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Frogger 07-28-2018 05:36 AM

Apparently Underwater Creations Inc, makers of Vibrant have developed a reef safe in tank control for AEFW. They are due to release their new product within days.

Would be nice if this works. Would save me a lot of sleepness nights. I do not believe I have AEFW but I have found it on several frags I have recently purchased from different suppliers.

Will keep you posted

DKoKoMan 07-28-2018 09:44 PM

*knock on wood* I don’t have these little buggers...that being said they can easily come in on a frag. I’m looking forward to seeing if when this treatment is released how effective. It’s always nice to have in tank solutions.

SteveConn 08-02-2018 03:39 AM

I went through this a few years back, fighting it for over a year with dips including Bayer that I bought in the USA. It was AWFUL and I lost ALL of my hard corals (acro). I went from a beautiful display tank to... well, I am not too pleased with it since I love acro so much. I have lots of plating corals and frogspawn and zoas.
Anyway, it was very sad and beyond frustrating. Unless there is an actual cure, I'd probably just throw out a coral colony at the first sign of infection.

I'd be very interested in this method if it works for future reference.

One thing I always do now is QT everything. Someday I'll get back into acro... just have to get rid of aiptasia and F@cking bubble algae

Frogger 08-15-2018 05:46 AM

After some initial speed bumps they have seemed to have worked out the bugs on this product. Should be available in the next month or two. J@L will be getting it in once it is released.

Apparently it works on monti eating nudis as well.

kyl 08-15-2018 06:02 AM

There's a dip version being put out as well.

DKoKoMan 08-15-2018 02:45 PM

Perfect! I’m hoping someone with AEFW who uses it writes up a review on the effectiveness of the product.

Frogger 08-15-2018 10:25 PM

There are 40 reefers on Reef2reef that volunteered to do trials on it. It was effective on 75% of the tanks at the original dosage. About a quarter of them found that it only reduced the numbers but didnt completely eliminate them. They took those AEFW that were immune and shipped them back to Underwater Creations (makers of Vibrant) and increased the dosage to find what would kill them.

They then increased the dosage on those tanks where the efficiency wasn't 100% and found the right dosage to make it effective on all AEFW encountered. Of the 40 subject reefers who tested they all eventually got 100% control and it appears to not have had any adverse reactions with any desirable reef tank occupants. By product of the testing noted was monti nudis were wiped out as well.


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1029453)
Perfect! I’m hoping someone with AEFW who uses it writes up a review on the effectiveness of the product.

kien 08-17-2018 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Frogger (Post 1029447)
... they have seemed to have worked out the bugs on this product. .

Ha, I see what you did there.

kyl 08-19-2018 12:44 AM

The dip is called Expel:

Frogger 08-19-2018 01:04 AM

"Expel" is not the new AEFW dip. Underwater Creations mentions this in their blog as people are buying multiple bottles of it. I believe it is just a all around dip for cleaning your corals.

The dip and the tank treatment have not been released yet. Likely will take at least a month before its available. They don't even have a name for it.

Takes a while to produce, package and distribute the product. The good news is the tough part has been completed.

kyl 08-20-2018 09:33 PM

Excel is indeed the kill-all dip, and it has been released as per UWC. There will be no stand alone AEFW dip, only the in-tank treatment.

* re-reading my initial post, I should have been clearer that the dip would be a kill-all, not just a stand alone version.

Frogger 08-20-2018 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by kyl (Post 1029565)
Excel is indeed the kill-all dip, and it has been released as per UWC. There will be no stand alone AEFW dip, only the in-tank treatment.

* re-reading my initial post, I should have been clearer that the dip would be a kill-all, not just a stand alone version.

It is my understanding based on the actual quotes from Underwater Creations that the Excel is not the AEFW nuker. In the past week the actual quotes from UWC are:

"Yes, the Expel is just the coral dip. Completely different product the AEFW nuker."


"It looks as if a few people ordered multiple bottles of the Expel, probably thinking it is the AEFW killer. If any of you are on here, message me. One bottle will last you a long time"

He also mentions that it will be a while yet before it is released to the public.

kyl 08-21-2018 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Kyl
@UWC Expel coral dip = everything dead (AEFW, MEN, normal hitch-hikers), correct?


