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Torx 02-05-2017 06:55 PM

5th Annual London Fragfest - 2017
London Fragfest - Saturday, May 13th, 2017

Confirmed Vendors:

01. Salty Cracker Frags
02. JT Custom Acrylics
03. BigShowFrags
04. Kaotic Aquatics
05. MAST
06. Sustainable Marine Canada
07. GTAReef
08. Home Grown Frags
09. JellyFish Direct
10. In2Deep
11. iKorals
12. Reef Ontario
13. FragCave
14. Kraken's Cove
...more vendors and info to come.

Same great location as previous years.

Date: Saturday May 13th, 2017
Address: 7097 Kilbourne Road, London, Ontario, N6P 1R2
Cost will be $5 at the door, Children under 12 free with adult admission.

Torx 04-17-2017 11:28 PM

Not sure if you have checked out the list lately. All the tables are full as of the last addition was Reef Addiction out of Whitby, Ontario. Yes, 22 tables booked with a great mix of dry goods and live stock. If there is a retailer you work with, ask about pick up at fragfest and save the shipping. Great time to get some salt. I also heard there may be a full line of Aquaforest available at the show for those interested. The raffle page has amazing some updates as well!

Check out the link below for all the details.

01. Canada Corals
03. Big Show Frags
04. JT Custom Acrylics
05. Aquarium Depot
06. Reef Ontario
07. iKorals
08. Sustainable Marine Canada
09. Polyp Lab
10. Reef Nutrient
11. MAST
12. Frag Cave
13. Krakens Cove
14. Kaotic Aquatics
15. Home Grown Frags
16. Boss Frags
17. Jellyfish Direct
18. In2Deep
19. Reef Addiction
20. Reef Escape
21. GTA Reef
22. Crazy4Coral (outside trailer)

RyoTHC 04-19-2017 04:42 PM

Anyone who can go, DO IT.

I live in BC now, But lived on Ontario for the first two frag fests, which were alot of fun, and they have only grown since!

There are a handful of vendors on that list that make the trip worthwhile alone, you could justify driving multiple hours each way to have them all in the same building!!:twised:

I'd be there if I could be, but alas i'll wait for pictures.

Scythanith 04-20-2017 06:27 PM

If I were closer I'd do it.

GoFish 04-20-2017 08:17 PM

^^^Congrats Scott for the 1 millionth post on Canreef!

This fragfest might be the only reason I'd wanna visit Ontario. Canada wide tour perhaps?

RyoTHC 04-30-2017 03:00 AM

There's a reason I moved 5000 km away haha but the fragfest and the community is great, if only it was in July on my annual trip back...


Torx 05-03-2018 04:45 PM

6th Annual London Fragfest 2018
London Fragfest - Saturday, May 13th, 2017


6675 Burtwistle Lane, London, Ontario

Stoneridge Inn & Conference Center is conveniently located just off the 401 exit 177A to Colonel Talbot Rd.

Cost will be $5 at the door, Children under 12 free with adult admission.

Facebook event page:

1 JellyFish Direct
2 JT Custom Acrylics
3 Kaotic Aquatics
4 Reef Canada
5 In2Deep
6 Maple-Frags
7 Reef Addiction
8 Sustainable Marine Canada
9 GTA Reef
10 Aquarium Depot
11 iKorals
13 BigSHOW Frags
14 Canada Copepods
15 Candy Corals
16 IC Corals
17 Little Shop of Coral
18 Bashsea Canada
19 For the Reef
20 Royal Coral
21 ORK
22 Canada Corals

Contest prizes this year include:

3 x $50 gift certificates to
2 x prints from Mitchell Brown
4 Stage RODI from BRS
Gyre XF230
Triton Lab water analysis
Instant Ocean Reef Crystals - Pail
Aquaforest Reef Salt - box
$50 gift certificate to
Reef Nutrition prize pack

There is more getting announced shortly. There is even a new company coming out in the next few months who will be blowing up the prize table and it is killing me not saying who yet. Should be announced Monday. Plus there is always more added at the show.

mrdss 05-19-2018 01:55 PM

Left overs
Were there many left overs ? Stuff that stores did not sell and that people in G.T.A. did not want ? Did the stores send a lot of left over to the show ?

Torx 05-19-2018 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by mrdss (Post 1027240)
Were there many left overs ? Stuff that stores did not sell and that people in G.T.A. did not want ? Did the stores send a lot of left over to the show ?

High Paul Silva. I see you finally found a forum that you are not banned from. I guess being banned from several forums and just about every FB page out there for being ignorant, rude, sexist and down right harrassing is not enough for you. I love how you go out of your way every year to troll the internet looking for Fragfest posts to complain about.

mrdss 05-19-2018 02:30 PM

You did not mention if there would be a lot of left over coral from the G.T.A. ? You know stuff people did not want and then gets pawned off to the shows. The Truth sucks ? RIGHT ? Tell the people the TRUTH or I WILL !!!

Is this THE SPAZ ?

Torx 05-19-2018 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by mrdss (Post 1027243)
You did no mention if there would be a lot of left over coral from the G.T.A. ? You know stuff people did not want and and then gets pawned off to the shows. The Truth sucks ? RIGHT ?

