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amberc12 02-13-2017 03:40 PM

300 g custom build!
Hi Everyone! Im new to Canreef, so hopefully I put this in the right forum!:biggrin: Well I took the plunge...just ordered my 96x30x24 custom tank! I have a 80g now and a couple of 20s but I am def going to need some advice on this bad boy..I am eager to hear everyones suggestions on equipment...and any other advice you may have, I have only been reefing for just over a year or so!!!

Starphire glass
Polished edges
Approx 75 g sump
Awesome custom stand, 36 inches tall

Thanks all!

DKoKoMan 02-13-2017 04:36 PM

Looking forward to the progression of the build. Lots of really good tank builds on Canreef with tons of information and pictures.

Oh btw... :welcome:

amberc12 02-13-2017 04:50 PM

Thanks so much! Yes I have been drooling over some really sweet builds here, hopefully I havent bitten off more than I can chew with this build. So much to figure out still, but loving every minute of it. Thanks for your support!

tang daddy 02-13-2017 05:07 PM

Post some pics when you get a chance so we can see what the tank and stand look like. Is it plumbed already or are you in the planning stages?

amberc12 02-13-2017 05:19 PM

Just placed the order on Thursday. Gives me a little time figure everything else out...but not much!! Will def post pics when it arrives! Should only be a couple weeks. I really need help deciding on lights!!

WarDog 02-13-2017 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by amberc12 (Post 1008543)
I really need help deciding on lights!!

What livestock do you hope to keep?

amberc12 02-13-2017 06:53 PM

It will be a mixed reef. My other tanks are mostly LPS so I would like to have more SPS in this one. Hoping not to break the bank too badly since I went big on the tank:lol: Fish Im not too sure about yet, apparently my hubby has a list of his wants started, but this beast is my tank,(I take care of all of em:biggrin:) so we shall see...

WarDog 02-13-2017 07:06 PM

24 inches deep, mixed reef, and after reading your other thread, I personally would stick with T5's and the Reefbrights. 2 x 8 bulb 48" fixtures and 2 x 48" reefbrights on the front (4 if you really want that wow factor). Bulbs only need to be changed every 9 months and the Reefbrights are amazing LED's to give the corals that pop.

LED only is possible, but you'll be spending a small fortune to cover 8 feet.

Halide also an option, with reefbrights, but now you're adding a ton of heat.

At 300+ gallons, things start to become very expensive.

amberc12 02-13-2017 07:25 PM

That does sound like my best option. I have been tossing the idea around of having LEDs with retro fit T5s under a custom canopy too.
Oh I knew full well I was giving up my home renovation for this tank...but hey priorities right?:biggrin:

Myka 02-14-2017 01:09 AM

I agree with Warren's lighting advice.

Great to see you sharing your adventure here! :D

amberc12 02-14-2017 02:05 AM

Thanks! Love to hear anymore recommendations or advice!

Myka 02-14-2017 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by amberc12 (Post 1008593)
Thanks! Love to hear anymore recommendations or advice!

Make sure water changes are easy because you'll be doing a large volume. :)

amberc12 02-14-2017 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1008618)
Make sure water changes are easy because you'll be doing a large volume. :)

I got someone pretty fantastic coming over sometime to give me some pointers on that very thing:mrgreen: Mindy!

Got any skimmer recommendations?:biggrin:

MitchM 02-14-2017 07:32 PM

I've found that the most reliable heater for a larger system is a closed loop PEX line off your hot water tank.

DKoKoMan 02-14-2017 07:42 PM

Bubble Magus skimmers are a pretty good bang for your buck. I have the IceCap K2-160 which I absolutely love (skins great, it's quiet and looks sharp). That being said I have never sourced out a skimmer for that big of a setup :biggrin:

amberc12 02-15-2017 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by MitchM (Post 1008642)
I've found that the most reliable heater for a larger system is a closed loop PEX line off your hot water tank.

