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shabidou1990 03-17-2016 04:24 PM

Cody's 80g mixed reef ;)
Hey guys, so i don't post much but thought hey, starting a project from scratch so what better time to start ! :D ! So i got the idea to upgrade my 45g AIO jbj tank after recent renos to a custom 80g made by concept. Dimensions are 38"x22"x22" .The tank will be on my main level plumbed into the sump in the basement and tied into an extra 44g tank divided into 3 bays small ~12g area for frags,a ~12g area for a clownfish breeder pair i have and a ~20g area for my seahorses . Recently started my stand decided to go with a weathered wood look, and purchased my pump (has to push ~12' of head) and my new lights! As soon as tank gets here ill start running plumbing and all, have an overall idea for it thanks to scythanith! Now to bring it all to life!!:twised::biggrin:


shabidou1990 03-17-2016 05:24 PM

I'd also like to add would not be able to do it with out the help and expertise of the Colby and Gustavo at bayside ! Just always bending over backwards to help you!

shabidou1990 03-21-2016 01:44 AM

Finished plumbing the sink in for the fish room in the basement ! Pretty excited for this! 1 step closer!

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FishyFishy! 03-21-2016 03:12 AM

Looks like you have a nice start and some good help. Mad jelly of the razor and that sink. Killer looking.

Does that waveline pump have the black controller with the green buttons? Or the newer square one?

Either way, pushing 12' of head with that pump will be difficult. I have nothing but bad things to say about those pumps. Save yourself the trouble now and look at a replacment. Im sitting on two waveline paperweights that didnt even last me a year...and there is zero warranty with them. I had one of mine running about 7 ft of head and it barely pushed water. Id say it lost 70% of the flow or more at 7 ft.

If you choose to use it, I really hope you have some success with it. Maybe the rest of us got the bad ones ;-)

Looking forward to some updates.

shabidou1990 03-21-2016 05:21 AM

Hmmm nice to hear some input , the controller I have is the new one. I know I read a lot of bad reviews about the old controllers but they apparently "fixed" with the new controller.

Pump "says" will push 19.9' of head and as a 3170gph pump I'd believe it , but do price I got it for couldn't say no! It will also be connected to an apex controller soon enough, currently running a reef keeper but looking into upgrading that shortly!

Still have to finish the doors and lower floor piece for the stand so hopefully that'll get done this week and start plumbing in by the weekend sometime !

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Scythanith 03-24-2016 12:35 AM

The stand looks great! Should look sweet all finished up :)

shabidou1990 03-25-2016 07:11 AM

Yah big day, few hiccups but all worked out in the end ! Now to finish doors and a few odds and end's , so some relocating and than start the plumbing!!! Super excited ! Sorry for the crappy pics

Big brother and little brother :p

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Bayside Corals 03-25-2016 08:20 AM

Looks great!

shabidou1990 03-26-2016 12:37 AM

So finally got off my butt and finished my stand today! :) Definitely looks even better in person!

coolhandgoose 03-26-2016 03:53 AM

Looks nice. Has that rustic look to it.

r2r 03-26-2016 04:02 AM

I really like the stand. I will do something similar to yours in the near future.

shabidou1990 03-26-2016 04:28 AM

Cody's 80g mixed reef ;)
Thanks! I was going for the rustic barn wood look , so nice to hear Ahahah!

r2r that's cool definitely post pictures! I used a mix of propane torch , stain and wire brush !

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r2r 03-26-2016 04:42 AM

Awesome! thanks for sharing.

shabidou1990 04-02-2016 03:41 AM

Cody's 80g mixed reef ;)
Yay , started dry fitting my plumbing this evening ! More or less just getting the layoutof how in going to run it but very excited!!! Will have a "t" right off of the return and a ball valve for water changes to empty right into my sink !

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shabidou1990 04-02-2016 08:29 PM

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shabidou1990 04-03-2016 01:16 AM

Pretty well done ;) now to wait for rodi fill it

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shabidou1990 04-03-2016 09:21 PM


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Scythanith 04-04-2016 05:37 AM

Love it! Something about plumbing when it's done that way. Almost like a schematic :)

shabidou1990 04-04-2016 04:40 PM

Thanks ! :) I'm pretty happy !!

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shabidou1990 04-09-2016 09:10 PM

So added another new toy today , super happy with the build quality and the packaging, at first glance it gets me excited to use it!

