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Cujo#31 08-16-2016 03:06 PM

Reef Raft USA group buy. Who is in? GVRD
I'm looking into trying to set up a group buy with RR for maybe mid September. Let me know.

kengeroo 08-16-2016 03:41 PM

RR group buy..
I'm in,,, but for the love of god,, where do you find out what they have for sale ???

vanreefer 08-16-2016 03:47 PM

I may be in too

Myka 08-16-2016 07:56 PM

I'd love to be in on this one! No one here ever does group buys... so sad.

Bblinks 08-16-2016 09:36 PM

Move to Vancouver where the grass green and girls are pretty. :wink:

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 996777)
Move to Vancouver where the grass green and girls are pretty. :wink:


BobFish 08-17-2016 12:06 AM

who is rr

Myka 08-17-2016 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 996777)
Move to Vancouver where the grass green and girls are pretty. :wink:

Been there, done that. Won't do it again. :lol: I lived in New Westminster by the Quay in 2007. It rains too much there - sooo dreary. Most memorable thing - Chinese New Year fireworks!!! Better than Canada Day because I could watch them from my couch! :D


Originally Posted by BobFish (Post 996785)
who is rr

Reef Raft.

WarDog 08-17-2016 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 996786)
It rains too much there - sooo dreary.

It doesnt rain or snow in Vancouver anymore... just an unbearable 32 degrees every day.

Ryanerickson 08-17-2016 01:14 AM

Yes it's like the cali of the North I have three ac units now. For people's info this is not reef raft canada group buy it's for (Reef Raft USA) check out there site Gary already talked with owner about cites info also sounds like a go.

BobFish 08-17-2016 01:46 AM

we can do it through the us?

Bugger 08-17-2016 02:45 AM

I would never pay those prices. Your going to be paying for cites permits and it a hassle to go to customs to release your coral to you. I would just deal with Jay from Canada I am going there rr in a couple weeks I can post some picks of what he has.

WarDog 08-17-2016 02:52 AM

Even still, this is a very rare opportunity to get some signature RR pieces into Canada, some of which would be the first.

GoFish 08-17-2016 03:04 AM

This would be sweet, I'll send you a message Gary. Not sure how you're going about this but you've probably got some extra work to do if you can make it happen.


Originally Posted by Bugger (Post 996803)
I would just deal with Jay from Canada I am going there rr in a couple weeks I can post some picks of what he has.

Please post pics! He's a nice guy to deal with but the pics he sent were really hard to view, tell him to get a new camera! :)


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 996786)
I lived in New Westminster by the Quay in 2007. It rains too much there

Rain? Whats that? Be thankful you didn't live in North Van. But really, New West is generally depressing, that where the locals go to...get old...and...

NickC 08-17-2016 03:26 AM

FYI Reef Raft Canada has closed.

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

UltraLPS 08-17-2016 03:28 AM

Thats correct guys rr canada is closed.

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 03:55 AM

A bit of an update for all of you. Yes I have been in "contact" (if u call finger talking ie. Text and email)
Yes we will need to deal with cites and customs and all that junk but the initial stages of conversation I have seen numbers that do not seem that unreasonable. I haven't seen solid committed figures on the unknown costs but we have time to.sort this out. A deal of this kind done in haste can only lead to disaster.
I have approached many cross border growers about getting their goods here and 99% gave me a flat out no.
I believe we have found a mutually beneficial relationship. A business man interested in making money......and people willing to give it to him. Where there is a will there is a way.
I see this going down as a fairly large order. I'm thinking in order to make this fly we will need somewhere near 12 to 15 signature buyers and of course there are others that may only want WYSWYSG type sales.
Like Warren said this may be an opportunity for us to get our hands on coral otherwise out of reach to us. That is a pretty appealing prospect to me, and the serious collector out there. I, like many coral collecting freaks, am willing to take a hit (exchange rate and customs) to aquire a piece I have always admired but seemed unobtainable.
And let's get real. The only way we will know is to try. I have found a business man willing to work with is to find a mutually beneficial end.
That being said, if you commit to a piece you are committed. End of story. This transaction is not for the "faint of heart". I certainly have his attention and we have a pretty good dialogue going. What will help me cement a deal I'd if people go to reefraft USA site, look at the gems they offer and pm me with items you would be willing to commit to. I can then begin to negotiate with more tangible numbers with him. He is already willing to work with me on the basis of "people are interested". I'm thinking we try to gear up for a mid to late September deal closing. To "keep it real" folks, I can easily see a $350 posted price (us dollar) setting a person bak $ 500 of our canadian dollars.
MAYBE......if we have a big enough order, they can be convinced to "open the vault" and let us in on some.pieces they are keeping stashed away.

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 04:01 AM

Mod...can u edit my heading to clarify that this is a RR USA package we are looking at? My bad....

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 996786)
Been there, done that. Won't do it again. :lol: I lived in New Westminster by the Quay in 2007. It rains too much there - sooo dreary. Most memorable thing - Chinese New Year fireworks!!! Better than Canada Day because I could watch them from my couch! :D

Although this may be true Mindy, we rarely have to shovel our winter precipitation and -40 is a temperature we only see on TV

Myka 08-17-2016 04:31 AM

Wow great opportunity! I'm not willing to take the hit on the US pieces, but I'll be living vicariously. I'm impressed you have even been able to get a dialogue going...