Interesting! Not sure if Im quite ready for that...looks like it could be risky(for me:biggrin:), I'll have to do some more reading

daplatapus 02-15-2017 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by MitchM (Post 1008642)
I've found that the most reliable heater for a larger system is a closed loop PEX line off your hot water tank.

So as not to hijack this thread, you have PM :)

Bblinks 02-15-2017 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by amberc12 (Post 1008556)
That does sound like my best option. I have been tossing the idea around of having LEDs with retro fit T5s under a custom canopy too.
Oh I knew full well I was giving up my home renovation for this tank...but hey priorities right?:biggrin:

That's the route I would take.

If money is no issue then 2 ati 48inch hybrids.....

MitchM 02-15-2017 08:54 PM

Regarding skimmer choice, tests have shown that there is no difference in performance based on the design of the skimmer.
What it really boils down to is budget, room that you have available for the skimmer, ease of servicing the skimmer and availability of parts.
I'm not up to date with what's currently out there, maybe others can tell you their experience with good suppliers.

amberc12 02-16-2017 06:56 AM

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice and support!

DKoKoMan 02-16-2017 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by amberc12 (Post 1008792)
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice and support!

Keep up the good work on this big reef tank.

Myka 02-16-2017 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by amberc12 (Post 1008622)
I got someone pretty fantastic coming over sometime to give me some pointers on that very thing:mrgreen: Mindy!

Got any skimmer recommendations?:biggrin:

Bubble Magus is definitely good bang for the buck.

One of my clients has a tank 96 x 24 x 24" (240 gallons) which is about 60 gallons less than you. I have a Bubble Magus Curve 9 on that tank, and it does quite well though the skimmer cup could be larger (needs emptying twice a week). That said, I also have a Curve 9 on a 120-gallon client tank where I have heavy stocking plans. The Curve A9 is the DC pump version. I don't have any clients using the DC version for long enough to make any recommendations there.

The big question is, do you like to stock lots of fish or less fish? Do you plan to have very many large fish (like Tangs, Foxface, Angelfish, etc)?

If you plan to have a significant fish load (like most people do), you may want to step up a model from the 9/A9. Some manufacturer max tank size recommendations are way too optimistic, Bubble Magus is one of them. If Bubble Magus says for tanks 1000-2500L, consider the 1000L the correct tank size to use the skimmer on. So for your tank, this is most likely the range you're looking for within the Bubble Magus line.


Originally Posted by MitchM (Post 1008742)
Regarding skimmer choice, tests have shown that there is no difference in performance based on the design of the skimmer.

This is true, according to the one "study". However, it didn't take into consideration how likely the skimmer is to fail, to overflow, how fussy it is to dial in, etc, etc. Some people (not saying MitchM is one) came to the conclusion that all skimmers are equal after reading that article, but that is not the case. All it proved is that the basic design of the skimmer (the shape of it, the style of air injection) doesn't make very much difference at all.

MitchM 02-16-2017 01:51 PM

That's where budget comes in.
Quality of materials and how well the skimmer is designed overall will more than likely mean a higher priced skimmer.
Anticipated DOC load is certainly a factor that should be taken into consideration.

amberc12 02-17-2017 01:50 PM

Exciting times around here! Well I bit the bullet and ordered my lights yesterday..lots of info and different opinions to consider...and a rapidly decreasing

I went with 2 - 6 bulb 48" ATI and 2 XHO ReefBrites strips

amberc12 02-17-2017 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1008804)
Bubble Magus is definitely good bang for the buck.

The big question is, do you like to stock lots of fish or less fish? Do you plan to have very many large fish (like Tangs, Foxface, Angelfish, etc)?

If you plan to have a significant fish load (like most people do), you may want to step up a model from the 9/A9. Some manufacturer max tank size recommendations are way too optimistic, Bubble Magus is one of them. If Bubble Magus says for tanks 1000-2500L, consider the 1000L the correct tank size to use the skimmer on. So for your tank, this is most likely the range you're looking for within the Bubble Magus line.

