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ghosttruck 04-11-2016 06:39 PM

Need info about saltwater shark and tank build
I want to get some informer about other people shark tank for black tip and other.

I want to build a shark tank and want to know how big the tank should be like how long and wide and where to get a shark or who might have one.
The shark tank is only going to be for small black tip. And when it get bigger I would like to sell it. To some one in Calgary.

And I would like to see your shark tank to get some idea and that

Hope to here from you

SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-11-2016 06:57 PM

You're looking at at 2000 gallon tank. That's what they had at Island Pets and it looked small still for black tips which are constant swimmers, unlike bamboo and catsharks. The bigger the better. Think swimming pool size. Smaller black tips kept in smaller size tanks generally die from crashing into the sides or jumping out or just stress from being in too small an enclosure. Beautiful but probably one of the less suitable species for the aquarium unless its a public aquarium with tanks in the tens of thousands of gallons. I doubt anybody in Calgary is set up to keep a black tip adult or even sub-adult. They are also messy eaters so the filtration system would cost an arm & a leg. They fed their black tip sharks at Island Pets whole salmon.

WarDog 04-11-2016 08:25 PM

This is just so weird. I really have no words.

Ryanerickson 04-11-2016 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 988510)
This is just so weird. I really have no words.

I got something leave them in the ocean!

gmann 04-11-2016 09:54 PM

Eli just posted a vid of rockwork he did for a shark tank. Try asking him?

F.H 04-12-2016 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 988514)
I got something leave them in the ocean!


trilinearmipmap 04-12-2016 12:50 AM

Wait didn't I try this as a troll post before. But dolphins instead of sharks.

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 01:01 AM

How do I get a hold. Of that guy

FishyFishy! 04-12-2016 02:15 AM

Buy a 16 foot + diameter swimming pool. Short of that.... Leave them in the ocean. 04-12-2016 02:22 AM

You could contact me through email
The one we are running now I believe it's roughly 14 foot diameter.will have a couple sharks in there.
There is a quick youtube on our channel showing the rock design.

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 02:33 AM

Ok I will do that thank you.

Now thing is going to all the other people. Ok now what Wong with you some of you people I just want one and I would only have it for a bit and would like to put it back where it came from. And you guys buy fish that come from the oven all the time what the difernts. Really

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 02:34 AM

Thank you

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 02:36 AM

And I don't see why you guy don't like it you guys take fish from the ocean all the time. And that tank would be for my bat fish to any way

Ryanerickson 04-12-2016 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by ghosttruck (Post 988548)
Ok I will do that thank you.

Now thing is going to all the other people. Ok now what Wong with you some of you people I just want one and I would only have it for a bit and would like to put it back where it came from. And you guys buy fish that come from the oven all the time what the difernts. Really

If I get this right you just want a shark for a bit then will return to ocean ? Also I never buy fish from the oven I like them wet.

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 02:55 AM

Oh that when the to you and my iPhone did it again.

No ingore that all.

What do you mean you like them wet????

apexifd 04-12-2016 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by ghosttruck (Post 988548)
Ok I will do that thank you.

Now thing is going to all the other people. Ok now what Wong with you some of you people I just want one and I would only have it for a bit and would like to put it back where it came from. And you guys buy fish that come from the oven all the time what the difernts. Really

This is what he was saying

Myka 04-12-2016 03:32 AM

Hey guys, keep it on topic please. If you have nothing informative to contribute, please continue on to a different thread. Like maybe this one:

WarDog 04-12-2016 03:43 AM

I have to say that if you do get a 2000+ gallon tank and a Black Tip Shark, please share as many pictures as possible with us. As far as I know, it would be a first for Canreef. 04-12-2016 03:45 AM

Wow, this is wrong in so many ways.

I guess by saying yes we have built aquascapes for large tank to house sharks (for a long commitment time not a short burst of fun and leave)

For a shark tank (black, white tip,..) that needs at least 12 cube foot tank, we would never suggest a smaller tank for a shark.

To get such tank built and running you require a decent amount of money as the shark alone might be in the range of $1000 but the build itself and to have it properly running you need at least 30 times that above price.

And on top of it all you need the commitment for such system.
You just shouldn't get a 2 foot pet shark for a year and house it in a small tank for your own enjoyment only then KILL IT as its really hard to rehouse a shark.

There are other fish that could be housed in a nano up to a swimming pool size,yes its not prime for any fish but we all do our best to supply our pets the best we could do.

Just for a reference the last shark build was at least costing the customer $30000 and without a shark yet running for 2 months,..

I will be happy to walk you through getting a shark tank information and understanding the living requirements of such a beautiful beast.