Yeah, but then you realize you can buy a mansion here that costs the same as a crack shack in Vancouver and it all looks better. :lol:


Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 996813)
Mod...can u edit my heading to clarify that this is a RR USA package we are looking at? My bad....


Cujo#31 08-17-2016 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 996786)
Yeah, but then you realize you can buy a mansion here that costs the same as a crack shack in Vancouver and it all looks better. :lol:

Touche Mindy

Potatohead 08-17-2016 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 996786)
Yeah, but then you realize you can buy a mansion here that costs the same as a crack shack in Vancouver and it all looks better. :lol:


Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 996818)
.Touche Mindy

People always say this, but then you live in your 250k 3500 sq ft house on an acre for ten years and it only appreciates like 30 grand... Yippee.

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 05:38 AM

Now look at what you started Mindy....😂

Myka 08-17-2016 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Potatohead (Post 996826)
People always say this, but then you live in your 250k 3500 sq ft house on an acre for ten years and it only appreciates like 30 grand... Yippee.

Only if you live in the middle of nowhere (which is the only place you'll find an acre that cheap btw). Lots of people getting rich off real estate here.

Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 996828)
Now look at what you started Mindy....

Yeah sorry about that. No more real estate chat...


Potatohead 08-17-2016 02:22 PM

So for your $400 or whatever are we talking 1" frags or are they bigger? Some of that stuff looks pretty cool.

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 05:07 PM

Yes that is right. Some frags may be smaller, some larger. In many cases the size of the frag is determined by the mother colony. They list frag size for each individual pc. And yes they have some crazy stuff. Look close....their "Candyland" acro is priced PER POLYP!!!

Bugger 08-17-2016 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by GoFish (Post 996805)
This would be sweet, I'll send you a message Gary. Not sure how you're going about this but you've probably got some extra work to do if you can make it happen.

Please post pics! He's a nice guy to deal with but the pics he sent were really hard to view, tell him to get a new camera! :)

When did it close they reopened a while ago and he opens the store almost on a daily basis.
Jays got a great camera I don't know why they turned out so bad

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 05:12 PM

To be honest bugger, don't know what the story is. There seem to be conflicting reports. Haven't really looked into that side. I'm looking (as I'm sure many are) for that piece u can't find on this side of the border.

Potatohead 08-17-2016 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 996848)
Yes that is right. Some frags may be smaller, some larger. In many cases the size of the frag is determined by the mother colony. They list frag size for each individual pc. And yes they have some crazy stuff. Look close....their "Candyland" acro is priced PER POLYP!!!

I noticed a few like that but figured it was a mistake and meant for zoas or something. How do you sell an acro per polyp? So a 1" frag with 20 polyps is like 8k? That seems a bit crazy

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 05:23 PM

And I may be repeating myself. This is group buy for RR USA

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Potatohead (Post 996851)
I noticed a few like that but figured it was a mistake and meant for zoas or something. How do you sell an acro per polyp? So a 1" frag with 20 polyps is like 8k? That seems a bit crazy

Well.......the crazy find a way bud. If there are people willing to drop 10k on a bloody bubble mushroom.....8 k for an acro is certainly within the realm of the insane.....

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 05:43 PM

I was queried as to legitimacy of my contact which is a very honest and acceptable question so I did this to start with authentication....
I messaged and asked if the per polyp pricing on Candyland was based on number of polyps in a specific frag. He instantly replied "sorry I'll fix that"
I went straight to RR Web site and low and behold Candyland was edited to read price per 1/2"-1" frag.

kengeroo 08-17-2016 05:47 PM

hover over the picture,, it'll magnify it..

Please post pics! He's a nice guy to deal with but the pics he sent were really hard to view, tell him to get a new camera! :)

vanreefer 08-17-2016 07:33 PM

Weird wife thinks it's a good idea... Frag pack is tempting

vanreefer 08-17-2016 10:46 PM

If this is a go... Anyone be interested in splitting the frag pack? Emailed tony.. The frags are chosen at random during packing time. Each person takes 2 and give the first frag to the other? End up with 4 pieces for $400...
PM me of interested

Cujo#31 08-17-2016 11:38 PM

With all due respect guys can we keep this thread on track. So easy for a thread to get derailed.... Please keep to those INTERESTED in purchasing frags? There are other avenues within Canreef forum to post opinions. Thanks

UltraChalice 08-19-2016 04:06 AM

There is no RR USA he's just been using the RR name lol jay and jensen stopped supplying to him long time ago!!! since he owes them a lot of money so just a heads up bro be careful :mrgreen:

Cujo#31 08-19-2016 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by UltraChalice (Post 996950)
There is no RR USA he's just been using the RR name lol jay and jensen stopped supplying to him long time ago!!! since he owes them a lot of money so just a heads up bro be careful :mrgreen:

That would change the direction we would be going for sure. How exactly do I find this out?

Cujo#31 08-19-2016 12:02 PM

I'm going to crush the dream would sure be nice to poses a few pieces from RR USA but....... Looking around a bit, and talking with a few guys and an unsolicited report from a guy I gut is telling me that it's time to bail. We are talking about a lot of money people have had to work very hard for. The risk/reward scale has been tipped too far to the risk side. I'm not going to take the lead an risk a bunch of reefer's money.
Sorry folks. I'm playing safe and backing out.

Tyfighter 08-19-2016 04:21 PM

Thanks for putting in the time and trying Gary!

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