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Coasting 03-19-2016 05:35 AM

My Very First Journal - Gina's 150 gallon upgrade
Wahoo my very first journal!

I haven't decided if I am totally crazy for going with a 150 yet or not.
I look forward to getting to fill it with even more corals and perhaps a few new fish ;)

This will be a bit of a learning curve as I have always done things.... simple.
I still intend to keep things on the more simple side, but with a few upgrades perhaps.

So I figured since we have limited space I wanted to stick within a 4ft footprint, and cramming as much water into that space as I could led me to a 150. 48 x 24 x 31. I may just need to invest in some snorkel gear....
This will be quite a change from my little 65 that I can barley do things in with out getting soaked.

I am pretending I have a budget for this upgrade. I don't know what that budget is, but there is a budget....

Nothing fancy however. I plan to stick with what has worked reasonably well for the last 4 years :lol:

Goodbye with the old...

And hello to the new!!!

Let the adventure begin!


Coasting 03-19-2016 05:37 AM

I plan to transfer all the fish. I'm quite fond of all of them.
Could be interesting trying to catch them all....

My shiny new tank is sitting at J&L waiting for me.
I've got my pumps and powerheads ordered. I'm going with Jebao for most of those.
I also ordered myself a dosing pump! I think it's time I start dosing with how much coral I plan to cram in my tank.

My brand new lights are sitting in the middle of the living room..... All ready made a mess, whoops!

Not sure what I'm going to do for a sump yet either.... urgh... I just want to get the tank in the house and set it up! But 1 step at a time I guess :(

I have always hated how delicate looking the matching stands are for aquariums, so I decided I wanted to build one. I have no building skills. But thankfully Daniel was able to come through for me in the midst of his massive kitchen reno and build me the bare bones frame of my stand! Wahoo! The important part is done! Now I get to make it pretty.

Okay so I haven't taken any kind of woodworking class since Middle School.... Hmmmm....
This could be interesting....
I'm not that great with power tools.....

So far so good though. I still have all my fingers!!!
Only got part way done with the exterior of the stand today. Then dinner was more important. Will hopefully finish it tomorrow then stain it!

daplatapus 03-19-2016 02:48 PM

Looking great so far! Keep the pics coming, we all love pics. I gather from another post you made you don't live too far away from me. If you need help with anything (I'm a carpenter with more tools and wood than I know what to do with some days) let me know :)

Coasting 03-19-2016 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 986268)
Looking great so far! Keep the pics coming, we all love pics. I gather from another post you made you don't live too far away from me. If you need help with anything (I'm a carpenter with more tools and wood than I know what to do with some days) let me know :)

While I do live and work in Qualicum Beach, my tanks are all in Poco and hopefully I can snag a position back in the lower mainland within the next year or so. I'm pretty sure my landlord would kill me if I brough home a 150 there ;) shes quite content that I didnt move in with my snake so she has allowed me my 2 bettas and their tanks.

I am quite pleased with how well the tanks do while I am not around. (Knock on wood....) But they are something that my parents actually enjoy so they can learn and help look after then when I am not around.

Guess I should get out of bed and start working on my stand again. Perhaps I can finish up and make it to the meetup at the pub later.

Coasting 03-20-2016 03:34 AM

Stands almost done.
Going to leave the doors for another day.
I started staining it and making a massive mess outside while I got my dad to cut the plywood for my base. We split it so it would go in easier. Not the prettiest thing in the world but itll work. I will use the mitre saw, but I'm not a fan of our table saw so I keep away from that one.

And I might have cut some of the panel pieces that will go below the door a smidge too short (for where the moulding would end up getting nailed to them) so that's the reason behind the stupid alternating look. Itll all be hidden.

Gave the inside a coat of bathroom paint, the same paint I used on the inside of my current tanks stand. I will still probably add a plastic liner under the sump to make my mother happy.

kyl 03-20-2016 04:10 AM

Saw your tank at J&L today, makes the 60 I'm working on look tiny.. Grats on the setup taking shape!

AquaAddict 03-20-2016 04:24 AM

Congratulations as well on your new upgrade. I am also upgrading to a 150 gal so I will be taking special interest in your journal.


PS Watch for my journal later on.

duncangweller 03-20-2016 05:26 AM

That was your tank at J&L? That thing stopped me in my tracks yesterday when I saw it!

gregzz4 03-20-2016 06:00 AM

Build is looking awesome Gina !!

Really like your tank 'skinning' work

Keep up the good work

Looking forward to it becoming wet !!

Don't forget ...
If you need a hand on Sunday, I have a truck and 2 hands ...

Coasting 03-20-2016 06:17 AM

Tomorrow we will likely go pick the tank up as soon as J&L opens. Then I can go grab the plumbing I need for it, and get the back painted. Going to give the paint a chance to dry before we get it moved into the house.

