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GoFish 01-20-2017 05:07 AM

The Vibrant Liquid Aquarium Cleaner Thread
Well might as well start this thread for others to share their success/failures etc in regards to Vibrant. The good the bad AND the ugly.

Example photos taken from product website...

Keep in mind, not all that has been said about this product has been positive. As some algaes die, other algaes may pop up. Some have experienced diatom blooms/cyano and other issues and have stopped dosing. You can read the R2R discussion thread about this for more info. Post #1 in partucular if you'd like some background on the product. You must keep up with routine tank maintenance like water changes, filter cleaning etc.

tang daddy 01-20-2017 07:13 PM

Didnt see this thread started...
I'll start with a review week 1

I don't have any pics to share but will post my experience on here... I ordered some off eBay as I read some of the reviews and thought I would give it a try. I had high phosphates readings on my ULR @.24 last week. My mg reading is immeasurable with salifert or Elos which I predict is at about 1600 plus, still had bryopsis in my sump and bubble algae was starting to infest my rock, if this said magic potion can rid some pest algae then what's $50 to the cause...
I did a 3ml dose the first day to see if there were adverse effects on my sps and Lps, none. Second day I drizzled some in my sump and display around 10ml, this time I think I overdid it. Soft corals like Ricordea sand yumas were ****ed, other Lps like brains and blastos also closed abit. Didn't pay much attention to the tank for the next few days. Monday tested the phosphates and it was down to .1, bubble algae had reduced to 40% less, the bryopsis was still there but looking thin. Hair algae on 1 small rock had melted, I did start a small portion of Rowaphos to help reduce phosphates further. Nitrates are undetectable and also performed a 30% wc before dosing Vibrant.
I believe this stuff works on nuisance algaes and will continue weekly doses but will do 5ml per week on my 100g system.
Also the very next day after dosing I noticed my water clear right up!
I will update in another week

GoFish 01-20-2017 08:36 PM

I would stay away from "drizzling" this product into your tank lol. Instructions say 1ml per 10 gallons which ain't much! Do you remember what days you dosed Chris? Like 3ml Friday, 10ml'ish Saturday? I'm surprised it has an effect on your bubble algae and bryopsis already. From what I've read this stuff should be used from twice per week, up to once every 2 weeks depending on algae type or amount.

Keep us posted

I'll be taking photos every night at the same time and will compile some images after about a week.

GoFish 01-20-2017 09:20 PM

Here's a general guideline regarding target algae from R2R for sake of quicker reference....

"What algae strains does Vibrant rid and how fast does it work?

Vibrant is a true beast and we have not yet come across a algae that Vibrant can not beat out. Below I will list a general timeline of how fast Vibrant works on frequent algae strains that cause issues in reef aquariums.

Cloudy/hazy Water- 1 dose
Diatoms - 1-2 doses
Cyanobacteria - (Yes, it will outcompete another bacteria) 1-5 doses
Dinoflagellates - 2-5 doses
Bubble algae - 3-8 doses
Hair Algae - 3-5 doses (depending on species of hair and how bad the infestation is)
Turf Algae - 8-20 doses ( again, depending on species and how bad the infestation is)
Bryopsis - 6-30 doses ( again, depending on species and how bad the infestation is)"

kyl 01-20-2017 09:23 PM

I've been using this since December 11th in both my 10g & 20g IM nanos due to problems with bubble algae in the 20 and a nasty dinoflagellates outbreak that was occurring on every surface / coral in both tanks. I have been dosing 1.5x the amount instructed per week (as per conversation with the owner) to get the dinos under control, and so far it has worked in both tanks to varying degrees. The other affect of this has been a large reduction in the need to clean the glass. It used to be almost daily before, now once every 4-5 days.

My 20 has no bubbly-snot anywhere, the sand is I would say 80-90% clean every day and the bubble algae is down to a few singular pieces which are very fragile. Previously it would be covered and look like a snot-wasteland when I got home from work. The bubble algae was also spreading all over, more than the emerald crab could take care of. As of today I would consider the product a big success in that tank, and it is the only change I have done outside of normal water/carbon/gfo changes and 2-part dosing. This tank would get a 9/10 rating for how dramatic the change has been.

