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Zoaelite 01-27-2016 08:43 PM

Rainbow Chalice Frags Healed and Ready to Sell: Calgary
Got the mother colony back from Mad Jelly about three years ago, this is a very slow grower but has colors that are out of this world.

Pictures should speak for themselves (non edited) but this is the real deal containing all 5 colors (blue, red, orange, green and yellow). If your interested feel free to PM for some more photos or to come swing by and see them in person.

The mother colony went under the bandsaw about a month and half ago. Frags are fully healed with new growth ring and eye formation.

Located Calgary, will ship at buyers expense but local orders get preference.




All three side by side.

These are the best three of the lot, I also have a few that lack all 5 colors. Photos and prices will come tonight for the rest.

Questions :)? Feel free to PM or ask on here.

mikepclo 01-27-2016 09:53 PM

Gorgeous rainbows Levi!

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

gobytron 01-27-2016 10:58 PM

holy crap those are nice...

You don't always see the rainbow in frags names as such.

iamfrontosa 01-27-2016 11:07 PM

holy crap !

Zoaelite 01-28-2016 08:57 PM

First of the three is SOLD!

Got a little preoccupied last night, will try and get photos of the others up tonight.

Bayside Corals 01-28-2016 11:04 PM

Can't wait for it to arrive that's one sexy chalice!

ongquang21 01-29-2016 12:49 AM

Wow, they are gorgeous and cheapest priced. Checked around and found one eye frag is $250 and more in US and $150 in Toronto right now. All of his frags have at least 4 eyes.
Any one in Vancouver willing to get one please pm me so we can share the shipping.

Myka 01-29-2016 01:30 AM

I don't care much for flubber, but that stuff is perdy. :D Got a pic of the mother colony before you fragged it?

Zoaelite 01-29-2016 05:40 PM

The $250 frag is spoken for at this point meaning just the $320 frag is left.

I keep meaning to snap some photos of the remaining frags but life keeps getting in the way. Going to try again tonight, also have a few large zoa colonies up for grabs so keep posted.

Myka it sure is perty, that being said I think the ultimate LPS would be rainbow colored with the space invader growth pattern you manage to get in your tank. Still drooling over that growth shot of yours!

I'm at work at the moment so mother colony photos from the phone might be tough, that being said feel free to take a look at the instagram photos of it (WARNING; There is a filter and embarrassing selfies haha).

Zoaelite 02-02-2016 09:45 PM

Sorry about the delay folks, here are the remaining frags with respective prices:
Top Left- $150
Top Right- $180
Middle- $180
Bottom Left- $120

Stay tuned, have some large high end zoa colonies up for grabs shortly here as well.

Myka 02-02-2016 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Zoaelite (Post 980488)
Myka it sure is perty, that being said I think the ultimate LPS would be rainbow colored with the space invader growth pattern you manage to get in your tank. Still drooling over that growth shot of yours!

I'm at work at the moment so mother colony photos from the phone might be tough, that being said feel free to take a look at the instagram photos of it (WARNING; There is a filter and embarrassing selfies haha).

I like you more now. Your embarrassing selfies are quite entertaining! :p I hear you're going to be trying out your own Space Invader growth pattern... ;)

Zoaelite 02-03-2016 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 981188)
I like you more now. Your embarrassing selfies are quite entertaining! :p I hear you're going to be trying out your own Space Invader growth pattern... ;)

Colby @ Bayside has a nice little piece I have been drooling over, its unfortunate that feeding myself and buying space invaders pectinas are mutually exclusive at this point in life haha.

If I can sell a few more of these I will bite the bullet, something about that growth form just brings an odd nerdy smile to my face.

Zoaelite 02-03-2016 05:17 PM


$120 Frag has been sold.

Bayside Corals 02-03-2016 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Zoaelite (Post 981260)
Colby @ Bayside has a nice little piece I have been drooling over, its unfortunate that feeding myself and buying space invaders pectinas are mutually exclusive at this point in life haha.

If I can sell a few more of these I will bite the bullet, something about that growth form just brings an odd nerdy smile to my face.

It's not so little anymore, I have been feeding it well!

Myka 02-03-2016 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Colby Bay (Post 981295)
It's not so little anymore, I have been feeding it well!

Pfff, it's mine anyway! ;)

Zoaelite 02-10-2016 09:17 PM


riceboy 02-10-2016 10:24 PM

what do you have left?

Zoaelite 02-11-2016 04:52 PM

I will update tonight when I have access to my home computer, I don't feel I've discribed the price descriptions very well so I will update that with what's left.

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