Originally Posted by UWC
Yes sir :)

The dip is good to go :)

Frogger 08-21-2018 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by kyl (Post 1029572)
The dip is good to go :)

Not sure why he would say it is a completely different product and offer people their money back.

kyl 08-21-2018 12:36 AM

People bought it thinking it was the in-tank AEFW treatment, like multiple 16oz bottles of it. A single 16oz bottle will treat 80 gallons of dipping water, which for a normal person since it has no expiry date, will last years.

Jeff (the owner) is a good guy and didn't want to stick people with a decade worth of coral dip because they jumped the gun. With an active AEFW infestation, that would be entirely understandable.

kyl 08-21-2018 12:48 AM

The dip is also clear, so I'm not sure what it's based from. The AEFW solution seems to be based on wyrmwood, users have said it mixes to a watery brown that you can't see through.

Frogger 08-21-2018 01:28 AM

Either way good luck with the product. I have currently had good success dipping with Coral RX and quarantining. I don't have the pest (at least that I know) but it would be nice to have a cure on the back shelf just in case.

Also once this product becomes available maybe the coral cuttings we purchase from fellow hobbyists would be much safer.

Frogger 12-05-2018 05:47 AM

J&L has Purge in stock for those that need it. Apparently there are some issues you need to be aware of when using the product:
1.Keep your fingers crossed you got one from the good batch, apparently they have had some quality issues.
2.Keep an eye on your alk, it can shoot up
3.Keep an eye on your ph, it can drop.

If either of these happen and you don't pick it up you could be pulling coral skeletons out of your tank by the handful.

Only use if you know the risks.

Let us know how well it works if you are not afraid to tell all.

I have contemplated using it to control monti nudibranch (yes I have the little white menace) however I am waiting until the product quality improves and we are more aware of the risks. Don't feel like being a guinea pig. My monti's are currently doing just fine with the help of my melanarus wrasse.

Cujo#31 12-31-2018 04:20 AM

The most important part about running purge is to CHECK YOUR ALK.. 2 to 3 times a day as your corals will stop consuming for about 3 weeks. If you are not managing your Alk numbers you will spike Alk and lose the whole tank.

Razor Ramon 12-31-2018 06:16 AM

Has anyone used KZ FWS (flat worm stop)Any idea what it is , How it works ?

JamRobo 12-31-2018 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Razor Ramon (Post 1033044)
Has anyone used KZ FWS (flat worm stop)Any idea what it is , How it works ?

KZ Flatworm stop doesent kill flatworms. If used for at least a month it will strengthen the skin on the corals making them more resistant to flat worms and pests.

In no means a flatworm cure but definitely a great product that alot of us SPS keepers have ran on our systems just for the benefits of strengthening skin and color.

Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk

Razor Ramon 12-31-2018 02:49 PM

Thanks Rob , I was hoping there was soon magic in that little German made Bottle that feed the corals and made them taste like crap over time.
Starving those little BA*#ARDS out!
Is this something that is worth the benefit in you opinion and is it part of you daily dosing ?

JamRobo 12-31-2018 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Razor Ramon (Post 1033048)
Thanks Rob , I was hoping there was soon magic in that little German made Bottle that feed the corals and made them taste like crap over time.

Starving those little BA*#ARDS out!


Is this something that is worth the benefit in you opinion and is it part of you daily dosing ?

It does definitely have some good benefits and if used with KZ coral booster it can really bring out some nice colors in the SPS.

Only thing is it costs a fortune to run all the time, The KZ line can be expensive especially with a big system.

I did run them both for a few months but stopped due to that exact reason, For someone with a smaller tank 75 gal and under its a great system to run.

also just so you dont get confused with my user name My name is actually James. My wifes name is Robyn so the username is a combo of both of us Haha.

Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk

Razor Ramon 12-31-2018 06:52 PM

Thanks for the good info .
Nice to meet you James & Robyn I’m Ramon .

Razor Ramon 12-31-2018 06:53 PM

And Happy new year !

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