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ongquang21 03-15-2018 12:48 AM

Does my tang have parasites
Hi, I got the chevron tang a couple days ago. I introduced it into the tank at night and I saw it like that in the morning.
Help, please.

ReefMadness 03-15-2018 01:23 AM

it looks like ich to me which would make sense being its new to the system.
is it eating? to strengthen its immune system you can make a surprising amount of headway just by feeding the tank a little more than usual and offering a varied diet.

ongquang21 03-15-2018 01:46 AM

Yes, it is eating well and very active. I also think of ich, but the white stuff is long, between 1/4 and 3/8 inch, not powdery as usually seen.
Ok, I will feed them more.


Originally Posted by ReefMadness (Post 1025390)
it looks like ich to me which would make sense being its new to the system.
is it eating? to strengthen its immune system you can make a surprising amount of headway just by feeding the tank a little more than usual and offering a varied diet.

gregzz4 03-15-2018 02:13 AM

DO NOT start overfeeding your tank until you know what is going on. If it's water quality related, overfeeding could make it worse.
I realise you recently acquired this fish so it probably has nothing to do with your water quality, but don't pollute your tank just yet.

I see the trailing bits you are talking about and agree it's definately not anything bacterial/viral.
Looks more like some kind of anchor worm or parasitic isopod.
If you can, I'd suggest you try to remove one with tweezers for inspection with a magnifying glass or microscope.
Sure you'll stress the fish, but I'd be concerned about getting it under control as soon as possible.

ongquang21 03-15-2018 05:48 AM

The thing is how to get the fish.
I trusted the seller too much so I introduced it to my DT tank without quarantine. The tank is 290g with full rock and coral. I have to figure out the best way to take the fish out.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1025393)
DO NOT start overfeeding your tank until you know what is going on. If it's water quality related, overfeeding could make it worse.
I realise you recently acquired this fish so it probably has nothing to do with your water quality, but don't pollute your tank just yet.

I see the trailing bits you are talking about and agree it's definately not anything bacterial/viral.
Looks more like some kind of anchor worm or parasitic isopod.
If you can, I'd suggest you try to remove one with tweezers for inspection with a magnifying glass or microscope.
Sure you'll stress the fish, but I'd be concerned about getting it under control as soon as possible.

ongquang21 03-15-2018 05:57 AM

Thanks and...
Hi Greg,
What should i do next if it turns out as you suspected

tang daddy 03-21-2018 03:07 PM

DO you think a couple cleaner wrasses could help?

WarDog 03-21-2018 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1025569)
DO you think a couple cleaner wrasses could help?

This would be my first course of action...

I would also take a specimen as Greg mentioned and proceed accordingly.

gregzz4 03-22-2018 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by ongquang21 (Post 1025402)
Hi Greg,
What should i do next if it turns out as you suspected

Google is your friend. Put some parasites under a microscope and compare pics online. Try every search term you can think of and set your search engine to 'images'.
Once you determine what you have, research how to deal with it.


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1025569)
DO you think a couple cleaner wrasses could help?


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1025571)
This would be my first course of action...

I would also take a specimen as Greg mentioned and proceed accordingly.

Depending on what it is, wrasses may or may not be interested in it as a food source, and may not even go after it if it is food. Not all cleaner wrasses 'know' how to clean fish.

I've had cleaner shrimp run away from fish that tried to 'park' themselves in a perfect spot, only to be ignored.

Myka 03-22-2018 04:58 AM

I'd consider a PraziPro treatment for the display. You would know almost immediately if it will be effective or not. My hunch is that you may need Metronidazole for treatment which you can mix in with food and feed it in the reef too. Lucky for you, it doesn't look like Ich or Velvet.

ongquang21 03-24-2018 05:29 AM

Thanks all of you for the thoughts.
In the last few days I got the fish out, put it on wet paper and picked the worms as mush as I could in 2 minutes then put it back in water. I also did one fresh water dip for 150 seconds.
The fish seemed to be happier, swimming around, picking on the rock... for a few days. Now I see some worms pops up again.
I already have Prazipro but hesitate to use since it does work on anchor worm. Im waiting for my Cyropro.
Hi Myka, is it too toxic for the fish if I treat it with prazipro first and then cyropro?

gregzz4 03-24-2018 08:55 PM

Did you inspect/identify the parasite under magnification?

Myka 03-25-2018 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by ongquang21 (Post 1025688)
Hi Myka, is it too toxic for the fish if I treat it with prazipro first and then cyropro?

