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GoFish 11-14-2015 06:47 PM

Have you beat Bryopsis with Kent Tech M?
Wondering if anyone can share some more specifics on what they did to kill Bryopsis using Kent Tech M...
I have my Mg at 1800 and can still see it grow?? It's been at that level for 3 weeks. So either it doesn't work, or I'm doing something wrong. A couple months ago my Mg was at 1350. Went to the store and bought some Tech M, raised it to 1650 dosing twice daily for 3 days 50ppm per dose. After 3 weeks and still seeing it grow I trimmed one cluster of Bryopsis to use as an indicator. Then over the next 2 days raised it to its current level. Still nada, what's the deal. I actually have very little Bryopsis, just trying to kill it off before it spreads

Nitrates 0
Phosphates 0.03
Lots of flow

Filter sock

I tried the first time in conjunction with GFO as per the local fish stores suggestion but noticed bleaching in a chalice so quickly removed it.

don.ald 11-14-2015 10:56 PM

Peroxide works. Trimmed as much as I could first. For the rocks and corals that I didn't want to remove I used a syringe and blasted with the pumps off.

Has anyone tried the lettuce nudi?

Myka 11-15-2015 01:47 AM

Are you sure it os the Bryopsis sp. of hair algae? There are many types and raising Mg only works for Bryopsis sp.

GoFish 11-15-2015 02:04 AM

I guess i'll try the peroxide spot treatment on this and see if it work, thanks for bringing that up.

More just curious about how I've wasted $60 on Kent Tech M so far with no luck. Must be something I'm doing different, other variables, or another ineffective batch?

Pretty certain its Bryopsis sp. This is the biggest spot in the tank and was the part i trimmed before boosting to 1800. Looks pretty happy to me, just tested again, still at 1800 (salifert) :(

Aquattro 11-15-2015 03:13 AM

Looks like to me. I found using peroxide works, but I have several corals that get really ****ed and lose all their color for 2 months. So not really an intank option for me. I did remove one rock, dose peroxide, rinse and put back, that did the job for that rock.

GoFish 11-15-2015 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 969819)
I found using peroxide works, but I have several corals that get really ****ed and lose all their color for 2 months.

Ditto on having it work in the past for killing algae, like you I don't find all corals tolerate its use. Peroxide does a great job of killing pest nudis as well, better than revive IME. 6 months ago I dosed the whole tank with 29% h2o2, I think 2 or 3 mls per day in 55 gallons. Not sure what I was really expecting to happen but all I got was air bubbles everywhere, it looked annoying so it went offline after 10 days.

I have about 50mls of Tech M left on the doser right now, when that finishes I'll be switching back to Shlobster and letting it fall back down to normal levels. Over it for now. Gonna blast this patch with some 3% for now and see what happens

dcw1sfu 11-15-2015 04:41 AM

I tried a letuce nudi in the past. Lasted 10 minutes in the tank before being sucked into a pump. Didn't stand a chance in a high flow sps tank.

GoFish 11-15-2015 05:33 AM

Forgot to reply to don.ald about that. Tried a lettuce nudi a while ago. It did an awesome job of getting rid of the algae, or so I thought. When it ran out of Bryopsis to eat it withered away and disappeared, pressumably died. It lived for about 3 weeks. Once it was gone. The algae just came back in the same spots, I assume they leave little bits of the base behind which will regrow.
The same goes for other nudis I assume, Berghias, Monti eating ones etc... no more food, they die...

iamfrontosa 11-15-2015 05:55 AM

Had it in my tank awhile back. Freaking nightmare to deal with. I also tried Kent Magnesium Tech M and had some doubt like you do. So I poured some of it on the Bryopsis just to test the theory. It practically melted away. Anyway, it worked just take sometimes. Good luck.

hillegom 11-15-2015 03:40 PM

Does it grow from runners? If so could it be feather caulerpa?

GoFish 11-15-2015 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by hillegom (Post 969845)
Does it grow from runners? If so could it be feather caulerpa?

Haven't seen any runners. There's a few single strands that appear to grow from nothing. The photos I've seen of Caulerpa make it look like its a bit rubbery, is it? This stuff I have is very feathery

:fadein: Just read on Wikipedia that Lettuce nudis arent actually nudis, not even related. They're Lettuce sea slugs (Elysia crispata)

Hmm so spot treatment with Tech M? Could give that a try

hillegom 11-15-2015 07:02 PM

yes, the stems and runners are "rubbery" if its caulerpa

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