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Galizio 05-20-2016 06:32 PM

New 105g tank
Never did a tank journal before, first time.
Had few tanks in the last 4-5 years for different reason, but at this time want to go for a single one and hopefully is going to be the last and only for a few years.
So I started to get some quote on tanks, tslot stands, and the Red Sea reefer, but for me at the moment was not possible due to the money involved , and the time if I needed to build my own stand. for me the time is a big issue.
So I got this 105 g and stand for a reasonable price from a fellow reefer.
Got the cabinet guy to build me some panels and got a big sump, which give me lots of room for future equipment or just because always have struggled with room in my tank.
As far for equipment have 2 mp40 qd and a mp10 upgrade to qd driver, apex, alpha cone 200 for skimmer, wave line apex ready return pump, vertex rx-u 1.5 for media.
My only 3 debate at the moment are
- lighting : got kessil a360we and a Ati powermodule 10x39w. Going mostly sps I know t5 is better but I really like the controllability of the kessil with the apex.

-dosing or calcium reactor: at the moment have a libra and a dos , and I been really happy with them, but I saw some amazing tank running calcium reactor so that made me think, also in the long run is cheaper .

- live sand or bare bottom , always had LS in my tanks, but at this time will like to run a probiotic system, I read that LS and probiotic doesn't go well together.

Those are some pics of the tank ATM, waiting to ear from the tslot company about 2 brackets to hang my light fixture.

Also forgot to mention that I will like to do a gravity feed Ato same as the Red Sea reefer, kinda like the idea and also doesn't involve a pump, so an extra empty slot on my bar.

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Ryanerickson 05-20-2016 06:37 PM

Very nice bud

Galizio 05-20-2016 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 991785)
Very nice bud

Thanks bro, definitely need your input and most important ,when is ready ,some of your super nice corals

Galizio 05-21-2016 06:13 PM

Not my forte lol, some of the plumbing is not glued together yet, planning to screw a couple of panels on both side to screw or hang equipment , also waiting on tslot bracket quote, cause if I go that way have to remove the sump to install the brackets.
Hopefully I get an answer after the long week end.
Enjoy the long week end

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Galizio 05-21-2016 06:14 PM
I probably should avoid the 90 degree

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input80 05-21-2016 07:55 PM

May I offer some advice, install unions; in case you ever need to remove any plumbing for maintenance etc?

Galizio 05-21-2016 08:05 PM

Thanks Ian , I was thinking about that actually. Don't need them on all 3 right?

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input80 05-21-2016 09:42 PM

You'll possibly only need 2; I would go 3 just in case; redundant I know.

maron6977 05-22-2016 01:43 AM

I'm sure I saw this tank before you bought it . Loved the dimensions & height of aluminum stand - very cool .
Good luck

Galizio 05-22-2016 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by maron6977 (Post 991913)
I'm sure I saw this tank before you bought it . Loved the dimensions & height of aluminum stand - very cool .

Good luck

Agree about the stand, is a beauty and really well build. Is super light.

tang daddy 05-23-2016 04:31 AM

Keep 1 kessil for a frag tank in the middle of your sump, go with bare bottom, t slot you may want to message Jess as I think he has a few extra pieces....
I guess the plumbing is not glued yet? The return pipe looks crooked/slanted. Paint the pipes black or grey.

Looking foward to more pics!

input80 05-23-2016 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 992011)
Keep 1 kessil for a frag tank in the middle of your sump, go with bare bottom, t slot you may want to message Jess as I think he has a few extra pieces....
I guess the plumbing is not glued yet? The return pipe looks crooked/slanted. Paint the pipes black or grey.

Looking foward to more pics!


Galizio 05-23-2016 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 992011)
Keep 1 kessil for a frag tank in the middle of your sump, go with bare bottom, t slot you may want to message Jess as I think he has a few extra pieces....

I guess the plumbing is not glued yet? The return pipe looks crooked/slanted. Paint the pipes black or grey.

Looking foward to more pics!