There were tons of new fresh frags, clams, inverts and more there. I did not mention it as everyone already knows that, well aside from you of coarse. I am sorry that the 1st annual Fragfest you went to 6 years ago was not the MACNA you expected it. Despite the fact that it was advertised everywhere that it was a coral show with vendors listed as selling coral. For some reason you thought you were going to MACNA. For some reason you also are still loosing your mind over these shows and go out of your way to find posts on it and harass people about them.

mrdss 05-19-2018 04:34 PM

Fake NEWS ~
I will not let you tell another lie. I will not let anyone who is new to the hobby fall victim to a 3 hour drive from the G.T.A.

If you are in the G.T.A. you get FIRST picks of ALL the coral. The only coral that goes to a show is coral that has been picked through and that no one in the G.T.A. wants. You will also probably get a better deal.


Torx 05-19-2018 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by mrdss (Post 1027245)
I will not let you tell another lie. I will not let anyone who is new to the hobby fall victim to a 3 hour drive from the G.T.A.

If you are in the G.T.A. you get FIRST picks of ALL the coral. The only coral that goes to a show is coral that has been picked through and that no one in the G.T.A. wants. You will also probably get a better deal.


I am the organizer of the London show and help out the Brantford one. I would have helped with the Niagara show, but I had something else on my plate at the time. Hundreds of people come to each these shows, some of which have been going on for the last 6 years. People travel from all over Ontario, Ottawa, and the US to the London, Niagara and Brantford Annual shows. Many of the vendors actually bring in orders specifically for the shows. You are the one spreading the lies. I am glad that you have a safe place for you to spend your money.

You are quite the character for sure. Making a big deal out of something you literally know nothing about. Yes, there were 12 vendors at the first show 6 years ago. 6 years ago that was pretty much all the vendors in Ontario. This year there were 22 vendors from all over Ontario at London Fragfest. The only thing you are actually doing is bringing attention to and promoting the shows.

So is this going to be like every other forum and Facebook page and you slowly blow up? You start using caps, then start with calling people names, maybe throw a few sexist comments then slowly escalate until you get banned?

mrdss 05-19-2018 05:31 PM

Donald Trump !
As Donald Trump would say. " FAKE NEWS " !

Keep on exaggerating. We both know the TRUTH ! I want you to ACTUALLY admit to ANYONE in the G.T.A. that these shows only have leftovers and coral that has been picked through. Both in stores and basements. And stuff people did not want.

If you are willing to keep exaggerating about these shows I will call you " exactly " what you are. A compulsive LIAR !

Are you SURE your are not " THE SPAZ " ?

WarDog 05-19-2018 05:58 PM

MRDSS, this is not a forum for you to argue. If you have a problem with this event, or its organizers, please discuss that in private. You are very welcome to organize your own event.

Torx 05-19-2018 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1027248)
MRDSS, this is not a forum for you to argue. If you have a problem with this event, or its organizers, please discuss that in private. You are very welcome to organize your own event.

Thank you WarDog. He has not been to a show since the first London Fragfest 6 years ago. Since then he trolls the net every year trying to find posts about this event and then starts bashing it and harassing people until he gets banned. He has been removed from almost every FB page for Ontario reefers. He was just removed from yet another Facebook page yesterday over this as well because he starts to get abusive and attack people. That is probably what initiated his comments today. He has also been removed from several other forums (some multiple times) for different reasons. I do not mean to bash him publicly, but people should know the truth. Feel free to follow up in PM if you would like. You can also lock this forum if you wish, the 2017 and 2018 information is blended in together here. Even delete comments or it all. We will create a new one for Fragfest 2019 later. The event has already started planning.

mrdss 05-19-2018 06:58 PM

I went to 3 different shows. Being green I did not know any better. Wardog thank you. If you are ever in the G.T.A. visit the local shops. You will NOT be disappointed.

Only YOU care nobody else does. Please no tears. This guy actually LIVES for social media. He cries to mods. like a baby and the mods. fall for it.

WOW ! You REALLY are a compulsive liar.

Torx 05-19-2018 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by mrdss (Post 1027250)
I went to 3 different shows. Being green I did not know any better. Wardog thank you. If you are ever in the G.T.A. visit the local shops. You will NOT be disappointed.

Only YOU care nobody else does. Please no tears. This guy actually LIVES for social media. He cries to mods. like a baby and the mods. fall for it.

WOW ! You REALLY are a compulsive liar.

I do not live for social media, but I do promote the event and you are always posting on my listings so I get notified every time you post lol. Yes, I care when someone is going around slandering me and an event that I put on. It is a social event for people in the hobby. It brings hundreds of people together and is a great event. Obviously you do care as well as every year you troll the net trying to find posts to rant over despite only every going to 1 Fragfest.

I honestly have never complained to a single mod about you. Your posts get you deleted and banned. Yesterday it was because you were name calling and harassing people and you were banned from the FB page before that for the same reason plus you told a woman (who was also a moderator of the page) to go back to the kitchen and let the men talk business. I honestly am tired of the posts you make and look forward to when you stop harassing people, myself included, over this event. Pretty sure this is the only place on social media left where I advertise the event and you haven't been banned from. So hopefully this will stop soon.

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