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truperc 01-12-2016 08:47 PM

Tank Journal 180 bowfront upgrade
I hope to keep track of my new tank build here as over the years there have been many changes to my tank but I can never remember when I did what. I also hope that maybe one or two of you may get an idea or two from my design as I do everything on a budget and I enjoy the building as much as the final process. As l have a full life with a wonderful wife and great teenage kids, this usually means I am slow to complete projects but I think it is more rewarding when it finally gets done. This picture is of my current tank that has been running for 12 years and as you can see it is pretty packed, so when my wife gave the ok to get a new tank I was excited to say the least. I have purchased my new tank in August but it has taken me until now to get enough done on it to post some updates. A big thank you to boots who sold me the tank for a great price! I am so pleased.

target 01-12-2016 09:06 PM

Your current tank looks really good to me. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the 180g. I'm planning an upgrade to a 180g as well.

truperc 01-13-2016 12:31 AM

I bought the tank used in August and because I plan on having the tank for a long time I wanted to be extra cautious, so I ended up taking the stand apart and rebuilding and reinforcing some of it, as there was a bit of water damage on the one side. I also decided that I would reseal it as I didn't want to have to drain it in five years because it started leaking. This was a lot more work than I had bargained for but gives me peace of mind and didn't cost a lot of money. This is a picture of the tank before it was taken down.

Here are some pictures of the stand taken apart and the tank silicone stripped out etc.

What I love about the stand is that the wood structure is all covered by a plastic covering that hides up all the rough plywood and imperfections :)

I finally moved the tank and stand into the living room over the Christmas break and started working on my lighting

truperc 01-13-2016 12:43 AM

I was very fortunate to buy a used DIY lighting system off another member on this site. I took apart the whole thing including taking off all the led's from the heat sinks and starting from scratch. I wanted to add quite a few different colors to the system and redesign it so that I could change the intensity and color of the tank toward my liking without adding dimmers. I ended up with 8 channels over the tank. 3 white, 2 blue/royal blue, 2 royal blue/uv and one red green. I used Cree led's for everything other than the red green as this channel is more for aesthetics than anything else. (the led's included were Cree white and blue)

Also included with the lights was an apc controller that can be programmed to turn off or on any of the 8 channels when ever i want through my computer or even my phone. It took me a while to get it working but now is easy to use and program.

This is the tank with the lights on.

Now i need to get on to transferring everything over to the new tank and making the aquascape everything that I want it to be! Hopefully it will be done by the end of the month!

truperc 01-13-2016 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by target (Post 978274)
Your current tank looks really good to me. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the 180g. I'm planning an upgrade to a 180g as well.

Thanks for the compliment! I am actually very happy with the current tank, it just doesn't have a lot of room for anything more. The fish will be a bit crammed as they grow too. I can't wait to get everything moved, though I must say I am a bit stressed that I may loose a coral or fish in the process.

target 01-13-2016 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by truperc (Post 978299)
Thanks for the compliment! I am actually very happy with the current tank, it just doesn't have a lot of room for anything more. The fish will be a bit crammed as they grow too. I can't wait to get everything moved, though I must say I am a bit stressed that I may loose a coral or fish in the process.

Not that my tank is by any means full, but I'm upgrading for the same reason. More room is always better. I had to completely break down my 90g and move it into my basement. Didn't lose any fish or corals during that move. You should be ok.

maron6977 01-13-2016 02:58 AM

I always find it stressful on the final move . Good luck !

Etaloche 01-13-2016 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by truperc (Post 978293)

I love your style! I recently resealed my tank too, albeit it wasn't half as complex as yours, putting on the masking tape was the most difficult part for me I think.
Kept redoing it until I was happy with the alignment. Just looking at this gave me flashbacks to that moment haha

truperc 01-19-2016 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Etaloche (Post 978331)
I love your style! I recently resealed my tank too, albeit it wasn't half as complex as yours, putting on the masking tape was the most difficult part for me I think.
Kept redoing it until I was happy with the alignment. Just looking at this gave me flashbacks to that moment haha

Yes it took a while to get it just so, but the bad part was when I realized that I had left a piece of tape under the overflow. At least it hadn't dried by the time if figured it out! Disaster averted!

I have added rock to half the tank and moved a few corals. At first I was unsure if I liked it but I think it looks better now that I have placed some coral.

gobytron 01-19-2016 08:59 PM

I'll always be a fan of bowfronts for reefs.

While you need to be a little more creative with your aquascape, due to the narrow ends and wider middle, the aesthetic bow fronts give is second to none.

A 180 gallon bow would get me excited to 'scape again.

Good on your for resealing it....that process is no joke.

You're like one step away from just building your own tank from scratch...

truperc 01-20-2016 05:45 PM

It seams like i did something wrong with the picture. Trying again.

truperc 01-20-2016 06:27 PM

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