Also added my clowns in the tank in basement , and hung the light for the center section that will be used as a frag tank! Water is a little murky as I had gyre set full bore by accident and needless to say it stirred up a little sand upstairs ahah

Have a few more gadgets coming next week and than time for the great migration of fish to the new tank!

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shabidou1990 04-12-2016 11:42 PM

1 more new toy today. Waiting on one more !

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Scythanith 04-13-2016 12:02 AM

Better be careful! Before you know it you'll be spending more money on tanks than cars ;)

shabidou1990 04-13-2016 12:18 AM

Ahahaha it's definitely already rivalling the car parts ahahahah

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shabidou1990 04-20-2016 12:06 AM

So switched out the waveline for the new vectra . Must say I am happy , little pump moves some serious water!!

Reasoning for the switch you ask, well after having people tell me issues about them started thinking maybe I will just get a diff pump ,and controller crapped out within hours of turning on lol. Currently dealing with rlss so we'll see how this goes. I will however keep the waveline as a pump to run frag/clownfish tank and reactors, a little over kill but it is better than the little cheap Aqueon petsmart pump running it now and if I got it might aswell use it!

Also picked this up for a steal of a deal
So time to get her all set up!

Picked up q few corals as well

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Scythanith 04-20-2016 01:10 PM

Awesome buddy! You will save yourself time, money and headaches by buying the right stuff the first time! You're on a roll! Now prepare to hurry up and slow down while your tank settles in and corals start to grow haahaa!

shabidou1990 04-20-2016 09:34 PM

Yup I can see that for sure ! Everything is super happy right now , so after the headache I had before . I just wanna have it all sit there so I can stare at it and enjoy for a bit ahahah

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shabidou1990 05-01-2016 03:01 PM

Did my first water change using my "easy wc valve " :p soooooooooooooooooo much better and faster and easier and everything I love it! I just turn a ball valve and water gets directed to my sink which I than drain the amount I want out !

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shabidou1990 05-01-2016 07:59 PM

Updated pic of my fish room :) almost there have a couple more things to hang and set up but I'm pretty happy with it!

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shabidou1990 05-05-2016 11:23 PM

So got my new warranty controller for waveline pump! So finally added my reactors and a Uv sterilizer ! Pretty much have everything set up how I want it ! Now for everything to grow and get all settled in :)

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shabidou1990 05-05-2016 11:26 PM

A few pics I took of my corals a litre while back aswell ! All super happy any loving the new digs!


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shabidou1990 12-19-2016 05:15 AM

Long time no update , so thought I'd do just that. Since last post , I've had a lot go sideways ! Nitrates climb to over 100ppm without any idea as to how so fast. Got to the point of feeding every 3 days and doing massive
Water changes multiple times per week , as everyone kept suggesting to feed less and more water changes. So found that my salt buckets (the last 3 of my
H2ocean buckets were all from same batch) tested for 8+ppm each fresh bucket with ro/Di water at 0tds . Realized was adding nitrates , and running phosban to the point had absolutely no phosphate (salifert, Red Sea, Hanna) . Started carbon dosing but without the phosphate , that would not lower nitrates , stopped phosban and started dosing bacteria but while running my uv proved absolutely useless . Anyways ! Long story short , I'm now running Aquaforest probiotic reef salt , and dosing a few aquaforest products , corals are loving
It and I'm finally in awe of my
Tank once again! And happy to state nitrates are now below 20ppm and dropping ! So needless to say I wanted to post some pics ! Haha enjoy !

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Scythanith 12-22-2016 04:15 AM

Looking good buddy! Nice clam ;)

shabidou1990 12-22-2016 11:53 AM

thanks ! I do like my clam! Lol

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shabidou1990 12-24-2016 10:54 PM

So recently added 2 new tank inhabitants! A pair of Japanese Longfin ventralis anthias, super obsessed with them right now !

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DKoKoMan 12-25-2016 05:39 AM

Nice looking fish!

shabidou1990 12-25-2016 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1004561)
Nice looking fish!

Thanks !

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duncangweller 12-25-2016 06:26 PM

Ooooh, I like those.

Myka 12-26-2016 04:14 PM

Nice fishies! Tank is looking good these days - much better without sand!

shabidou1990 12-27-2016 04:04 AM

Thanks !! Yah I def agree , I wasn't to sure on the BB before but now that it's done , the look has def grown on me !

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shabidou1990 01-10-2017 03:37 PM

Took a few more pics of my space invader, RR Dynamite chalice and full tank ! Definetly obsessed with this tank ! lol

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