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Ryanerickson 05-12-2016 09:31 PM

________Lower Mainland Frag Swap_______
Hi everybody I'm pleased to announce we will be having a frag swap soon. May 28th to be exact, rich (bblinks) has been kind enough to let use his house for the event he is located about 5 minutes away from jl aquatics.

Everybody is welcome, bring the family even if you don't have a tank come check out all the goodies there's usually lots of gems to be picked up plus great people.

If your interested in bringing frags we will need you to let us know as we have to make enough room for everybody's stuff please pm rich or me. All frags are to be dipped before entering tanks I feel this is a good precaution to keep the corals clean.

I will bring a bbq if needed and also provide some stuff like pops and chips.. feel free to ask any question on here or pm me. this has been a great success in the past looking forward to seeing everybody, more info and maybe some eye candy to come.

When : Saturday May 28th. Noon - 4pm.

Where : Rich's (Bblinks) house, 5 mins from J&L.] Park in the front, swap in the back. [/u]

Who : Everyone is welcome, bring the spouse, bring the kids. Plan a day trip from the Island.

Why : 'Cause we're coral freaks!


GRAND PRIZE - J&L Aquatics : Dosing Pump, Timer, Sodium Carbonate

Canreef Aquatics Forum - Red Sea Potassium test kit.
Ryanerickson : 3 piece SPS frag pack.
Wheelman76 : Multiple Zoas on a large disc.
Canada Corals : $50 Gift Certificate
Big Show Frags : $50 Gift Certificate
Frag Box : $50 Gift Certificate
Reef Supplies : 5 x $20 Coupon Codes
KPG007 : $25 Gift Certificate
Fiji Reef Rock : 12 x Aqua - Carbon 2.0 + online discounts!

Bblinks 05-12-2016 10:10 PM

Brad, you need to come on the mainland that day!!!

Aquattro 05-12-2016 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 991230)
Brad, you need to come on the mainland that day!!!

Might be possible. I'll let you know

Ryanerickson 05-12-2016 10:29 PM

Possibly picking Wayne up at ferry come with brad

Animal-Chin 05-12-2016 10:51 PM

Will you be posting the address or is that by PMs?

Ryanerickson 05-12-2016 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Animal-Chin (Post 991238)
Will you be posting the address or is that by PMs?

We will post at a later date

Grayout 05-13-2016 02:54 AM

Good stuff Ryan. Looking forward to it and thanks for organizing. More than likely I'll bring some of my stuff.

Myka 05-13-2016 03:10 AM

A little far for me...but sounds like a good time!

Ryanerickson 05-14-2016 06:21 PM

I made plenty of new frags for this event a couple days ago healing up now, pics to come. Also 5 other people have confirmed they will be bringing frags we should have a good selection of goodies.

Wheelman76 05-14-2016 09:15 PM

I'll bring lots of stuff

BobFish 05-14-2016 10:26 PM

I will bring some frags as well.

davej 05-15-2016 04:26 AM

What time are you guys planning on starting it up?

Ryanerickson 05-15-2016 05:04 AM

Thinking 12 but waiting for bblinks to make the final call as it's his house.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-15-2016 07:38 AM

Busy weekend for our family but I'll try to swing by. If I can make it, I don't mind working the grill so the host can focus on hosting/selling/trading, instead of feeding the masses.

badman 05-15-2016 05:49 PM

Hey there! Kinda new to the community and would love to come out next Sat to get some corals. How can I get your address?

Ryanerickson 05-15-2016 05:52 PM

Hey Adam we will post address soon and time glad to see lots of people can make it thanks Anthony for offering to help

msjboy 05-16-2016 01:43 AM

Rich was nice enough to host a bbq -frag bash a few years ago when is 300g was still up.... would love to see his new smaller setup. Not sure if I can make it that weekend either unfortunately though :sad:

AquaAddict 05-16-2016 03:10 AM

Count me in.


langley reefer 05-16-2016 03:58 AM

Re frag swap
I will be coming. I just upgraded to a new tank so no frags to bring, but I got lotsa space to fill in the new tank so I will be bringing cash.

