpg I actually plan on making this whole thing have adjustable height. I have a plan in my head, so we'll see if it works out. Should be pretty simple to do, so will update once I have more in next few days. |
Clean construction
Pretty cool frame, nice work on the polishing. can't wait to see it up and running.
Titus |
As for the height, not electrically. Main reason i wanted something that can have adjustable height is because I am not sure at what height I will want lights to start with. I am thinking that once I find height that works I wont be adjusting it again. It is hard to explain what I am thinking about, so I will post up pics as things progress. |
Okay but if you do want to service the tank perhaps raising the rig up would be good to get stuff out of the way. Titus |
The light frame has come together nicely! Having the mount adjustable will be a good idea, especially if your rock scape ever changes down the road :smile:
All of a sudden I started thinking about these. https://www.alibaba.com/product-deta...64035c77VX1TP6 Titus |
They are quite popular in mainland China. I think it'd be fine because a rack of wet clothes is likely going to be heavier. Titus |
Finally have an update. Weather has been crappy and cold last few months, and since I do most of the work in the garage, it was cold. That prevented me from doing much. I finished light mount, or at least have it 99% done.
As can be seen above, I made a frame using square aluminum tubing and didnt lineup some of the corners perfectly. I used Blue Demon Triple Play Low Temp Aluminum-Zinc Brazing Rod and MAP gas to fill in the gaps that can be seen above, and to braze legs to the whole structure. Since I never did this before, there was a lot of reading and watching of youtube videos. Really important thing that absolutely has to be done to get this to creat proper hold is to make sure that aluminum tube is up to the temp. If it is not, and you melt the rod onto it, it will not stick at all, and will create for really weak connection. Few pieces I had to break off several times as I couldnt get one side to braze properly. Once I figured out how much I need to heat up the tube, it was really easy and fast work from there. Once it was all done, I painted it black, mostly to cover imperfections in brazing as much as possible https://i.imgur.com/OSTr6C3.jpg https://i.imgur.com/9ZQjYos.jpg https://i.imgur.com/J3WJqc6.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JC7vEit.jpg https://i.imgur.com/tDNOGvb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/uhiII7C.jpg https://i.imgur.com/sKJGK0F.jpg As you can see, there are legs inside of legs. Unpainted legs are brazed to the frame, and then I created another set of legs and base that top frame goes into (all black part). This will allow me to move whole top frame up and down about 5 inches. I wanted to have option of moving it, so that when I start figuring out PAR and height I should place lights at, I can play around with height and see which one works the best. I just have to drill few holes to hold it at various heights. Finally, I plugged square tube ends at the bottom with plastic caps. Also, light mounts (aluminum bars) where NP lights are mounted can be removed via screws, so if I decide to use different lights I would just have to space those bars around in new position. Then again i can play with height and re-adjust as necessary. I also made sure that I have enough space so that I can mount a single T5 fixture on each side, if/ when time comes for that |
Very nice. Can't wait to see the next update. Titus |
Now this is a proper DIY! Good on you for not using a grinder to clean up your welds :lol: but really good on you for building this unit yourself! This is on serious light fixture now! I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being stuck at less than 30% power on those lights.
I recommend finding a par meter or finding someone in the hobby that's local in the hobby with one to come on by and help you set the power on the lights. It's surprising how little you need when it comes to LEDs. It's good you have that many LED fixtures though. That just means that you can run them all at a lower power together. With LEDs, the lower the power you can run them at to make happy coral, the lower their heat is. And the lower the heat on the lights, the longer they last.
I have Seneye reef, so I will be using it as PAR meter. Main reason i bought it really haha. I have one more fixture actually, but wasnt going to cram 6 of them in. I was playing around with idea of doing 2 rows of 3, but figured it would still be an overkill for this size of tank. Like you said, I would rather run them at lower power and keep heat down a bit more, as well as possibly extend life of fixtures, as they are not running at high power and producing less heat
Use the 6th fixture on a frag tank! Every display needs a lil frag tank plumbed in too haha
I also have a 165W Viparspectra unit hat I originally was going to use on this build (2-3 of them) but then got great deal on these lights. So I was going to re-purpose VS for frag tank. |
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