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gregzz4 03-02-2018 04:38 AM

Canreef Black List of Members who are Flakes
This is THE place to rant about members who have let you down through purchases/sales/trades.

Keep it polite and correct
If you are willing to name a member who’s left you feeling less than satisfied, keep the details correct.
If you find your name here, this is the place to redeem yourself!!
Nothing wrong with an explanation why you let the other member down, and heck, you could even apologize here if you feel you’d like to.

So, if a Canreef member has let you down when you have done everything you could to meet them, and they still didn't show up/contact you, this is where you put their name ....

My story;
[Removed at Greg's request] Bad member to deal with
Contacted me while I was selling frags. Asked me to text them. I texted them, then after no response I PMd them back. Nothing.
A week later I received a PM 'Hey I'm ready'" Texted them, took 2 days, then took a week to describe all frags that are in the original post, including pics. Questions kept coming ...
Set up a meet Wed, confirmed, never contacted me until many hours after the agreed time.
Set up a Sat meet for between 2 and 3, never showed I waited 'till almost 4 then I texted can't wait any longer, no call to apologize, nothing.
Was 2 weeks before I started this thread and still no contact.
Sent a PM a week after starting this thread and still nothing

I’d love to post the member’s username here but value my property.

gregzz4 03-02-2018 04:56 AM

Lets start a list of all the Canreef Jerks who have let us down ....

Bblinks 03-02-2018 05:12 AM

This thread should’ve been here long ago for identification of B.C. douchebag reefers. I have had my fair share of buyers that are flakes. Canreef should have a rating system on buy and sell experience. Pulling a no show when you have made arrangements is the most disrespectful thing imo. If you commit, then be a person of your word and follow through.

Couple of things that really grinds my gears are....I am coming from Richmond I am gonna be late, 30 minutes later, oh traffic is heavy but omw, 1 hr later, gonna be another 30 minutes, where are you coming from, Richmond, Virginia 🤦‍♂️ leave early! Or Hey, “how much is this and how much is that”, well, it’s exactly what I posted it online and you agreed on it. “But can I give you 10 dollars less...gtfo of my house.
I ain’t got time for those people. Go pound sand if you want to waste my time.
Okay I am done lol
Thanks Greg

hunggi74 03-02-2018 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 1024891)
This thread should’ve been here long ago for identification of B.C. douchebag reefers. I have had my fair share of buyers that are flakes. Canreef should have a rating system on buy and sell experience. Pulling a no show when you have made arrangements is the most disrespectful thing imo. If you commit, then be a person of your word and follow through.

Couple of things that really grinds my gears are....I am coming from Richmond I am gonna be late, 30 minutes later, oh traffic is heavy but omw, 1 hr later, gonna be another 30 minutes, where are you coming from, Richmond, Virginia 🤦‍♂️ leave early! Or Hey, “how much is this and how much is that”, well, it’s exactly what I posted it online and you agreed on it. “But can I give you 10 dollars less...gtfo of my house.
I ain’t got time for those people. Go pound sand if you want to waste my time.
Okay I am done lol
Thanks Greg

OP clearly states they want Canreef names! Spit em out!!

Bblinks 03-02-2018 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by hunggi74 (Post 1024892)
OP clearly states they want Canreef names! Spit em out!!

Greg’s bad too, I had a frag of ssc for him for almost a year and he never picked up. The worst part is it was his birthday present, FREE! Freaked guy. Lol

hunggi74 03-02-2018 05:22 AM

You could also make a case for the opposite. Some sellers can be a pain as well. Sometimes they’re not home, their frags aren’t what they say they are...etc

tang daddy 03-02-2018 05:22 AM

I don’t have any names to drop but love the ones that say they’ll take it, but then say can you hold for 2 weeks till I get paid...
Or the ones that say I’ll take it, I can hear the sound in my head whispering...sure you will as soon as money hits my hand!

I am sure if you’ve sold stuff on here then you realize that there are a few flakes, but there are also lots of people that show up on time and get what they said they were going to get.