Treebeard 04-12-2016 03:48 AM

OK, an on topic post. In my opinion, you will need a very, very large tank to keep these sharks in captivity, at least the size of an Olympic swimming pool. I base my opinion on my observations of seeing these creatures swimming in their natural surroundings when I am scuba diving. I am making no comment on other fish available in the fish trade. If the original OP wants to say, "while, what about this fish.." we can debate that elsewhere.

acepumping 04-12-2016 03:52 AM

ghost truck, if you read this
must have a completely massive tank for a black tip, not 500 gal
not 1000
not 2000
not worth it
leave em in Ocean

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 03:59 AM

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO STOP ok I told you all to ingorne that all I was text and I was on the phone with some one ok but thank you for your help I will be talk to you about it and sorry I don't want you to build it. I don't have that for some one to do that for me. Thanks
And I can get a shark from golds for $500 to $600

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 04:01 AM

Yes I know it not going to be 500 it going to be more the that I could do my basement

Myka 04-12-2016 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by ghosttruck (Post 988573)
And I can get a shark from golds for $500 to $600

The shark is the inexpensive part. The cost of the tank and the filtration will be much more impressive. Not to mention the ongoing maintenance costs.

If you're concerned about the price difference between buying a shark for $500 or $1000 I get the impression that the shark tank build might be about $30-40,000 more than you're thinking.

If that's out of your budget range,then consider a smaller less active shark like a Bamboo Shark.

WarDog 04-12-2016 04:09 AM

... or a freshwater Red Tail Shark.

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 04:11 AM

Who I really start up something here I wish you guy would relpy to my other add that I post when I am look for thing. But any way I may just make it a stingray tank and reef and smaller shark Tan stingray tank and reef and smaller shark. Ok next thing do you guy have any other Ideas on what shark I can get that do more int the day then just say in one spot ???

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 04:14 AM

Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaha lol lol lol like I would make a tank that size for freshwater red tail shark. I own one a I own a freshwater black tip to and in in my 100 gallon now. And I used to have a shirk that look like a ID shark but it not

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 05:51 AM

NO I AM NOT CHINES at all Man I am Canada thank you very much and I am just ask for some idea that all. And what I could do and how big it need to be. And yes I don't very very much care about God animals. And yes I don't think it fare to keep a fish or any thing like that in a small thank like that. And I know where your going with that say. And know I am not going there that the last thing I need.
Don't you be think of me like that thank you!!*.

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 05:55 AM

Is there any one els that as some thing beside who I am now that you guy now. Like it really matter which it should NOT!!!

This is about fish not about people leave that part alone

WarDog 04-12-2016 01:53 PM

Heres the thing Ghosttruck, you're all over the road like a drunk driver. What most people are understanding from your posts is this; you want a large shark in a small tank. You dont think its going to cost upwards of $10,000 + to house one. You want to have said shark for a short time, then return it, sell it whatever. Whatever you say beyond that, you're not going to get a lot of support from most of the members here, who deeply care about the well-being of the animals we keep.

I would suggest you get off your butt, stop cluttering the board with nonsense, and go talk to Eli, who has experience with what you are looking for.

...and if you do put a Black Tip Reef Shark in a tank smaller than 1000 gallons, please do not share it with us, or I will report you for animal cruelty.

reef-keeper 04-12-2016 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 988604)
Heres the thing Ghosttruck, you're all over the road like a drunk driver. What most people are understanding from your posts is this; you want a large shark in a small tank. You dont think its going to cost upwards of $10,000 + to house one. You want to have said shark for a short time, then return it, sell it whatever. Whatever you say beyond that, you're not going to get a lot of support from most of the members here, who deeply care about the well-being of the animals we keep.

I would suggest you get off your butt, stop cluttering the board with nonsense, and go talk to Eli, who has experience with what you are looking for.

...and if you do put a Black Tip Reef Shark in a tank smaller than 1000 gallons, please do not share it with us, or I will report you for animal cruelty.

Ouch but some one had to say it.

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 11:11 PM

Ok let start over here.

I want to put a SMALL, baby. Shark in a large tank NOT a small tank. Only big.
And all I am ask is for

And no I think it right have a fish that 2ft in a 4 ft tank

Ingore every thing els please

gmann 04-12-2016 11:13 PM

You have your answer already. go talk to ELI!

everyone else said don't do it.

Treebeard 04-12-2016 11:18 PM

Just wondering, why do you want to keep a shark only to turn around and sell it? When it gets too large for the tank you eventually decide on, how many aquarists do you think will have a large enough tank for the shark or are you planning on just selling him to the highest bidder no matter how much experience they have or how suitable their tank is?

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 11:34 PM

Ha now that I really I have time to figer every thing out. I would like to keep in for ever. And I don't have a tank set up for it yet. But I will have a shark tank it might not be for a black tip it would be for a shark that smaller

jorjef 04-12-2016 11:48 PM

Why is everyone indulging this person with responses?...

ghosttruck 04-12-2016 11:52 PM

Well thanks for you help. Now what did I do to you???
And why not. If you need help you would want some one to help right.

warriorcookie 04-12-2016 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 988650)
Why is everyone indulging this person with responses?...

soapy 04-13-2016 12:05 AM

How do I qualify for the Shark Wrangler tag? Actually can you make mine "Nano Bubble Lover'

ghosttruck 04-13-2016 12:13 AM

I did put that there as my tang.

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