I've not heard of or used Cyropro. PraziPro is very gentle on fish. I use it all all fish that go through my quarantine system.

ongquang21 03-25-2018 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1025696)
Did you inspect/identify the parasite under magnification?

Yes I did. I had been unsuccessfully searching the web. for marching case with picture. But I decided to dose Cyropro today anyway.

ongquang21 03-25-2018 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1025703)
I've not heard of or used Cyropro. PraziPro is very gentle on fish. I use it all all fish that go through my quarantine system.

I run into one reefkeeper's case on reefcentral. He used prazipro to treat anchor worm but failed so he contacted Hikariusa and got advice to use Cyropro instead.
I did dose Cyropro today. Since it was my first time using it I made big backup plan as:
Mixing 55 galons saltwater.
Draining 50 galons DT water into the sump. Hence, if there is something wrong i have more than 60% untreated water in hand.
Dosing the remained 175 galons in DT( my tank is 290g when it full to the top.)
Checking for coral's reaction carefully for 5 hours.
Everything was normal so I dosed the sump and turned on the return pump.
Wish my own luck.

Cujo#31 03-27-2018 01:23 AM

Hey all. Yes, I am the seller, and I am sick to my stomach. Had the fish displayed ANY of this it never would have left. It never would have been posted. What I cannot understand, is that I have 12 other fish in the very same display this fish came from. The fish has been in my display for near 6 months and I have been watching the fish in my display even closer than I have ever watched and I am at a loss. I inherited the fish from a very reputable reefer who had the fish several years since juvenile stage. I am not going to stand here and defend myself, other than to say that for as cruel as this may sound, I would have flushed the fish before ever sending it out.

Cujo#31 03-27-2018 02:20 AM

And no, none of my fish currently display anything other than normal. The only reason I chose to move the Chevron is because I currently have 5 new additions in their second week of quarantine. One of which has a reputation to be aggressive to similars. Achilles Tang. As the Chevron is a Tang, and very similar in shape and color it was the obvious choice to move. Currently in the display are my prized best buddy 7” Naso, a 3” Sailfin, a 3” Fox face, 4 clowns, a pair of lyretail anthias, a borbonius anthia, a peppermint basslet, a lawnmower blenny, and a mandarin which also meant that IMO if I kept all it would be too many large fish in one display. Tank is 180g if anyone is asking.

Frogger 03-27-2018 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 1025775)
Hey all. Yes, I am the seller, and I am sick to my stomach. Had the fish displayed ANY of this it never would have left. It never would have been posted. What I cannot understand, is that I have 12 other fish in the very same display this fish came from. The fish has been in my display for near 6 months and I have been watching the fish in my display even closer than I have ever watched and I am at a loss. I inherited the fish from a very reputable reefer who had the fish several years since juvenile stage. I am not going to stand here and defend myself, other than to say that for as cruel as this may sound, I would have flushed the fish before ever sending it out.

Your reputation is still intact.

Myka 03-27-2018 02:13 PM

Gary, quit posting about this. Get over it. :p


Originally Posted by ongquang21 (Post 1025401)
I trusted the seller too much so I introduced it to my DT tank without quarantine.

Just to be clear, this is your own fault. It has nothing to do with "trusting the seller", and everything to do with you making a poor decision. There is no proof which system these worms were in. All we know is that this particular fish was susceptible to the worms, wherever they were picked up from.

Cujo#31 03-27-2018 03:14 PM

[quote=Myka;1025794]Gary, quit posting about this. Get over it. :p

Yes ma’am. LMAO

ongquang21 03-27-2018 05:54 PM

Did i ever say it was not my fault, Myka ? May I rewrite it into - It is totally my fault to trust the seller too much to introduce the fish into my DT without quarantine since his reputation too high
I havent even complained in all private messages sent to him. May I copy and paste all pm between me and Gary here


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1025794)
Gary, quit posting about this. Get over it. :p

Just to be clear, this is your own fault. It has nothing to do with "trusting the seller", and everything to do with you making a poor decision. There is no proof which system these worms were in. All we know is that this particular fish was susceptible to the worms, wherever they were picked up from.

Myka 03-27-2018 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by ongquang21 (Post 1025806)
Did i ever say it was not my fault, Myka ? May I rewrite it into - It is totally my fault to trust the seller too much to introduce the fish into my DT without quarantine since his reputation too high

Sorry Gary's whining was annoying me (:lol:), my message came off a bit strong.

