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mtlreeffreak 11-01-2018 04:04 AM

Mtlreeffreak's 10 Footer. Let the games begin!
Ok Guys,

Have finally decided on Tank size.
Concept Aquariums in Calgary,AB is building the Tank, Stand, and Sump for me..

Here is the Preliminary Pics.
I REALLY need your help with Flow and plumbing and all that good stuff Feel free to comment on how or why I am doing something and how I can do it better. especially for the over flow and amount of holes etc I should have..

Tank will be 19MM all around, eurobraced Starfire front and one side.
and external overflow with black silicone.

Only Equipment I have right now is a brand new Bubble King SuperMarin 250. Skimmer.<a ...phy&quot;></a>

gregzz4 11-01-2018 04:29 AM

Nice tank size!! Looks like 10 feet ?
Your posted image is not fully visable - can't see much of the first image

But WOW, 10 feet by 30-1/2 tall and 42 deep

This is a monster build to watch

Cabinetman 11-01-2018 08:58 AM

My tank is 120x38x28. Trust me you will love your new tank. Looking forward to seeing yours come together.

DKoKoMan 11-02-2018 01:33 AM

This will be a really nice large system! :smile:. I will keep my eye out for update photos.

mtlreeffreak 11-04-2018 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1031676)
This will be a really nice large system! :smile:. I will keep my eye out for update photos.

thanks alot guys!

Scythanith 11-05-2018 03:56 PM

My tank is a smaller version of yours and this is what I have for flow.

Stars are holes drilled in the eurobrace for returns. Circles are MP40's.

Here is a rough idea of how my water flows.

Scythanith 11-05-2018 03:58 PM

Also, when concept builds your tank request ZERO bubbles in the silicone on the visible edge between the two pieces of starfire glass. The other edges don't matter as much as I assume they will be concealed.

WarDog 11-05-2018 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Scythanith (Post 1031754)
Also, when concept builds your tank request ZERO bubbles in the silicone.

That's something you shouldn't have to request.

mtlreeffreak 11-05-2018 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Scythanith (Post 1031754)
Also, when concept builds your tank request ZERO bubbles in the silicone on the visible edge between the two pieces of starfire glass. The other edges don't matter as much as I assume they will be concealed.

I emailed them with this Request.
this is the reply i got:

Not sure where that idea came from but it is almost impossible due to the way we build for strength

We use spacer to form a 1/16 gap between the glass contract to give the silicone the strongest bond, but due to this when the silicone cures it traps the moisture in the seams and that can cause bubbles to form

The only way to not have bubble is to remove more silicone between the seams so less moisture is release but you get a weaker seam

Scythanith 11-07-2018 05:20 PM

I agree Wardog! Mtlreeffreak, that was an option (that I didn't know about until after) when I bought my tank. I could be wrong, but I swear someone local to me ordered their tank specifically with no bubbles and paid extra.

Scythanith 11-14-2018 02:25 PM

Plus, plenty of tank manufacturers construct tanks with no bubbles in the silicone and they are perfectly strong.

WarDog 11-14-2018 05:20 PM

I understand Dave's reply in regards to seam strength. Alternatively, you could go with black silicone which should help make the bubbles less visible (if any)... or perhaps Concept should be looking for a different silicone than GE SCS1200. Every Concept tank I have seen with clear silicone has bubbles, and its always bugged the hell out of me.

mtlreeffreak 11-14-2018 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1031974)
I understand Dave's reply in regards to seam strength. Alternatively, you could go with black silicone which should help make the bubbles less visible (if any)... or perhaps Concept should be looking for a different silicone than GE SCS1200. Every Concept tank I have seen with clear silicone has bubbles, and its always bugged the hell out of me.

im going black silicone ..

dave_C 11-14-2018 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1031974)
I understand Dave's reply in regards to seam strength. Alternatively, you could go with black silicone which should help make the bubbles less visible (if any)... or perhaps Concept should be looking for a different silicone than GE SCS1200. Every Concept tank I have seen with clear silicone has bubbles, and its always bugged the hell out of me.

Oh Warren we have tried:lol:

have tired the Momentive RTV108 series(more expensive and really never saw any difference between the two)

Aqueon silicone no where as strong as the scs1200 from GE

Looked into a new UV instant cure silicone but they are not available in north america yet and let's not even talking about cost lol

What we have found from over the years is that over the winter months there is less bubbles the occur in the silicone making us come to a conclusion temper and humidity play a role in the forming of bubbles.

So yes there is away around the bubbles issues but there would also come with cost associated with it, having to build a large room to house 10 96x48 and 2 120x60 build tables and have a way to lower temp and increase humidity would not be cheap. I guess all I am saying is if we are at around the same price as red sea tanks or the elos tanks could we compete with them.

Having a perfect tank cost money and I am not sure if it is worth us trying to archive that compared too what we are offering now and yes black silicone hides a lot of the imperfection with the manufacturing of the tanks.

One last thing, if you seen any of our tanks you will realized that most of the bubbles happen on the bottom seam and the reasoning is the bottom glass is cut smaller then the sides allowing us to square the tank better but also happens to have a thicker silicone seam. More silicone equals more chances of bubbles forming on that seam

Hope that helps

Thanks Dave

DKoKoMan 11-15-2018 12:03 AM

Black silicone definitely helps with the bubbles. I am really happy with the way my seams look with the black silicone as it really cleans the look along with the polished edges.

WarDog 11-15-2018 01:09 AM

Thanks for the explanation Dave, and sorry to Reeffreak for hijacking the thread. Lol.

Razor Ramon 11-15-2018 01:28 AM

In reality it’s about visual imperfection in the silicone ,now tank strength matters the most.
Yes we all pay money for a product but at the end of the day when the tank is filled with fish and corals the only one that will know about a bubble is you the owner anyone else will be looking at what’s going on inside that tank .

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