I will totally take all the help I can get, this thing is heavy + stairs. But I don't want people waiting around while the thing drys lol

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-20-2016 09:10 AM

In this weather (damp and cold) I wouldn't expect your paint job to dry very quickly, unfortunately.

maron6977 03-21-2016 01:01 AM

Nice job . Can't wait to see it up & running.
Finally in the big leagues (100+gal)

Coasting 03-21-2016 01:53 AM

Well a HUGE thank you to gregzz4 and moloto!

Because I'm a giant weakling it was up to the guys to do the heavy lifting!

Greg helped get the tank to my house with his truck and partook in some of the heavy lifting!
Patrick was here for the 2nd half of the tank move in, and all the stairs!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Put the corner moulding on the stand today. All its missing is the doors now. Family is leaning towards wanting sliding doors, so we will see what happens.

Got the tank to the garage, then my dad gave the back a coat of black paint. Not that there was any room in the garage.... but it worked out in the end. Me and paint clearly don't mix so it was better that he did it. I still have stain all up my arms from yesterday... It doesn't scrub off very well....

Even managed to get the hole in the top of the stand in the right spot for the plumbing ;)

And yes I all ready know I'm crazy, and this thing is huge. Somehow it ended up being taller then me.... Oh well. Its perfect viewing level. And we have vaulted ceilings so its really not that bad.

Tomorrow will be plumbing, sand, and rock. I still need a sump....

Ryanerickson 03-21-2016 04:36 AM

Looks great gina

Bblinks 03-21-2016 04:50 PM

Coming along nicely Gina! Keep up the good work.

Coasting 03-22-2016 05:00 AM

Tomorrow while I'm out I'm going to look for a good sturdy step ladder.....

I can reach the bottom.... But currently I'm using a step stool on top of a dining room chair :lol: It's safe, I swear.....

Gave everything a wipe down today so I could start putting my rock in.... Then realised I only have 5 zap straps....
Did a few rocks together.... Managed to punch myself in the face while pulling one tighter with the wrong kind of pliers.... lesson learned.
So going to go buy some more zap straps tomorrow as well... and perhaps a big Rubbermaid to use as a sump until I get my shit together :lol:
And maybe look for my aquascape putty stuff....

My doser arrived today as well :mrgreen: Hurroh! I have a serious addiction to buying all my stuff direct.... But its soooooo much cheaper....
Still waiting for my test kits to arrive however (Canadian retailer), gotta do this properly!
Definitely don't enjoy coming home to see dead colonies when a solution is this simple.

Tomorrow I plan to finish my rock, get the plumbing together, add my sand, ADD WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WarDog 03-22-2016 05:04 AM

Looks pretty cool, following along. Is that its final spot, or are you moving the old tank?

Coasting 03-22-2016 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 986494)
Looks pretty cool, following along. Is that its final spot, or are you moving the old tank?

It was initially going to go on the other side of the living room, but we decided to put it in that corner where my current tank is, just turned 90 degrees. So it will stay facing the way it is, just be pushed into the corner when I take my old one down. It will fit perfectly between the corner and where the curtains start which only border the window.

This way its on a separate breaker from the TV and all the other living room electronics.
And its still in the corner of 2 load bearing walls.

I'm hoping with a few people we can still slide it the 2 feet further once its mostly full. Its got some nice felt pads on the bottom of the stand + Laminate floors....

Jeeze plumbing pliers leave a damn big bruise!

WarDog 03-22-2016 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Coasting (Post 986496)
Jeeze plumbing pliers leave a damn big bruise!


Did 'that guy' come through with the sump yet?

Coasting 03-22-2016 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 986497)

Did 'that guy' come through with the sump yet?

Nope. :lol:
That would be why I'm going to find a Rubbermaid tomorrow ;) That and I still don't know where the roll of plastic sheeting we had has gone.... I was going to put that under the sump to collect all the water I will likely end up spilling.
Even something temporary will work fine for now.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-22-2016 07:16 AM

Any natural sunlight coming through that window and into the tank will cause a major algae problem. Keep this in mind when positioning the tank next to a window.

Coasting 03-22-2016 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 986509)
Any natural sunlight coming through that window and into the tank will cause a major algae problem. Keep this in mind when positioning the tank next to a window.

Light cant bend and do a full 180 turn.

WarDog 03-22-2016 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Coasting (Post 986520)
Light cant bend and do a full 180 turn.

It can... if Anthony brings either his Black Hole, Neutron Star matter, or bag of Dark Energy into the room. It will however make a hell of a mess in the house.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-22-2016 04:48 PM

The sun moves across the sky so if that window receives direct sunlight that at any time of the year or day ends up lighting your tank, it can create algae problem. I have no idea how much light shines through that window or which way it faces. This is just a heads up. Ignore this and the previous post if you wish. I don't care anymore. Ta ta

Coasting 03-22-2016 08:34 PM

That window gets direct sunlight every morning all summer long.
It will still never hit the tank because the light can't bend 180 degrees once it comes through the window. There are also no mirrors or photos with glass on the opposite wall that would bounce the incoming sunlight from the window to the tank.
My current tanks been in that corner for 3 years with no issue.... the bowfront before my current was there as well. I'm only getting film algae buildup on my glass now because i have no snails left. 03-23-2016 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 986509)
Any natural sunlight coming through that window and into the tank will cause a major algae problem. Keep this in mind when positioning the tank next to a window.