Nope, you didn't say it was anyone's fault, but you still missed the point - it has nothing to do with trusting the seller. It is always buyer beware, and my point is that everyone should be cautious no matter where a fish comes from. No one should ever change their quarantine procedure because they "trust the seller".

ongquang21 03-27-2018 06:51 PM

So, I learned a lesson today since i had always believed being aware going parallel well with reputation. If a higher reputation person is, the less to be aware of bad thing would happen is.


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1025807)
Sorry Gary's whining was annoying me (:lol:), my message came off a bit strong.

Nope, you didn't say it was anyone's fault, but you still missed the point - it has nothing to do with trusting the seller. It is always buyer beware, and my point is that everyone should be cautious no matter where a fish comes from. No one should ever change their quarantine procedure because they "trust the seller".

Ryanerickson 03-27-2018 08:38 PM

hello thought I would chime in as the fish was originally mine. little history, I owned this fish for 7-8 years possibly more originally bought from ocean aquatics in delta (now closed) it came in the size of a quarter. the fish in question was with other tangs for most of the time I owned it. something i can confirm is it would occasionally get 2-3 if those hanging white things from stress ( tank move or day after stirring up the tank. no other fish ever got these Mark's and I assumed it was a small case of ich, days later it would always go away. I'm completely useless on diagnosing as I thought it was ich lol. something I can say is whatever it is it never spread, the fish was always eating like a pig and had a fat belly. hoping you figure it out as I would love to see that guy thrive in your large tank.

best of luck Ryan

WarDog 03-27-2018 10:45 PM

So its Ryan's fault.

Myka 03-28-2018 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1025817)
So its Ryan's fault.


Does Gary have a big reputation? Is the o p talking about those silly reputation points on the canreef system?

Bonsai 03-28-2018 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1025818)

Does Gary have a big reputation? Is the o p talking about those silly reputation points on the canreef system?

Myka it is very convenient to blame others for there mistakes. He said that he made mistake by trusting Gary.Real mistake is buying live stock without inspection,or quarantine,or coral deep.Once you take it, it mean you are happy with your buy.On the top Gary offer him refund.He didn't wanted.If OP want to rant he should understand nature of buying live animals.If you buy online they give you DOA 2 hours after delivery.After that is you luck.No one is 100 % sure.But what do i know.

Dash 03-28-2018 08:24 PM

Gonna stick my neck out fairness to OP, he started this thread simply to ask for help with his fish. I really feel for him as someone who probably will find myself in same situation of asking for advice. Now there is a whole thing about who to blame for his situation. I would feel very hesitant about asking for help if the discussion takes this kind of turn.

I don’t know either of these people, but in all honesty, I detect a certain sympathy towards “Gary” (first name basis) as opposed to “op.” I didn’t see any “ranting” from 0ngquang and the blame issue was not initiated by him. It would be nice to focus on what might be done to help his fish that he’s so worried about.

Just my 2cents. I really value all the info I get from this little community.

Bonsai 03-28-2018 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1025836)
Gonna stick my neck out fairness to OP, he started this thread simply to ask for help with his fish. I really feel for him as someone who probably will find myself in same situation of asking for advice. Now there is a whole thing about who to blame for his situation. I would feel very hesitant about asking for help if the discussion takes this kind of turn.

I don’t know either of these people, but in all honesty, I detect a certain sympathy towards “Gary” (first name basis) as opposed to “op.” I didn’t see any “ranting” from 0ngquang and the blame issue was not initiated by him. It would be nice to focus on what might be done to help his fish that he’s so worried about.

Just my 2cents. I really value all the info I get from this little community.

He stated few times that he trusted to much seller.I dont know about you but it is hard to have sympathy for someone blaming other for his misfortune.Never had business with Gary,never saw him. Guy offer to help in any way he can.Return is "i trusted to much seller".But i know few guys who support there hobby ,or making extra money for family by selling corals or fish.Not fun.Agree ,we should help

jorjef 03-29-2018 12:40 AM

In the red corner we have the tag team Louie “I’m stiff as a board” Crusty and in the blue corner Billy “ain’t nobody get our sense of humour” Jones. .. Doesn’t anyone care about the poor fish? Is it dead, recovered swimming around lol’ing after reading this thread on his little fishie smart phone.

Frogger 03-29-2018 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 1025841)
In the red corner we have the tag team Louie “I’m stiff as a board” Crusty and in the blue corner Billy “ain’t nobody get our sense of humour” Jones. .. Doesn’t anyone care about the poor fish? Is it dead, recovered swimming around lol’ing after reading this thread on his little fishie smart phone.

Too funny

Myka 03-29-2018 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by ongquang21 (Post 1025707)
I did dose Cyropro today.

Did this treatment work?

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