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Grimreaperz 05-01-2017 12:08 AM

Flat rocks for zoas.
Okay so I was at a fellow reefers buying some frags and noticed his zoas were all on this flat thin brittle rock.

When I asked him where he got them he stated he makes them.

I asked out of what and all he said and would say is special cement....

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of what type of cement could be used for this application.

I have heard Portland Cement but the amount of different types of Portland Cement is ridiculous....

If anyone can comment with exact types or locations to purchase and brands would be greatly appreciated!

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timv 05-01-2017 01:01 AM

If you ask him he will tell you if it's the same person that i think it's is !! Pretty cool indeed

Grimreaperz 05-01-2017 02:40 AM

I did ask he said he "Can't say" that's why I am asking around on forums to see what people use.

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ReefMadness 05-01-2017 02:17 PM


scoobs 05-01-2017 04:33 PM

White portland cement and crushed oyster shells are the main ingredients for diy liverock. I found some at ok builders in vernon last year when I tried my hand at it. Fun making the custom shapes but took months till I could put them in a tank. The rock needs frequent water changes till the PH is stable.

DKoKoMan 05-01-2017 05:40 PM

Sounds complicated lol

Grimreaperz 05-01-2017 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by scoobs (Post 1013269)
White portland cement and crushed oyster shells are the main ingredients for diy liverock. I found some at ok builders in vernon last year when I tried my hand at it. Fun making the custom shapes but took months till I could put them in a tank. The rock needs frequent water changes till the PH is stable.

Yep all DIY rock needs at least a 45 day cure in fresh water to leach out the bad stuff....this is already known.....for some reason finding white Portland Cement is a PIA in Canada lol

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk 05-02-2017 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by scoobs (Post 1013269)
White portland cement and crushed oyster shells are the main ingredients for diy liverock. I found some at ok builders in vernon last year when I tried my hand at it. Fun making the custom shapes but took months till I could put them in a tank. The rock needs frequent water changes till the PH is stable.

ive never soaked the stuff i use :mrgreen: goes straight in the tank and stuff grows like a weed on it

the only thing i can say about what i use is it is "Albert's special sauce"

guy i know did a chemical analysis on it to see if it was reef safe before we used it, it's the same product i use for all the rock structures Albert and I build

Grimreaperz 05-02-2017 01:01 AM

Not quite sure the reasoning of keeping stuff like this a secret if it could benefit the whole community but to each their own I guess.....i as a hobbiest share my success and ventures with everyone so they too can succeed I find people that don't are just in it for the money....and aren't really in it for the passion....but again to each their own.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk 05-02-2017 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Grimreaperz (Post 1013283)
Not quite sure the reasoning of keeping stuff like this a secret if it could benefit the whole community but to each their own I guess.....i as a hobbiest share my success and ventures with everyone so they too can succeed I find people that don't are just in it for the money....and aren't really in it for the passion....but again to each their own.

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its a product i market, im not gonna give away all my secrets...

Grimreaperz 05-02-2017 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 1013284)
its a product i market, im not gonna give away all my secrets...

See that's a different story lol. How do we go about getting some then? As I really am sick of trying to make colonies on pre purchased rock.....i want the ability of creating my own shapes similar to the ones I saw....but I don't like the Portland as I have tried it before and the rocks are still sitting in a bucket in my garage. Not to mentioned I am paranoid that there still maybe stuff in the cement even after almost a year of curing.

If research and time had gone into a product I don't mind backing it....but just to keep it a secret is a completely different story lol. Had you said "I can't say what the ingredients are, but you could buy a batch off me." it would have been a different story. And you would have a buyer.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk 05-02-2017 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Grimreaperz (Post 1013285)
See that's a different story lol. How do we go about getting some then? As I really am sick of trying to make colonies on pre purchased rock.....i want the ability of creating my own shapes similar to the ones I saw....but I don't like the Portland as I have tried it before and the rocks are still sitting in a bucket in my garage. Not to mentioned I am paranoid that there still maybe stuff in the cement even after almost a year of curing.

If research and time had gone into a product I don't mind backing it....but just to keep it a secret is a completely different story lol. Had you said "I can't say what the ingredients are, but you could buy a batch off me." it would have been a different story. And you would have a buyer.

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normally i would say that but i dont have any atm lol

Grimreaperz 05-02-2017 02:31 AM

When you get a new batch let me know and rough prices on batches i want some! Specially if it truly doesn't need to be cured!

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