I hope this thread can help everyone save some time and headache.

gregzz4 03-02-2018 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 1024894)
Greg’s bad too, I had a frag of ssc for him for almost a year and he never picked up. The worst part is it was his birthday present, FREE! Freaked guy. Lol


DKoKoMan 03-02-2018 02:24 PM

I think this is long overdue and agree wholeheartedly that this needs to happen. It weeds out the “losers” who waste time. It is one thing to message back and forth regarding the frags for Sale. But once you commit to a scheduled day and time... don’t bail. Many people have families etc. and give people the benefit of the doubt for tardiness. The whole no show, “going dark” not replying to text messages is disrespectful at the least.

It’s nice to see this setup, hopefully it stays respectful and it will help as a presecreening tool for Canreef sellers. Nice initiative Greg.

Dash 03-02-2018 06:20 PM

I'm pretty new at this but I've already experienced this as a frustrating aspect of buying/selling. I don't feel comfortable naming names, but I have to ask, why is common courtesy a rare commodity these days, especially when communication is so easy, just a few clicks. I've lost count of how many times people say they're interested, ask a bunch of questions, say they'll be in touch, then you never hear from them again. Or, on the other side, I've messaged hoping to buy something, and get radio silence. If you change your mind about buying, or don't have it to sell anymore, just respond so I know. It just takes 3 seconds of your time not to be rude. Anyway, that's my rant of the day.

Bblinks 03-02-2018 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1024908)
I'm pretty new at this but I've already experienced this as a frustrating aspect of buying/selling. I don't feel comfortable naming names, but I have to ask, why is common courtesy a rare commodity these days, especially when communication is so easy, just a few clicks. I've lost count of how many times people say they're interested, ask a bunch of questions, say they'll be in touch, then you never hear from them again. Or, on the other side, I've messaged hoping to buy something, and get radio silence. If you change your mind about buying, or don't have it to sell anymore, just respond so I know. It just takes 3 seconds of your time not to be rude. Anyway, that's my rant of the day.


This thread as Greg stated is not a witch hunt but just to keep people accountable for their actions.

All things considered, I have met many many stand up reefers that I consider my close friends now. I will continue on trading, buy and sell to other reefers and if they were my time, my experience will make its way onto this thread.

regent2009 03-02-2018 10:36 PM

i love SSC.
some says i will take all but pls wait till my payday then no show.
Rich, my birthday is Sat and somehow i will b in CQ at that time.

jorjef 03-02-2018 10:58 PM

More facts, less filler. You guys are being like a bunch of nattering old women at a garage sale.. just say'in.

gmann 03-02-2018 11:44 PM

experiences between members may not be the same.

This one person wasted my time, but im sure he/ she did not flake on others based on posts ive seen.

darb 03-03-2018 12:56 AM

I have seen finger pointing both ways and it undoubtedly happens from both ends. But ultimately you are running a "retail sale" and it comes with both the bad and the good, not always one or the other.

I generally have given up selling used stuff, it isn't worth the hassle in the end for a few bucks. Maybe when I get enough stuff, I will have a Saturday sale and get rid of it all at once.

BC Aquaria used to have a rating system in place and I think that they dropped it a long time ago; ultimately it just comes down to he said, she said, bla, bla, bla and ultimately situations do arise unexpectedly.

Alternatives could include, if you have enough livestock,selling wholesale to the LFS, setting fixed times only or a group monthly meet to swap/sell goods at a common location would be handy too.

jorjef 03-03-2018 01:15 AM

:laluot_23: focus people focus!! Is Greg the only one that knows of someone?. It's not a 'hey, please share your thoughts' thread!!.

Wheelman76 03-03-2018 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 1024917)
:laluot_23: focus people focus!! Is Greg the only one that knows of someone?. It's not a 'hey, please share your thoughts' thread!!.

Then why are you here “sharing your thoughts” ? No one here asked for your opinion. Why is it everytime you open your mouth , it’s something negative ?

jorjef 03-03-2018 03:33 AM

Oh please, shaming me? Lol priceless.

Wheelman76 03-03-2018 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 1024924)
Oh please, shaming me? Lol priceless.

Shaming ? Little bit hypocritical no ?

