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Coasting 02-25-2016 05:43 PM

LF: 3ft 50 gallon to use as sump - Lower Mainland or Central Van Isle.
Looking to get my hands on a standard 3ft 50gallon tank to use as a sump, or a pre-made sump.
Doesn't have to be pretty (scratches etc), but the silicone must be in good shape and it must hold water.
Approx dimensions 37" x 19" x 20"H

Let me know if you have something like this floating around.
I wont be in the Vancouver area until March 17th, but I could pick up on the Island depending where you are.

Please PM pics/price/ etc.

Coasting 02-25-2016 08:34 PM

That was fast, got something lined up all ready :D

Coasting 03-15-2016 10:22 PM

Searching again
Had one lined up but sounds like it wont be ready for pickup in time
Hoping to get something by this coming weekend.
Will be on the island until thursday morning if somebody here has something.

moloto 03-16-2016 01:40 AM

Just texted you. Cheers.

gregzz4 03-16-2016 01:52 AM

Me too :wink:

Coasting 03-16-2016 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 985897)
Me too :wink:

I call dibs!!

Coasting 03-24-2016 04:15 AM

Still looking!! The bigger the better!

Coasting 03-25-2016 04:53 AM

Still looking.
Stand frame is 24.5x48.5" on the outside.... so need something smaller then that to fit inside the frame while still keeping my water on the larger side.

I don't want to end up using my 65g as my sump :lol:

gregzz4 03-25-2016 04:59 AM

Too bad mine sold ...
But it probably wouldn't have worked for you anyway.

Hope you find something soon.
If not, find an empty tank from Kay @ KEs and I'll help you design and put the baffles into it.

Coasting 03-25-2016 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 986817)
Too bad mine sold ...
But it probably wouldn't have worked for you anyway.

Hope you find something soon.
If not, find an empty tank from Kay @ KEs and I'll help you design and put the baffles into it.

I think yours just ran too full for me :( And I woulda hated to move everything around on it when its set up so nicely all ready.

I think I loose about 10g when the return goes off. I wasn't really paying attention when I turned it off today....

Next step is making my own with a 50....
The Rubbermaid is working well for now. I like how it has a lid LOL
But hopefully something else will come up in my price range.

gregzz4 03-25-2016 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Coasting (Post 986818)
I think yours just ran too full for me :( And I woulda hated to move everything around on it when its set up so nicely all ready.

I think I loose about 10g when the return goes off. I wasn't really paying attention when I turned it off today....

Next step is making my own with a 50....
The Rubbermaid is working well for now. I like how it has a lid LOL
But hopefully something else will come up in my price range.

I agree, it was too high for you, otherwise I woulda harped on you to buy it last Saturday :lol:

Anyway, find a tank and we'll build it together

gregzz4 03-25-2016 05:34 AM

One caveat though ...
We build it at my house where I have room and tools, not at your house with "limited space"

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-25-2016 06:08 AM

I have a friend with a 3' x 18" x 2' tall 65g for $80 if you're interested. It'll be available this weekend.


Coasting 03-25-2016 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 986829)
I have a friend with a 3' x 18" x 2' tall 65g for $80 if you're interested. It'll be available this weekend.


I think thats a bit too tall for sump use.
I have my 65 with the same dimensions i could use if it came down to it, but id be left with only 1 inch between the rim of the tank and bottom of support beams.
I think 40" long
And 20x20ish would be my max
I totally wish i could do a 75 or something, but not in a 4ft stand.... i have all my electrical i want to hide under the sump with a partition.

duncangweller 03-25-2016 01:54 PM

There is a tank sale at Rogers Aquatics in Surrey at the moment and they had a good range of sizes there.

If you can't find something used then it may be worth giving them a shout to see if they have something that will work for you.


Scarrao 03-25-2016 04:11 PM

I have a tank i am going to reseal it is 48x21.5x12.5 if you are interested

Coasting 03-25-2016 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Scarrao (Post 986842)
I have a tank i am going to reseal it is 48x21.5x12.5 if you are interested

48 is too long :( I still need room in my stand for the electrical.

I will have to see what king eds vs rogers is like. King ed wont give me their prices on the phone so that doesn't help.... Anyone know what a 3ft 50gal is from them :lol:

I ideally want a sump that will last the lifetime of the tank, not something that's 10 years old and going to start leaking in a year.

brisco 03-27-2016 08:49 PM

I have a 50 gal glass Hagen 3 feet x 18 x 22.5 height. Good condition, no leaks for sale but it is 10 years old. $50 firm. Pm if your interested.

Tyfighter 03-27-2016 10:03 PM

King Ed has 40 breeders for $99

Coasting 03-27-2016 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tyfighter (Post 987027)
King Ed has 40 breeders for $99

Ouch for that price i can grab one from the petco dollar per gallon or petsmart canada clearance where i live for 75.

I tthink i might have this settled.
Moloto has a 50 getting a fresh batch of silicone that i can hopefully get some baffled into next time im here.

Coasting 05-14-2016 01:01 PM

Soooo.... i have my 50....
But i went and bought a massive skimmer. And now if i use this awesome 50 it will be to tall to remove the skimmer cup.
I need a shorter tank :(
So anyone have a 30 breeder? A 14" tall tank would be perfect. But their either 12" making a 30breeder or 16" making a 40 breeder.
Im using Molotos 30 breeder right now however its a reptile tank so its much thinner glass then a tank sold for fish. I wouldnt feel comfortable using it long term.
Must be 36x18 footprint!

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