I donno about that, I wish I could light my tanks with natural sunlight. Corals grow faster, heal faster, are in general are healthier under natural sunlight

Coasting 03-24-2016 04:12 AM

Sunlight enhances all the dirty fingerprints and nose prints on the glass..... bleh!

Tank is wet!
I might have filled it with the hose this morning so its still cold even with 3 heaters going.
Just working with my salinity now.
Think i have my return pump set perfectly. Fingers crossed....
Those rw8s can sure gust up a storm and i only have 1 in.

Coasting 03-24-2016 06:54 PM

Well rocks were in 2 days ago.

Everything gets a zap strap/epoxy putty.
I am still bruised and sore from leaning over the tank to place the rock....
Thankfully that will only happen once!
Got my sand rinsed and in...
Started filling with water yestetday and finished my plumbing.
There are zap straps everywhere....

Now i am beginning the tedious and messy process of moving my coral and Live rock over.... messy is an understatement. There are towels everywhere and i still have a mess.
The fish are not pleased that i am destroying their tank.
Catching the melanurus should be interesting... my blenny was the worst to catch last time.... hes my only fish whos all ready been through a tank transfer.

Bblinks 03-24-2016 07:36 PM

Tap water???? What the....

Ryanerickson 03-24-2016 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 986759)
Tap water???? What the....

Thru the hose at that lol

Coasting 03-24-2016 10:12 PM

Ah i figured i had run the hose plenty the day before before so it was clean ;)

Coasting 03-25-2016 06:36 PM

So far so good.

Thanks to Warren for helping catch my fish last night.
Tore down the 65. Its out of the house today.

Looks nasty all empty lol

Got all my corals switched over.
Still have to glue down all my euphyllia.
But their all in the new tank.
The fish look so tiny in it.... i need more fish!!!
Gotta figure out how im mounting the new lights. Only 1 on temporarily for now.
Still need a proper sump.

Once its in its proper spot ill get a better photo with no reflection.

Coasting 03-27-2016 05:24 AM

Ill try and get a good photo tomorrow when the corals are a bit happier.

Yesterday Patrick came by and we drained.... 6-8inches of water from the display and slid the tank into place. I know a few people said it wouldnt work but it did! Hurroh.
So the tank is in its finaly position now.
No direct sunlight ;)
Ive tacked most of my coral down so hopefully the wrassr cant move it. I know if something falls theres not a hope in hell of my family realising it and picking up the fallen coral before it dies.....

Just need to finalise the sump.
Still dont have a proper sump.... no room for my skimmer in the rubbermaid.
Skimmer definitely needs a new impeller, ugh.

Also need to mount the lights properly.
The brackets dont work as the lights and tank both 48" so the brackets would fit for a larger tank.
I could try hanging them.... but nothing to hang them from....
Nooooo idea what im going to do.... they definitely need to go higher.... their just sitting on 2ft lengths of fiberglass hockey stick for now. But im getting shadowing because their too close. Need more spread.

Stuck a few new fish in the tank to make my mom happy. So far so good.
My wrasses finally came out of hiding.

Coasting 03-29-2016 02:17 AM

Well, today was the last time ill see my shiny new tank for 2 weeks.
Time to play that "what will be dead next time i visit" game....
Fingers crossed.

My laptop just shit the bed with some kind of stupid virus that even the guys you can pay to fix stuff.... cant fix it.... thanks BCAquaria! Never going back on that bloody forum ever again, if i remember correctly this happened a few years back too .... grrr.

Got a bunch of photos on my camera.... but no way to upload them.
So for now just some cell phone shots.
Cant wait for stuff to grow in.
8 different torches.
8 different hammers
6 different frogspawns
1 bubble coral
My math might suck too....
Not enough. Need more
Group buy in the summer anyone?

kien 03-29-2016 06:26 AM

you need to make a video of your tank! I want to see all those torches move. That must look awesome !

WarDog 03-29-2016 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 987191)
you need to make a video of your tank! I want to see all those torches move. That must look awesome !

Kinda looks like this :

kien 03-29-2016 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 987195)

That's totally what I was imagining.

msjboy 03-30-2016 06:38 AM

Nice set of torch corals,,! Have you seen these at coral farms? Wild colors you might consider.:idea:

Coasting 03-30-2016 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by msjboy (Post 987319)
Nice set of torch corals,,! Have you seen these at coral farms? Wild colors you might consider.:idea:

Ive seen the torches on coral farms website and how photoshopped they are ;) i have the ones their selling all ready. They just look different under real light.

Bblinks 03-30-2016 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 987195)


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