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Delphinus 09-25-2018 11:52 PM

Magnesium chloride?
What are people using for Magnesium chloride these days?

Looks like the stuff I've been using the last couple of years is no longer available, so now I have to find something new for when I finally run out.

Thinking that it looks like the Reef Crest flake at J&L might be the best option for bulk or a larger quantity purchase. But interested to hear what others are using these days.

Frogger 09-26-2018 02:00 AM

How much do you need? You really shouldn't be requiring that much Magnesium unless you have a monstrous tank.

I use the stuff from J&L and only add it when needed. Have not had a problem with it that I know. My tanks really do not use much magnesium probably because the salt I use for water changes has more than enough in it.

The Bulk Reef Supply stuff is really good as well.

Cujo#31 09-26-2018 04:08 AM

I use both mag chloride and mag sulphate in a combination 5:3 ratio MC to MS from J&L under their new brand ReefCrest.

Delphinus 09-26-2018 04:37 PM

Thanks, so that's two votes for the ReefCrest stuff which I was already thinking was probably the way to go here.


How much do you need? You really shouldn't be requiring that much Magnesium unless you have a monstrous tank.
I wouldn't call it a monstrous tank but it is around 300 gallons so I guess not exactly nano either. The only salts I've tried that have had adequate Mg levels had cost uplifts that were more than just buying the Magnesium so I've always just adjusted my water change water, and between that and the mag chips in the reactor, it's usually enough. But having said that, I am always astonished at how much Mg product it takes to raise testable Mg levels by a measurable amount. For example, it takes about 1ml of Mg sulfate (paired with the corresponding amount of MgCl in the 5:3 ratio for MgCl:MgSO4) to raise testable Mg by 1. So say if I need a bump of 100 in Mg in the tank, I need 100 ml MgSO4 and about 170ml MgCl (so about 270ml overall product, or just a shade over 1 cup mixed at 5:3). Correspondingly for a 50g water change, for the incoming water I dose about 5 times 1/4 cup and 3 time 1/4 cup of each to raise that by about 400 or so (I want my incoming water to be about 1500 which may seem high but then I'm sort of dosing the Mg into the tank via water changes. It all sort of evens out in the end). Don't ask me the how's or why's, but for some reason the anemones in the tank (two carpets, and a bunch of RBTAs) are a good visual indicator of Mg - if they don't look "absolutely stunning" then I know Mg has dropped and usually through testing can confirm that the Mg is dropped. Whether that means the anemones themselves are actively consuming Mg in some manner, I can't say; but I am firmly convinced that they do care about Mg in the tank.

TL;DR - yes I do seem to go through a lot of Magnesium.

Willito 09-28-2018 01:26 AM

I know you're asking about Magnesium chloride but if you're looking for Magnesium Sulfate, Walmart is the place, 4kg jug is just $8. I am looking for cheap Mag chloride as well.

gregzz4 09-28-2018 04:55 AM

If you're not using a doser, not much of this matters;

I've used Dead Sea Works Mag Chloride in the past along with Epsom Salts from Walmart and such.
I found the mix would not 'stay' mixed in my dosing container. It would settle out the next day or so. This deposited stuff would plug the pickup tube.
I then tried using J&L's MC with ES and it still settled out. It's the ES that's the issue.
I tried the DSW MC with J&L's Mag Sulphate and it was good.
I've since switched over to J&L's Reef Crest Mag part C stuff.
After mixing, I pour the product into my dosing container leaving the small amount of crystals that just won't mix behind. This mix stays mixed. Period.

I wrote I use J&L's part C. I buy the pouches and they are crystals, not flake.

So Doug, I'd recommend you buy the crystals, not the flake, based on my mixing, settling, and sediment experience.

160g MC and 125gMS makes 20oz. I mix 6 packs to make 3550ml. This works perfectly with Randy's formula for dosing.

If you buy it bulk from J&L, no you're not seeing things.
They sell the MC in 1250 and 2500g jugs, and the MS in 1600 and 3200g jugs. This is totally backwards from the 160g and 125g portions in the pouches.
Jeff tells me this is because people blend bulk at their own discretion. I think it's a mistake and they should reverse their jug sizes.
You'd get 20 doses from each jug; enough to perfectly mix 11.8 litres.
Instead you'll run out of 1 before the other, thus having multiple jugs on the shelf.

gregzz4 09-28-2018 01:26 PM

And when I say Doug, I mean Tony :rolleyes:

Delphinus 09-28-2018 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Willito (Post 1030738)
I know you're asking about Magnesium chloride but if you're looking for Magnesium Sulfate, Walmart is the place, 4kg jug is just $8. I am looking for cheap Mag chloride as well.

So I suspect we've been doing the same thing then, because that's also what I use for the sulfate.

I HAD been using "Sifto Safe Step Natures Power" flakes (and still am for the moment as my bag isn't finished - but it's close, and I thought, oh I should get a new bag since I have to get some more sulfate anyhow, take care of both things). Anyhow I noticed that nobody local was stocking it anymore. So I emailed Sifto (well, actually, I emailed "Compass Minerals"). And the story is that the product isn't discontinued, but is not available in Western Canada because there's isn't enough demand to justify the shipping costs or to manufacture it locally. So you can still get it in the Home Depots/Canadian Tires/etc. in Ontario at least, just not here.

They did point me to this place: Pestell Minerals & Ingredients @ 888-718-5552
1) They're still in Ontario
2) It looks like the sort of place that would serve you well if what you needed was several thousand kilograms of Magnesium chloride, but not a single 10kg bag.

So: bummer. At least I got a few years out of that option. In the absence of any other bulk option, I'm thinking the ReefCrest bulk from J&L is the way to go.

But if anyone knows of any other alternative, please post here!!

Delphinus 09-28-2018 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1030756)
And when I say Doug, I mean Tony :rolleyes:

No worries Mike! :lol:

Dez 09-29-2018 02:31 PM

I can’t remember who I got my stuff from. It was from somebody from this forum 9 ish years ago. He shipped it to me in a box in a giant black garbage bag. He’s from BC. I still have some and I haven’t run out yet. I may run out in the next year or 2. I don’t even bother mixing or measuring anything. I just stick the flakes directly in my sump. I did some testing years ago and when I was trying to raise my Mg, I ended up putting I think something like 17 lbs of flakes in my tank with no effect on anything. It’s somewhere in my build thread. So now if I remember to test once every few months, if the Mg is a bit low, I’ll just stick a few mugs right into my sump and let it dissolve on it’s own.

Pop Alexandra 01-17-2023 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Willito (Post 1030738)
I know you're asking about Magnesium chloride but if you're looking for Magnesium Sulfate, Walmart is the place, 4kg jug is just $8. I am looking for cheap Mag chloride as well.

Thanks for the tip, though I'd also like to know if any shop sells both sulfate and chloride online.
Alexandra from Ci Analytics

Guy 01-22-2023 04:24 AM

My company, Reef Solutions will be launching our 2 Part and Magnesium supplements in February if you're able to wait that long. I expect we'll have a premade mix including both MS and MC for use with our Alk and Calcium, as well as available separately for those that want to mix at home. We can ship all across Canada and it will be available on

We've just this past week launched our Boost+ Line up. It covers nutrient control in the form of our Bacteria Boost+ to export nitrates and phosphates as well as supplements to raise your nitrates and phosphates for those that run low nutrient tanks.

Quality products at a price that can't be beat.

I hope you'll give us a try!

Joe (aka 'Guy' on here)

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