Mega 05-17-2016 04:00 AM

Hey Ryan, i should be able to attend... depend on the actual time going to be set. I have a few different types of montis and couple of acros that I will probably frag. If anyone is interested in a monti pack, i can work out a deal in advance.

Jedi mind trick monti
Rainbow monti
Superman monti (only 1)
Sunset monti
Mystic sunset monti
Idaho grape monti
Orange setosa
Flower petals monti
... And some acros

Bblinks 05-17-2016 05:50 AM

12 o'clock works for me. Let's get some pictures up on what you got for trade or sale and post them items that you want also. We should make this a good old fashion frag swap! All hardwares trade or for sale are welcome too.

Ryanerickson 05-17-2016 06:36 PM

I'll start
Rainbow austera and Rr Wolverine
Rr pink floyd
Sunset milli
Rr avatar
Hot pink milli

Bblinks 05-17-2016 08:18 PM

Great start Ryan! Damn those are nice!

BobFish 05-17-2016 10:27 PM

So noon to 4 pm?

Ryanerickson 05-17-2016 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by BobFish (Post 991597)
So noon to 4 pm?


Animal-Chin 05-18-2016 06:19 PM

Can I just have all those racks of coral that Ryan just posted? Save you the trouble of trying to sell them? :lol:

Those look awesome.

Ryanerickson 05-18-2016 07:03 PM

Bring me a curved 4k Samsung and there all yours lol


Originally Posted by Animal-Chin (Post 991655)
Can I just have all those racks of coral that Ryan just posted? Save you the trouble of trying to sell them? :lol:

Those look awesome.

Animal-Chin 05-18-2016 07:26 PM

Best i can do is an iphone 4. Deal? Lol

Bblinks 05-18-2016 09:08 PM

What's the smallest 4k curved samsung they make.....12 inch portable....:mrgreen:

Ryanerickson 05-18-2016 09:26 PM

Lol 55 or bigger rich


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 991671)
What's the smallest 4k curved samsung they make.....12 inch portable....:mrgreen:

Sorry animalchin already got a iPhone 5 I don't use but nice try

WarDog 05-18-2016 09:49 PM

Please see the first post for current updates for this event.

Mega 05-19-2016 07:42 AM

ok... here are some pics...
setosa, mystic sunset, superman, rainbow, flower petals montis. Got a frag of fruitloop and reverse fruitloops as well.
cali tort, jedi mind trick, sunset monti
I have a few frags of this Idaho Grape Montipora. They are in my fuge right now which the light won't show the purple in my phone's camera.
Mohawks - i can make frags upon request.
Fire & Ice + Explosio? zoas (the center is yellow with red rims)
Fire & Ice mini colonies
different mushrooms. I can frag upon request.

WarDog 05-19-2016 04:18 PM

Dan from Canada Corals has generously donated a $50 gift certificate as a door prize!

Bblinks 05-19-2016 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 991708)
Dan from Canada Corals has generously donated a $50 gift certificate as a door prize!


Ryanerickson 05-23-2016 05:13 AM

Few more pics

rishu_pepper 05-24-2016 03:36 PM

I will be bringing several frags of different kinds of zoas.

I have a colony of rastas (50+ heads, probably lot more, haven't counted) I can bring if someone is interested, or can frag if anyone is interested.

Ryanerickson 05-24-2016 05:54 PM

Great see you there sounds like plenty of people are coming more prizes to be announced


Originally Posted by rishu_pepper (Post 992124)
I will be bringing several frags of different kinds of zoas.

I have a colony of rastas (50+ heads, probably lot more, haven't counted) I can bring if someone is interested, or can frag if anyone is interested.

WarDog 05-24-2016 07:15 PM

Dave from Big Show Frags has generously donated a $50 gift card for the event!

kyl 05-24-2016 09:05 PM

Nice work guys.

emerald crab 05-25-2016 02:42 AM

I'll bring about a dozen of frags, some of them can be counted as colonies. Sorry, but I did not take any pictures.
I'll bring some Lokani, some Tyree Sunset Monti, some Garf Bonsai, Blueberry Cheesecake and ORA birdsnest.

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