The pipes are not glued yet, changing the return to flexible piping...
The kessil is a good idea for the future.
About painting the pipes, there is any specific paint I can use?
Message Jess about tslot.

kyl 05-23-2016 05:15 AM

I think most people use Krylon fusion on pvc.

Galizio 05-23-2016 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by kyl (Post 992017)
I think most people use Krylon fusion on pvc.

K, going to look in to that.

Galizio 05-25-2016 11:57 PM

So, talked with someone in aldergrove about the t slot, apparently they get some next week, they need to be really heavy duty, cause the light fixture alone is a bit over 35 pounds... After they get install finally can get my plumbing done and start fill up the tank.

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Galizio 06-03-2016 08:03 PM

Got tslot , today. Went a bit heavy duty due to the light being about 40 pound heavy. This stuff is like Lego for adult lol... Very easy to put together and many different stuff you can do with it.
That's a quick picture of what the this slot is going to look like, now have just to fastener to the wall, then I can finally glue the plumbing together

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Cbass 06-03-2016 09:15 PM

Nice galizio! Just a question about flow... You said you had 2x mp40 and one mp10... How would you set them up in your tank? Wouldnt two mp40 be enough?

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Galizio 06-03-2016 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cbass (Post 992906)
Nice galizio! Just a question about flow... You said you had 2x mp40 and one mp10... How would you set them up in your tank? Wouldnt two mp40 be enough?

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I think the 2 mp40 should be plenty.
At the ends all depends on the rock scape, I plan to keep the rock scape at minimum so there is going to be lots of room and the flow should get everywhere in the tank. I'm going to place the 2 mp40 on the back panel and maybe the mp10 on the very bottom like 6-8" above the bottom panel.
About the rock scape, I plan to use the live rock from my 90 , maybe add a few more but not sure if I'm going to build one of those crazy rock scape( they look awesome), just saw a tank where the rocks were all in the bottom so the sps had room to grow up. Have a couple idea but still thinking about it.
To keep the rocks together was thinking at the E Marco 400, that j&l carries, totally reef safe apparently....

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Galizio 06-04-2016 09:01 PM

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Galizio 06-10-2016 09:34 PM

Work was a little busy this week, had no time to do some work on the tank but I manage to go pick up my ato reservoir, thanks to Tyler (spitfire), made an awesome job. I know is maybe small(only 5l), but honestly I don't mind filling up my ato every couple of days. Now just need to take the tank down to tie the nuts on the bulkheads(is a bit awkward from the bottom cause the lairs of plywood and insulation )and finally glue the plumbing.
Have this apex doser that I was not able to sell so I'm just going to keep it to dose amino and carbon.
Still don't know where I'm going to place the float so just left some extra water line, eventually is going to be cut to the right size.

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tang daddy 06-14-2016 06:45 AM

Doser for amino and carbon? Why not dose mg and alk?

Galizio 06-14-2016 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 993480)
Doser for amino and carbon? Why not dose mg and alk?

Yes, have another doser currently in my 90 g, when i do the transfer all the live stock and equipment are going on the new tank.
I'm dosing c-balance at the moment but I was thinking to go with component +1 +2+3 from aquaforest

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Galizio 06-14-2016 02:03 PM

Tank is running with fresh water at the moment, should be ready soon

Galizio 06-17-2016 04:44 AM

Just finished empty the tank after 5 days of running freshwater, manage to install the 10 bulb Ati, old but a beast .....
Maybe a bit overkill lol

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tang daddy 06-17-2016 09:08 AM

Looking good buddy!

Galizio 06-17-2016 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 993652)
Looking good buddy!

Thank you, hopefully I can get it running soon :-)

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Galizio 06-29-2016 02:31 PM

Transfer everything a week ago, everything seems to be happy, took long time, especially to fill up the tank with new water, the Rodi is a bit slow, also manage to replace the ballast on the powermodule, just like the video, the difference was the video is 5 minutes long, took me about 2h lol.
Still cleaning the wires in the sump but everything else is set up already, had a bit of a leak at the ball valve but was an easy fix because installed the unions(thanks Ian).
Went with a low rock scape cause I like the sticks growing up, going to take long time but I'm patient , lol
Noticed an insane PE at night time.
Here some bad pics from iPhone ahahahah

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tang daddy 06-29-2016 04:08 PM

Looking good buds, rainbow loom is sprouting like crazy, did you move ssc to front yet?