Is that not exactly what you were doing in your first two posts ? Telling people to focus , and referring to them as “nattering old women “ ?

Anyhow , we are getting off topic , and I’m done wasting my time with you.

DKoKoMan 03-03-2018 04:16 AM


jorjef 03-03-2018 04:17 AM

My point being if you would like to continue by all means continue. I always enjoy a good verbal joist. Yes a bit of kicking some in the shins but just as much trying to squash political correctness and get people to speak up, ya know the point of the thread. You're boring me. Go hug a tree.

Cujo#31 03-03-2018 04:45 AM

Sorry to hijack, much needed. At the least, I 100% agree that we should have some sort of member rating! Reefing is a small circle. Honour and respect should be the fisrst order of business. I have had many, many great experiences. But again, some idiots too. Like the time I called a sweet chunk of pectinia from a shutdown. We played “text tag” for a few days trying to align our schedules, then silence. He finally replies “sorry, sold, forgot who I had sold it to” ....right buddy. Forget what his name was because I re-named his contact “black listed” on my phone.
Most reefers I meet are top shelf individuals. Perhaps those of you that are less than honest or are unaware that people value you for your word and honour first, don’t forget....reefing is a very small circle. This isn’t Craig’s List.
I have driven an hour out of my way, and overpaid for a frag that I was no longer interested in, just to avoid being bundled up as a flake. So if you are an idiot....a low baller......or a flake......small world. We talk. We know who you are

tang daddy 03-03-2018 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 1024931)
Sorry to hijack, much needed. At the least, I 100% agree that we should have some sort of member rating! Reefing is a small circle. Honour and respect should be the fisrst order of business. I have had many, many great experiences. But again, some idiots too. Like the time I called a sweet chunk of pectinia from a shutdown. We played “text tag” for a few days trying to align our schedules, then silence. He finally replies “sorry, sold, forgot who I had sold it to” ....right buddy. Forget what his name was because I re-named his contact “black listed” on my phone.
Most reefers I meet are top shelf individuals. Perhaps those of you that are less than honest or are unaware that people value you for your word and honour first, don’t forget....reefing is a very small circle. This isn’t Craig’s List.
I have driven an hour out of my way, and overpaid for a frag that I was no longer interested in, just to avoid being bundled up as a flake. So if you are an idiot....a low baller......or a flake......small world. We talk. We know who you are

Agreed Get the black list out.... I only name people on my phone I hate Cheap F**** and no show on my phone... lucky they never text me to get stuff.

Myka 03-03-2018 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 1024912)
More facts, less filler. You guys are being like a bunch of nattering old women at a garage sale.. just say'in.

:lol: Pretty much! You guys aren't doing it right.

I see an expiry date if it carries on like this. People will get all grouchy (like is already happening). I don't support the building of negative threads like this. Not much point of these random complaints - there IS a Random Thought Thread already. ;)

gregzz4 03-03-2018 07:08 PM

I'd be perfectly happy seeing this thread cleaned up/restarted. I appreciate all the support, but there is now too much clutter and no utilization going on.

Myka 03-03-2018 08:30 PM

Make a new thread...I'll rename this one the complaint thread haha.

gregzz4 03-03-2018 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1024946)
Make a new thread...I'll rename this one the complaint thread haha.

OK, sounds good. I'll do it after you rename this one

Myka 03-04-2018 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1024951)
OK, sounds good. I'll do it after you rename this one

Ok done. I'll edit your first post once you've copy n pasted to the other thread, plus I'll delete our jibba jabba.

Myka 03-05-2018 01:30 AM

Well this thread died fast... :lol:

gregzz4 03-05-2018 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1024998)
Well this thread died fast... :lol:

Yup. It's lost it's appeal for me too.

I hoped it would become a place for outed members to come redeem themselves with an explanation and maybe even an apology.

WarDog 03-05-2018 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1025013)
Yup. It's lost it's appeal for me too.

I hoped it would become a place for outed members to come redeem themselves with an explanation and maybe even an apology.

Obviously you were born in the 60's or 70's because no one apologizes, accepts responsibility or admits they even contributed to a problem any more.

