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Aquattro 06-19-2016 01:39 AM

Guess the algae
Anyone want to take a guess at what this is? Looks like bryopsis, but short and bushy. Best I could do for pics after water change[/quote]

Cbass 06-19-2016 02:02 AM

Looks like green hair algae to me

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Aquattro 06-19-2016 02:03 AM

Denser, won't pull off, fern like leaves to it.

Ryanerickson 06-19-2016 02:04 AM

Ace pumping is a bryopsis expert he can tell between different strains I would talk to him

Aquattro 06-19-2016 02:25 AM

And, to add insult to injury, historically I have had a huge battle with NO3, some PO4. Haven't even bothered testing in forever, until right now. Both PO4 and NO3 at 0ppm. FML

Just did water change, going to hit it with the Kent Mg OD, see what that does. Some of the algae elsewhere is bryopsis for sure, and this stuff looks similar.

Recent sea hare addition didn't touch it, and has apparently died. Or is hiding REALLY well :)

TimT 06-19-2016 04:55 AM

I'd say bryopsis as well.

with high algae loads you will have 0 no3 and po4 due to uptake of algae.

1500+ mg was no help to me against bryopsis.

Seahares can bury themselves as well.

Might be time for a turf scrubber.

Aquattro 06-19-2016 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 993780)
Might be time for a turf scrubber.

I think if the Mg doesn't do it, I'm packing it up. Out of ideas and not motivated to do more.

TimT 06-19-2016 05:08 AM

If your not into the turf scrubber then my suggestion would be adding vodka/vinegar and Foz Down directly into display tank(not sump or reactor) multiple times per day. The bacteria and Foz Down will out compete the algae for NO3 and PO4 and it will eventually die off.

input80 06-19-2016 05:09 AM

Diy nitrate reactor and/or algae turf scrubber (like Tim stated)

Aquattro 06-19-2016 05:10 AM

Running fozdown AND granules AND pellets now, and may look at replacing all the rock in a couple weeks. I can't really fit a scrubber into this, so not an option.
You think VSV/fozdown is a better option?

Aquattro 06-19-2016 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by input80 (Post 993785)
Diy nitrate reactor and/or algae turf scrubber (like Tim stated)

no room for scrubber in this setup

TimT 06-19-2016 05:17 AM

With stubborn algae the key is to starve it. Any nitrate and phosphate released in the DT needs to be immediately neutralized. Can't wait until it theoretically reaches the sump because the algae grabs it before it gets to the sump.

input80 06-19-2016 05:18 AM

ahhhh ok. I don't believe it has to be in the same sump, just connected on the side :biggrin:

Aquattro 06-19-2016 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 993788)
With stubborn algae the key is to starve it. Any nitrate and phosphate released in the DT needs to be immediately neutralized. Can't wait until it theoretically reaches the sump because the algae grabs it before it gets to the sump.

Makes sense. i'll give that some thought.

Aquattro 06-19-2016 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by input80 (Post 993789)
ahhhh ok. I don't believe it has to be in the same sump, just connected on the side :biggrin:

Can't really, little kid loose in the room, wife wouldn't be happy. Anything I do has to be contained within the stand.

GoFish 06-19-2016 06:24 AM

What about Lettuce nudis? Tech M didn't work for me either. The nudi made it disappear, until one day there was no more bryopsis and it died :(. That could at least give you a second option of control while you try the Foz Down VV method

Aquattro 06-19-2016 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by GoFish (Post 993796)
What about Lettuce nudis?

I have about 12k GPH of flow in a 100g cube, not sure they would last long without hitting a pump :)

Aquattro 06-19-2016 05:43 PM

Anyone got any good plans for a DIY NO3 reactor?

AquaAddict 06-19-2016 09:16 PM

I had an 80% breakout of red fuzzy algae in my 100 gal tank. I used Instant Ocean's Nitrate Reducer with pretty good success. I still have a little of it but I can't scrub it off the rocks. I have to let the IO NR do it's thing - at a double dose. It took a year. When it dies, it turns orange and then I can toothbrush it off.

At that point I had PO4 spike and used FozDown to reduce it. I think a combination of methods would be best.

Using IONR puts the micro beads into the rocks where nitrates like to hang out, raise big families and grow luxurious gardens.


input80 06-19-2016 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 993804)
Anyone got any good plans for a DIY NO3 reactor?

Have you contacted monocus about this yet? he has built 2 of them for me; I honestly believe they have helped a lot on both tanks.

