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coralor 12-17-2018 04:17 PM

Japanese neon toadstool or Tyree?
Wondering if anyone could please help me ID this toadstool please. I bought it as a 1” frag and it has now grown to approx 7”. I initially was told by the vendor it was a rare Japanese neon toadstool but am wondering if perhaps it is instead a Tyree after searching the internet.
Thinking to sell it either whole or maybe in frags as while I love it, I am having trouble keeping clams with it and wonder if the odd SPS has reacted to it as well?
Picture to follow, sorry

Myka 12-17-2018 05:30 PM


lyall12 12-17-2018 11:23 PM

My guess is Tyree.

From the pictures I've seen, the Japanese ones have long tentacles.

That picture looks a lot closer to my Tyree.

coralor 12-18-2018 02:59 AM

That’s what I’ve been thinking, thank you for your input.
I’m looking to move it from my DT as I think it may be responsible for my having a hard time with clams and some sps...

smokinreefer 12-18-2018 04:01 AM

First off. I hate the name game.

Its a nice green polyp toadstool!

If a specific name is going to be put on it, like Tyree, it should be of that exact lineage from him.

That's not to say there aren't "generic" toadstools that will look exactly the same.

I have heard of a long tentacle Japanese toadstool. But again, that's not to say there isn't a short tentacle Japanese toadstool.

FWIW, from the pic it looks very similar to the Tyree toadstools I keep, except mine seems to stay a bit smaller.

I too got a frag of what was sold to me as a Japanese toadstool. When it grew out, it looked identical to my Tyree.

So hope that clears the mud! Lol

smokinreefer 12-18-2018 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by coralor (Post 1032687)
That’s what I’ve been thinking, thank you for your input.
I’m looking to move it from my DT as I think it may be responsible for my having a hard time with clams and some sps...

Why do you want to remove it? Because you don't like it? Or because you think it might be stressing your other more prized corals?

If you like it, but think it may be causing issues with the other corals... You can try more frequent water changes, running carbon, ozone...etc. softies like that generally pose issues from chemical warfare. So you just need to be able to curb that.

smokinreefer 12-18-2018 04:07 AM

One more thing, I believe there are 2 well known Japanese varieties.

The green long tentacle


A green tentacle with green cap as well. (Where as the Tyree is green tentacle, but NO green cap)

coralor 12-19-2018 04:50 AM

I absolutely love it, but kept having issues when I’d add clams plus every now and then an sps would just up and rtn. And then a few weeks ago I lost most of my sps in a few days... Long story, but after reading up on the possibility of toxins, it seemed to make sense to me. So I’ve moved it to my 80 frag thinking I could add clams and voila! They opened up beautifully:)) - until I noticed my melanurus literally diving into their openings for a quick nip😬
I do need to up my water changes but it’s a tedious process with my current set up, though I’m sure you’re correct in that helping. Never tried ozone so not familiar with that at all.
Hope to keep the leather for my clowns in the 80 now.

coralor 12-19-2018 04:52 AM

Also, my cap is dark purple looking to me. It’s definitely not green

Scythanith 12-19-2018 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by smokinreefer (Post 1032688)
First off. I hate the name game.

If a specific name is going to be put on it, like Tyree, it should be of that exact lineage from him.

That's not to say there aren't "generic" toadstools that will look exactly the same.


Snappy 12-28-2018 01:24 AM

Fun Fact
Interesting how many things are called Tyree something or other when according to Steve he doesn't actually name things after himself. His companies that he sells frags through are Reef Farmers & Coral Farmers Market.

Scythanith 12-28-2018 03:29 AM

Correct, but if they come from Steve they are Tyree whether he brands it that or not :)

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