In my 10 which is now a bare bottom frag tank, the dinos receded rather quickly but gave way to GHA. I then had GHA growing everywhere very fast, but kept with the vibrant usage. GHA had gotten so weak that it was easily pulled off, now fully gone and the only thing left are a few spots of dinos still sticking around. The main distinction from this tank is no fish, sand bed and a minuscule pod population vs the 20. They get the same lighting, skimming and filtering in terms of equipment. On this tank I'll give it a 7/10 for clearing up most of the issues.

I had read the 150?+ page thread on reef2reef extensively, along with other direct hobbyist feedback from before using it. Is it snake oil? I would say not, but what works for one may not work for the other. I've tried some of the commercial products that people have success with and have gotten poor results, but I attribute that to tanks are all over the place and no two are identical, so neither will results of some things.

tang daddy 01-20-2017 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by GoFish (Post 1006461)
I would stay away from "drizzling" this product into your tank lol. Instructions say 1ml per 10 gallons which ain't much! Do you remember what days you dosed Chris? Like 3ml Friday, 10ml'ish Saturday? I'm surprised it has an effect on your bubble algae and bryopsis already. From what I've read this stuff should be used from twice per week, up to once every 2 weeks depending on algae type or amount.

Keep us posted

I'll be taking photos every night at the same time and will compile some images after about a week.

Lazy mans pour Bryan, call it liquid courage....

I dosed 3ml Thursday night and then drizzled some into tank and sump like about 10-15ml more like a drip drip drip not squirt*friday

Haven't dosed any since because I was monitoring the corals, I can say that few days after like 6 days to be exact the corals are back to normal. Glass has a green film on it only after 1 week and 40% of bubble algae is gone... almost in disbelief from 1 dose. I got my doser yesterday so will hook it up tonight and start with 1 ml per day instead of suggested dose of 10ml per week. I think in small doses the corals will not even notice and stress.

rzadun 01-21-2017 01:44 AM

vibrant aquarium cleaner liquid
got my bottle today, Friday 20th. added 1mL per 10 gallons. Will see how well it works.

Craigdillman 01-21-2017 03:37 AM

What is it >? Peroxide?

DKoKoMan 01-21-2017 07:19 AM

Is this similar to Foz Down?

rzadun 01-21-2017 12:38 PM

vibrant aquarium cleaner liquid
It says 95% cultured bacterial blend, 1% amino acids, 0.5 % vinegar and 3.5% other ingredients.

GoFish 01-22-2017 11:25 PM

I don't think it contains Lanthanum Chloride or H2O2 but still not sure what the other 3.5% is. Maybe an algaecide?

davej 01-23-2017 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by GoFish (Post 1006667)
I don't think it contains Lanthanum Chloride or H2O2 but still not sure what the other 3.5% is. Maybe an algaecide?

From Reef2reef thread, looks to be RO/DI water

Vibrant Liquid Aquarium Cleaner Ingredients -

95% Cultured Bacteria Blend
1% Amino Acids (Aspartic Acid)
0.5% Vinegar - This is used as the preservative
3.5% Other Ingredients (RO/DI Water)

Sent you a PM about a bottle

GoFish 01-23-2017 04:42 AM

Hey Dave just replied I think there's one bottle left for you.

Hmmm Seeing RO/DI sounds familiar, the label on the bottle just says other ingredient I guess he forgot the last part at time of printing :wink:
Someone said it smells like eucalyptus but I can't smell anything

tang daddy 01-23-2017 07:50 PM

I am eager to see if anyone else has experienced results on an imbalance of using vibrant, I just skimmed through a thread on another forum about getting rid of bryopsis and saw that a few vibrant users had an imbalance in their reef and started getting Dino and cyano... I have only done 1 dose so far so too early to tell but am abit wary to continue long term use if this is the case.
Also I've read that it reduces nitrates but maybe I missed? Nothing that says phosphates...