Galizio 06-29-2016 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 994386)
Looking good buds, rainbow loom is sprouting like crazy, did you move ssc to front yet?

Thanx bro,
Moved the ssc and the Ora pearl berry to that rock you suggested me

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Galizio 07-18-2016 03:14 AM

One month update,
Some of the corals are pale and brown, don't know if a light issue or the introduction of zeolite, hopefully they get better soon, looks promising as there is still a lot of PE especially at night time.
A lots of coraline algae is growing in the bottom panel...
I'm just mad that some of the corals did loose a bit of Colors but this appended to me also before when had to move last year , so pretty confident that should be ok. If any have some suggestion be appreciate.
Also I realize after adding the zeolite ,potassium and strontium dropped, using the neo zeo and started with less dosage then they recommended.
Parameter ATM are
Sal 1.025
Temp 78-79
Ph 8.22 drop at night
Alk 7
Cal 415
No3 0
Phos 0
All salifert kit
Have to retest potassium and strontium as the last 2-3 days they were low.

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Galizio 08-26-2016 02:43 AM

August update
It's been a busy month, but in the last few weeks the corals start to look great again, after they went pale and some browned a bit have to say I was getting worried.
Realize that strontium and potassium were super low so I decided to dose them with a doser and since then the sps started to colour up again....finally most of them started to grow again and I'm really surprise that all of them survived the tank move.
My 6 line wrasse decided to jump in the overflow (not the first time) but this time didn't make it. So I decided to add a couple of fairy wrasses to the tank( was not able to do that before because the 6 line was just going to chaise them to death). J&l had a nice pair (male /female) tonu wrasses so could not resist(pics below).with the wrasses purchase I also brought the IM aquarium mesh,just not want to risk the wrasses to jump the tank, but have to say that since I got them(about 3-4 weeks ago) they are doing really good.
One thing that always wanted to know, was the PAR , so thanks to Jeff and the crew @ j&l aquatics, I was able to measure it, they landed me a PAR meter. I think that knowing the PAR of your tank really help you understand where the coral can do good especially SPS.
Coralline it's still growing strong lol

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Galizio 08-26-2016 02:44 AM

iPhone pics are not the greatest lol

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reefaddict29er 08-27-2016 02:12 AM

Looking great bud

Galizio 08-27-2016 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by reefaddict29er (Post 997362)
Looking great bud

Thank bud, should came over next time in Surrey and have a drink :-)

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Galizio 09-25-2016 01:25 AM

Some pics from today...
Just I phone pics but stuff start to grow now, really happy, no more brown sps lol....

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TheZoalander 10-22-2016 04:06 AM

Your tank is looking really good, exactly how I would have done it ;)

Galizio 10-22-2016 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by TheZoalander (Post 1000648)
Your tank is looking really good, exactly how I would have done it ;)

Thanks my friend...
you should came over and see some day, I'm really happy how it's look at the moment...

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Galizio 02-14-2017 03:47 AM

Quick update..
I finally move all the Zoas out of the tank, also sold a few piece attached to the tonga branches to make some room.
Switched from dosing brightwell mb7 and biofuel to aquaforest pro bio s and np pro. This was a great move for me as with the brightwell stuff was making a film on my glass and I had to clean it everyday, now with the aquaforest I probably have to do it once a week. Also switched salt to the aquaforest probiotic.
Corals show a good growth at the moment but have a break out of asterina starfish, I do not mind them at the moment as they are doing I great job with the coralline.
I also added an extra MP40 , I don't really think was need it yet but is never to much flow lol...
I just ordered some magnetic rock shelves from reef supplies , as wanted to create some dept on the back pane, I will send some pics when they arrive...

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maron6977 02-14-2017 08:06 AM

Nice stuff !

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