Bblinks 03-05-2018 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1025022)
Obviously you were born in the 60's or 70's because no one apologizes, accepts responsibility or admits they even contributed to a problem any more.

Almost made it to idgaf......almost

gregzz4 03-06-2018 12:25 AM

Honestly, I was hoping the majority of us were going to start holding the rest accountable for their actions, but I appear to be the only one willing to publicly name someone.

This thread has done nothing but make me a target for the one I called out. He still has the ability at any time to chime in and clear the air ... but it's been over 2 weeks since I was left waiting around, so I doubt it.

Hell, I'd even still entertain a visit if he'd come out and apologize. Maybe we'd become friends such as the many others I've met here over the years.
I have a list of names/numbers over 180 strong of all the members I've dealt with since joining Canreef.

Anyway, whine away people ... at least I tried to do something about it.

WarDog 03-06-2018 02:38 AM

I've honestly never had a problem with any Canreef member I've sold something to. Everyone has been super decent.

That being said.... I am aware of a list... just not sure if anyone has the cajonas to publish it.

Myka 03-06-2018 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1025034)
I've honestly never had a problem with any Canreef member I've sold something to. Everyone has been super decent.

That being said.... I am aware of a list... just not sure if anyone has the cajonas to publish it.

I've only ever had trouble with one member. I don't remember who it was. So it obviously didn't affect me much. :lol:

Frogger 03-06-2018 05:57 AM

I do not think publishing a list of Canreef members who are flaky is a good idea. There is always two sides to every story.

However a list of good members who pay and show up when they are supposed to would be a good idea that I could get behind.

acepumping 03-06-2018 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1025034)
I've honestly never had a problem with any Canreef member I've sold something to. Everyone has been super decent.

That being said.... I am aware of a list... just not sure if anyone has the cajonas to publish it.


Animal-Chin 03-06-2018 08:37 PM

Well i just want to chime in as a warning to canreefers, if you make a deal to buy frags have the seller send you pictures of the frags not the colony they are from! I drove an hour out to meet a guy after setting up a buying of 4 "high end" sps frags. It took a while to get the deal done, took an hour to drive to the meeting place, he was 45 minutes late so I was already in a mood when he showed up and I couldn't believe the frags he brought!

He promised an inch of this coral, a multi branch 2 inches of this other coral, what he brought was 4 bags of tiny nubs, not one was what he said he's bring.

I was ****ed but I was so tired of this deal I just bought them and

2 lived, 2 were dead in a couple of days as they were fresh cut nibs in crazy glue on a plug.

That was my worst deal on canreef and I decided to take a hiatus of buying from unknown sellers since then.

Sorry rant over, I've also had some nice coral from a bunch of you...:lol:

Bblinks 03-06-2018 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Frogger (Post 1025049)
I do not think publishing a list of Canreef members who are flaky is a good idea. There is always two sides to every story.

However a list of good members who pay and show up when they are supposed to would be a good idea that I could get behind.

Finger pointing isn't the purpose here, just want to keep everyone accountable for their commitment!

My recent encounters has been mostly pleasant and to be honest, that goes for most cases.

You, my good man has been great to deal with. I would highly recommend.

Bblinks 03-06-2018 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Animal-Chin (Post 1025065)
Well i just want to chime in as a warning to canreefers, if you make a deal to buy frags have the seller send you pictures of the frags not the colony they are from! I drove an hour out to meet a guy after setting up a buying of 4 "high end" sps frags. It took a while to get the deal done, took an hour to drive to the meeting place, he was 45 minutes late so I was already in a mood when he showed up and I couldn't believe the frags he brought!

He promised an inch of this coral, a multi branch 2 inches of this other coral, what he brought was 4 bags of tiny nubs, not one was what he said he's bring.

I was ****ed but I was so tired of this deal I just bought them and

2 lived, 2 were dead in a couple of days as they were fresh cut nibs in crazy glue on a plug.

That was my worst deal on canreef and I decided to take a hiatus of buying from unknown sellers since then.

Sorry rant over, I've also had some nice coral from a bunch of you...:lol:

No apology needed.....Please name that seller so maybe he can reply and work something out for you.

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