Currently with the salifert test I show no nitrates but abit of phosphates, this should be a good thread to document what the positive and negative effects will do.

crimper 01-24-2017 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1006724)
Also I've read that it reduces nitrates but maybe I missed? Nothing that says phosphates...

Funny, I started dosing Vibrant a couple of days ago, (Thanks Bryant). I have a fairly new grow-out/frag tank (far from matured) for quarantine and the tank's Nitrate is around 5ish ppm and Phosphate is 0.1 ppm. After a couple of days I noticed that my Nitrate drop to 2ppm and Phosphate down to 0.0ppm to my surprise, not sure if that's because of Vibrant or just a co-incidence. I also noticed that the water is more clearer now.

I will posts more update and observation after several doses.

Rogue951 01-25-2017 11:41 AM

So..... Where do you get this stuff in Vancouver?

kyl 01-25-2017 02:14 PM

You don't unless someone has an extra bottle. We've pretty much all bought this direct from the states.

rzadun 01-25-2017 03:05 PM

I ordered mine from Incredible Aquarium in ontario

Rogue951 01-25-2017 04:47 PM

Good thing I frequent Blaine then. Add to List time....

gmann 01-25-2017 05:29 PM

one of amazon/ ebay had it.

Dash 01-27-2017 05:28 PM

I was in on the recent group buy & would like to offer my bottle for sale. I had a smallish amount of cyano but increased flow seems to have beaten it back.

GoFish 01-29-2017 03:12 AM

10 days after starting

The last 2 photos are the same. Theres too much light coming through with the Magnafuge light now it was hard to tell how much had disappeared

#winning :wink:

davej 01-29-2017 04:10 AM

After just two doses I notice my glass staying cleaner longer, hoping to clear up some bubble algae. Will report back after a few more doses. So far I'm impressed.

GoFish 01-30-2017 06:38 PM

So bad news and more bad news.
1. UWC is now backordered on all their Vibrant products
2. My snails will be hungry very soon with nothing to eat

:redface: :neutral: :surprise: :smile: :lol:

kengeroo 01-30-2017 07:34 PM

secret ingredient .
just wondering about their secret mojo sauce ..

perhaps vinegar ???

does anyone use vinegar for carbon dosing ??

and if yes,, do you have a bryopsis/algae problem ????

davej 01-30-2017 07:57 PM

I dose vinegar daily, no bryopsis, only bubble algae, and a little fuzzy dark dark green hair algae.
Hair algae only seems to be growing on plastic stuff. Frag rack feeding ring and lin-loc, not on rock.
But Vibrant has still made a noticeable difference on algae growth on my glass. (WAY less)

GoFish 01-30-2017 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by kengeroo (Post 1007364)
just wondering about their secret mojo sauce ..

perhaps vinegar ???

does anyone use vinegar for carbon dosing ??

and if yes,, do you have a bryopsis/algae problem ????

There's 0.5% vinegar in the product so I doubt that's the secret mojo. Most likely the "95% cultured bacterial blend" or maybe the "3.5% other ingredients/RO/DI" (bottle says "other", website says "RO/DI")
I put a little bit on the tip of my tongue last night, it's very bitter, a little bit acidic and leaves a tingly/numb feeling, I don't recommend anyone try that, yuck.
There is a VERY slight odour of some type of natural fragrance. Someone had mentioned somewhere eucalyptus, it could be that, I don't know what eucalyptus smells like

SoloSK71 01-31-2017 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by GoFish (Post 1007369)
I don't recommend anyone try that

Story of my life man, usually after a bang, boom, large crash, or me asking where my eyebrows just got to.


tang daddy 02-02-2017 09:43 PM

Is anyone still doing weekly doses of this stuff?

kengeroo 02-02-2017 10:09 PM

I'm going to stop now that the fluconazole has done the job that vibrant was originally intended to do..


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1007607)
Is anyone still doing weekly doses of this stuff?

kyl 02-02-2017 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1007607)
Is anyone still doing weekly doses of this stuff?