Aquattro 06-19-2016 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by input80 (Post 993820)
Have you contacted monocus about this yet? he has built 2 of them for me; I honestly believe they have helped a lot on both tanks.

No, got distracted on other things, I will now :)

acepumping 06-20-2016 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 993761)
Ace pumping is a bryopsis expert he can tell between different strains I would talk to him

haha had to learn when I was diagnosed with it from a breeder locally!! wink wink!

Aquattro 06-20-2016 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by acepumping (Post 993833)
haha had to learn when I was diagnosed with it from a breeder locally!! wink wink!

tips, tricks, ID?? :)

acepumping 06-20-2016 04:01 AM

mag at 1700 Kent tech-m
lower nutrients.
cut light time down.. all the basics as you know already.
but yes! I did pull off as much as I could and starved it..
it did disappear..

here is one link:
helped me I'd
possibly bryopsis plumosa

Aquattro 06-20-2016 04:06 AM

Googled that one, pics look very similar. Thanks

I've got nutrients to 0ppm, pulling what I can touch, Mg on it's way up now, but started at 1150. Probably 1350 tonight, will get it up to 1700 and try to keep it there, but only have 4L of Mg.
What did you do for lights? Shorter period, or days of darkness?

acepumping 06-20-2016 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 993843)
Googled that one, pics look very similar. Thanks

I've got nutrients to 0ppm, pulling what I can touch, Mg on it's way up now, but started at 1150. Probably 1350 tonight, will get it up to 1700 and try to keep it there, but only have 4L of Mg.
What did you do for lights? Shorter period, or days of darkness?

cut my hours down by 2.5 and raised magnesium real fast.
corals took a small hit. but nothing Bad

Aquattro 06-20-2016 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by acepumping (Post 993844)
raised magnesium real fast.

How fast is fast? I'm brave :)

acepumping 06-20-2016 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 993845)
How fast is fast? I'm brave :)

let's put it this way!! I free poured haha.

I didn't have specific amount. tested next day and spiked it up 350 lol

Aquattro 06-20-2016 04:37 AM

lol.. Ok, that gives me enough to play with :)

gregzz4 06-20-2016 06:44 AM

Brad, I think all your problems are stemming from your purchase of 'dead' rock and too many critters too fast.
Didn't you start with dry rock, and then switch to Walt Smith stuff ? And all the while you were adding your livestock ?
And while you were trying to deal with your LR/whatever rock, you added a fairly large amount of fish with high feeding demands ... ??

Forgive me for bringing it all up, I have no idea what I'm talking about

Aquattro 06-20-2016 01:47 PM

Greg, I ran dead rock for a couple months maybe, then moved over to all Walt Smith rock.
Yes, I had a lot of die off that couldn't be removed, although pulling all the sand has apparently helped, nutrients are now at 0. I'm probably going in the rigth direction now, and Tim's advice is good, adding fozdown and carbon source directly to the tank.
Removing by hand is tough, as it's short little clusters that don't come off easily, although I got a bit out last night with tweezers.
I might look at cheato for sump if I can add some light and find some cheato :)

I still have some sand and crap behind the rock that I'm struggling to get at, I might have to stick a pump down in the back and blow it out

Topping up Mg on Dave's accelerated program now, hopefully I'm one of the lucky ones that gets some results from it.

TimT 06-20-2016 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro
I still have some sand and crap behind the rock that I'm struggling to get at, I might have to stick a pump down in the back and blow it out

Before you do that try a siphon hose inside some 1/2" pvc to get in behind the rocks. Another option is to zip strap siphon hose to an old wire coat hanger.

Aquattro 06-20-2016 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 993880)
Before you do that try a siphon hose inside some 1/2" pvc to get in behind the rocks. Another option is to zip strap siphon hose to an old wire coat hanger.

Ya, thought of the pipe trick, I'll try to get it out without mixing it up if at all possible :)

Myka 06-21-2016 01:38 AM

Brad,this thing looks silly, and it's like $80 or some silly thing, but it actually works really well for filamentous algae removal.

I saw it at MACNA 2012 and thought it was the stupidest thing ever but a client bought one and I tried it out, and I like it.

WarDog 06-21-2016 02:07 AM

Wonder if that would work on bubble algae?... nevermind, I want to start over anyways.

Aquattro 06-21-2016 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 993908)
Brad,this thing looks silly, and it's like $80 or some silly thing, but it actually works really well for filamentous algae removal.

I saw it at MACNA 2012 and thought it was the stupidest thing ever but a client bought one and I tried it out, and I like it.

Yup, it does look silly :)

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