Thanks, yes hubby really likes his fish...have to throw him a bone where I can:lol: It would be fish only if was up to him..but it is not..:biggrin:

amberc12 02-23-2017 03:11 PM

I should have mentioned that none of this would be possible without Colby Bay from Bayside Corals, helping me every step of the way and holding the paper bag when necessary :lol: Big Thanks to him. Thanks Mindy for your ideas!

Thanks also to everyone else who has helped me so far! And who has given me advise, no offence if I didn't take it, I still appreciate it!!

Ok, so I lied...I got 4 of those Reefbrite strips..I have also got a Bubble Magus Curve 29 coming along...lots of others goodies lined up too

Plumber friend coming over to check out that closed loop PEX line off the hot water heater idea....

MitchM 02-23-2017 03:15 PM

nice amber.
There are some pictures of that pex loop on my profile page. 600g album.

amberc12 02-23-2017 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by MitchM (Post 1009313)
nice amber.
There are some pictures of that pex loop on my profile page. 600g album.

Awesome, thanks!

Scythanith 02-23-2017 04:36 PM

T5's with LED supplementation is the route I'd suggest. All I can say about the other equipment is buy the best you can now to avoid buying something twice. Get a quality pump, skimmer, heater, ato, etc. off the hop.

mseepman 02-24-2017 03:43 PM

Looking forward to this taking shape.

DKoKoMan 02-24-2017 03:54 PM

I will be following this one :smile:

amberc12 03-02-2017 04:20 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Bit of an update. Carpets out, new flooring down, and a butchered looking hole in my wall. Tank arrived yesterday! With a lot of help we managed to get it in the house. Thanks again to Colby, Mindy and Gustavo for the help. I hope everyone can still stand today! Still waiting on the stand, but we can use the extra time to keep getting ready...hopefully these pics are attached.

DKoKoMan 03-02-2017 08:14 PM

Looks sweet! I'm excited to follow the rest of the setup.

Scythanith 03-02-2017 08:37 PM

Super fun! Be glad to have you come by and check out my setup to learn from my mistakes if you ever want to.

Your mermaid (merman lol) needs a shave job!

amberc12 03-02-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Scythanith (Post 1009850)
Super fun! Be glad to have you come by and check out my setup to learn from my mistakes if you ever want to.

Your mermaid (merman lol) needs a shave job!

Thanks! We might just have to take you up on that! That merman has been doing all the work while I'm stuck in the no way I'm asking for a shave! Don't want to push my luck!:wink:

amberc12 03-23-2017 03:48 PM

Hi all just an update for everyone. Well my drywall will be completely done today! Stand is here, arrived on Tuesday. Electrical is done. Gots many new toys I can't wait to start using! I'm a little technically challenged but hopefully I managed to attach a couple pics...:lol: if the pics don't work someone is going to have to teach me...:biggrin: Getting super excited now!

DKoKoMan 03-23-2017 04:42 PM

Coming along nicely!

Dearth 03-23-2017 05:21 PM

Sorry I'm a late comer to the discussion but looking pretty impressive

You had a question about lighting and most of it was answered already but I'll add to it anyway

What are you looking for in a budget on lights?

Unless you luck out with acquiring used LEDs on an 8' tank your looking at easily 3 grand for the lights then there are the adding things like controllers, goose necks and timers which all adds to the cost but the upside the costs are only huge to buy and setup and to run would be cheap

T5 and T5 hybrid lights are cheaper to buy than LEDs but running costs are considerably higher with yearly replacement of T5 bulbs and with hybrid lights the LEDs have been known to be an issue on older models

Metal Halides again can be pricey to buy but offer the best "natural" light options but the down sides are huge amounts of heat produced and yearly bulb replacements

In the end it comes down to what you want and what you will have in your tank and what your willing to spend

Nate 03-23-2017 06:42 PM

I've got two ap700's in the for sale section I'd gladly ship out to you

Just sayin

amberc12 03-28-2017 03:24 PM

Thanks Dearth and Nate for the info, I already bit the bullet on the lights. Well we are even closer yet

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