Yes, on both my nano tanks. On my 20 the glass stays clean about twice as long, bubble algae is almost completely gone and the dinos are a non-issues now. On the 10 GHA is down to a few strands now and dinos are about where the 20 was ~two weeks ago, being beaten into submission.

GoFish 02-02-2017 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1007607)
Is anyone still doing weekly doses of this stuff?

Yes will continue to do so until the 5 bubble algae blobs are gone, after that will continue once every 2 weeks to keep the glass clean. I haven't had to clean the glass since starting 2 weeks ago


Originally Posted by kengeroo (Post 1007611)
I'm going to stop now that the fluconazole has done the job that vibrant was originally intended to do..

Vibrant is an aquarium "cleaner" that will "eventually" take care of Bryopsis. The Fluc is Bryopsis specific, so if the only algae you have/had is Bryopsis and you don't see the benefit of not having to clean your glass as often and have no other algae types you want to get rid of then I guess the Fluc was all you needed

tang daddy 02-03-2017 05:14 PM

I did one heavy dose a couple weeks ago and it was enough to weakened the hair algae and bryopsis making it easy for removal, the bubble algae melted till only a few left, but because it dropped down the po4 fast and ****ed off the Lps and softies. I backed completely off the Vibrant and performed 2 30g wc, Po4 rose again and I had started fluco meds because the bryopsis was still around and getting stronger, now that's completely gone after a recommended dose of 20mg/gal. Bubble is slowly infesting again, so this time I just dosed about 3ml per 100g to see how the corals react, if they are ok I will dose another 3ml in 3 days and continue to follow that dosage as I don't want to shock my non sps corals.

Did anyone notice that when the bubble melted there was some sort of green slime engulfing certain areas of the remaining bubble?

Rogue951 02-05-2017 10:03 PM

on my 2nd week, 2nd dose. 10ml in 60 gallons of water. each time.
No noticeable difference yet. =(

GoFish 02-06-2017 01:12 AM

It can take time... Do you know what kind of algae you have?
here's the approx dosing on R2R thread for certain algaes

"Cloudy/hazy Water- 1 dose
Diatoms - 1-2 doses
Cyanobacteria - (Yes, it will outcompete another bacteria) 1-5 doses
Dinoflagellates - 2-5 doses
Bubble algae - 3-8 doses
Hair Algae - 3-5 doses (depending on species of hair and how bad the infestation is)
Turf Algae - 8-20 doses ( again, depending on species and how bad the infestation is)
Bryopsis - 6-30 doses ( again, depending on species and how bad the infestation is)"

seabass16 12-29-2017 06:15 AM

So J &L is selling this stuff now. For the people who used it do you recommend giving it a try?

geforce 12-30-2017 03:08 AM

I ordered some waiting for it to come in. Glad theirs a thread for this following and pumped to hear positive reviews on the product.

kien 01-01-2018 07:17 PM


Animal-Chin 01-18-2018 06:40 PM

any new users since J&L started stocking? Reviews?

geforce 01-18-2018 11:57 PM

Been using this 2 weeks ago, 2 doses so far. It really does work! My Bryposis that was growing on 3 new pc's of dry rock that started a bloom after 2 months is completely gone after those 2 doses. So far im convinced this stuff really works! Also some turf algae that was growing on some of the liverock ive had in here for some time, has also started reseeding back.

Waiting for bubble algae to take a hit next....tomorrow il be dosing the 3rd dose
as it will be week 3 for me.

If you haven't already grab some of this stuff its amazing, but be sure to do water changes as I heard others had cyano outbreaks, also do not overdose!!

Patience it will work just takes time for the bacteria to overpopulate the bad stuff in your water that's feeding problematic algae!

Also everytime ive dosed ive also added some NOPOX on the lowest dosage possible for my tank for that product, was thinking the vibrant could maybe release some nitrates from the dying algae. So just to be sure I added NOPOX to compensate.

So far so good! if you haven't yet. BUY THIS!!

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